Sunday, December 15, 2013

Charles Strikes Again

How do you forbid a child from playing with his friend???....ESPECIALLY if the friend is IMAGINARY???!!!

Okay, so it's not THAT serious, but this Charles character is a bad influence on my Cameron. I do believe that I have mentioned Charles before. Any time that Cameron says or does something inappropriate, he often blames it on Charles. This is how a conversation went yesterday in the car:

Cameron: Dad, stop being a lunatic!
Me: Did he just say LUNATIC?! Cody: Yep.
Me: What do you know about the word lunatic?!
Cameron: Charles say it. I went to his house one day, and he called his mom a lunatic.

Yep. Interesting, huh? I thought it was a bit funny, too.

Faith, is quite a character herself...always has been...that's nothing new. This morning, I threatened to eat all of the Krispy Kreme donuts and not give her any. She looked at me like I was crazy, and said, "Well, you'd get a belly ache."

Mallory, is simply growing up. She is outgrowing some of her belly issues, and she is much more content. She is talking non-stop, but what I love the most is her constant telling us, "I lub you."

Monday, December 2, 2013

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!!!

We are counting down the days until Christmas break in the Patrick house....well....maybe it is just me, but we had a great time during Thanksgiving and it has only left me longing for MORE!

Christmas decorating came a little early this year...even earlier than the last. We bought a new tree for the living room and placed our old one in the playroom for the kids. Faith, Cameron, and Mallory loved helping with the first one, but they were WAY over it on the second go 'round! I love Christmas decorations. If I had plenty of time and/or money, I would likely go a little CRAZY. :)

Thanksgiving break was nice and needed. We slept in, hung out in pajamas, and stayed in bed and watched the morning favorite was Princess Sophia. We also made a trip to Chuck E Cheese! The kids were troopers on our LONG Thanksgiving day and they had a special treat with an entire day with daddy while I shopped like mad on Friday....and by the way, I am almost COMPLETELY finished with my Christmas shopping.

So, Christmas is coming, and those Christmas cards need to be sent out. I contemplated not sending any...but I know how much I enjoy I quickly pushed that thought out of my mind. I love my children and their funny personalities, but, when it comes to getting all three of them in a decent picture, I would rather take a spanking...or better yet give them one. Here we go....I took at least one hundred. Picture taking with these three really brings out the Grinch in me..........

Starting off sitting....Faith was the only one that consistently took this adventure seriously.

Mallory became the leader...she thought it to be really cute to stand if I said sit....Cam's loving it, can't you tell?
Moving to the porch....and silly again.
Stay tuned for your card in the mail....I finally got a good one. :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Imaginary BFFs

I must do a little bragging on my children. We decided not to go to the truck pull over the weekend. It was cold and the kids had coughs and runny noses. So, it was just us for most of the weekend. They were wonderful. Little angels. We stayed overnight with my mom and dad on Friday. They thought that was a treat! Saturday, we (just me and the kids) headed to WalMart to fill their shoe boxes that they are doing for school (you know the boxes that are sent to underprivileged children for Christmas).  I thought that it would be a good idea to let them help with it, but I was also hesitant and fearful that they would pitch a tantrum when they realized that they wouldn't be getting ANYTHING! I had no reason to worry, however...these kids were awesome. They walked the entire time and were great at picking things out. They never once asked to keep the stuff that we purchased. SO. VERY. SWEET.

Now, on to the funny story...

I do believe that I have mentioned my children's imaginary friends before. I think that it is so cute...and interesting. Having constant playmates with each other, I really wouldn't have dreamed that they would need imaginary ones. Nonetheless, they do....and their names are HILARIOUS. I was reminded to write about this because they were talking about their little friends tonight. Cody asked Cameron if he had spoken to Charles today. Just a week or so ago, Cameron had revealed that Charles had quite the potty mouth. Since then, if he says something that he should not, Cam continues to blame it on Charles. "Well, Charles say it." It is too funny. Since Charles seems to be a bad influence, I was relieved to hear that Cameron had not spoken to 'ole Charles today. Mallory, on the other hand, shouts, "I talk to Puddintain Daddy!" Yes...Puddintain.  She goes on to say,"Puddintain say bad word at school, Daddy." The kids didn't even go to school today. She was very convincing, though. Mallory kept saying it over and over.  Faith later said that her friend, AK, was badly hurt in an accident and she was teaching her how to write again. I think that this comes from our nightly prayers for Tripp Halstead, the little boy who suffered brain injuries from a falling tree.

My, love, love!

Monday, November 4, 2013


No, I'm not talking about my job...hehe....although how I would LOVE to come home!....

ANYWAY, I don't want to be one of THOSE know the kind of parent, who lives their dreams out through their own children MAKING them do things that they do not want to do. My parents NEVER did that, and I do not plan on it, either. If I wanted to do an extra curricular activity, GREAT. If not, that was my choice.  Now, I know that my children are only three and two, but I have already had my first experience with this type of situation....

My strong-willed Faith.....she decided last week that she simply did not want to do gymnastics. She actually decided to pitch a little fit once we arrived. She was glued to my leg and acted what I would call ridiculous. It just didn't make sense to me...she had been liking it!  I thought it was just some whim.  Mallory had fallen asleep on the way, so after whispering every threat that I could think of to Faith, I relented and out we marched with Mallory on my hip and Faith sniffling all the way.  Oh, I was fuming. I was not so much irritated because she had decided not to do gymnastics, but by the way she acted and how she had changed her mind so quickly. She thought of every excuse as to why she behaved the way she did, and I am still uncertain as to the REAL reason. However, it is clear that she doesn't want to go back...and I'm not going to push her.

So, for now, Mallory thinks that she is super special. She will go by herself this week! Faith is excited to go hunting with Cody and Cam (not sure if Cody is so much!). She may change her mind....she may not. We shall see. :) fickle! Who knows, I may have a TRUE country girl on my hands, here.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Cutest Trick-or-Treaters EVER!!!

I have wanted to blog since Halloween night, but I have not found the time!

Halloween was a success! The kids did great in their costumes, they were not EXTREMELY shy, and they seemed to have a great time. There were no that always equals success.

Halloween morning, the kids had something special at their school. They were allowed to dress up, but I really didn't want them to go in their costumes that I had planned for the night. I was afraid that they may get torn...or worse than that...they may grow tired of them and refuse to wear them that night. Cam had said that his was itchy when it arrived in the mail, so I was sure that he would not tolerate it in the morning AND evening. So, these rotten little children had TWO costumes. Cameron already had a fireman costume from Christmas and I simply bought the girls some bunny ears and a tail to wear with their pink leotards. Cody was the fortunate soul, who had to dress them for this event. :)  I must say, that he did very well! YaYa was kind enough to attend the children's this was event number two that I have had to miss in the last two weeks...grrrrr. Here is the pic Cody sent me that morning:


That evening, MeMe and Poppy came to us. I can not braid hair, so I needed my mother's assistance! The kids were so happy and excited about their costumes! THEY. LOVED. THEM. You could tell that they thought they were SO cute....and they were, of course! ;)  We only went to a couple of houses that were family. They were NOT the most excited trick-or-treaters once we started going to houses, but they weren't around my legs, either. I find that to be an accomplishment. :)  Unfortunately, we did not get to everyone in the family that we wanted because the kids really wanted to go to the church trunk-or-treat. Although I am so happy that the church does this, I just can't understand why it is done on Halloween night! For those of us, who like to keep with the tradition of Halloween of going door-to-door, there is no way that it can all be done!

The cast of The Wizard of Oz...they LOVE that book/movie!
They were doing "We're off to see the wizard" in this picture!

There were all treats this Halloween and zero tricks....well...unless you consider the lovely mural that Faith colored on my wall that day a trick. Poor Mallory....she was blamed by Faith and Cameron until we found out the truth the next day. Looks like painting walls will be in my near future.

I also wanted to post a picture from a couple of years ago. This little trick happened after we got home from trick-or-treating. Faith and Cam ran to the front of the car and locked us out. I look at pictures like this and can't believe that they were up to such mischief so young...and then I remember who their daddy is! ;)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

....and you said WHAT?!

"Momma, I'm gonna' call you Momma Jo."  "I pinch my teacher on the hiney." "I tee-tee. Change me."

All of these I have heard this week....all of these made me stop and say, "WHAT?! What did I just hear?!"  These children are such little entertainers...and so busy. My mother always says, "I just don't remember mine being THAT busy...but perhaps it is because you were not THAT close in age." By the way, can you guess which child said what from above?

Faith was the one that gave me the new name. It was completely out of the blue. Sometimes I wonder what she is sitting there thinking, and, at other times, I think that I would rather NOT know. Cam was the little devil, who shared that he pinches people...specifically his inappropriate places. I was certainly hoping that I heard him wrong...and then I was just hoping that he was teasing.  He WAS teasing....not about doing it, unfortunately...but he considered the little pinch a joke of sorts. :0  As for Mallory, she is the one that demands to be changed on cue. Everyone always told me that Mallory would be easiest...Yeah. Right. Mallory is so strong willed. She is certainly ready and old enough to be potty trained. She will even take spells where she WANTS to's just going to take some work...someone stern...and right now, I do not have the time nor the energy. Maybe we will tackle that task during Christmas break. If not, we will get to it this spring or summer. I am not going to push it. I'm definitely not the mom I was a year or so ago.....freaking out about training Faith and Cam.

On to the past weekend....

It was a busy one, of course. Friday night, we celebrated my birthday AGAIN (I love having a birthday MONTH) at Margaret's.  I found myself striking back off to Athens in an effort to finish up Halloween costumes Saturday morning. The kids had a sleepover with Pat and YaYa Saturday night, which allowed me to go to the tractor/truck pull. Now, this is not my kind of's Cody's type of thing, and I have not even attempted to go since that dreadful spring night that I dislocated my knee in route there. So, I felt rather obligated to go...but I am glad that I did. Cody won 1st place in some class or another. Go DADDY! Sunday, I helped give a shower for a good friend. Faith decided to hang back with the ladies, but Mallory and Cam wanted no part and went with Daddy. it's now almost mid-week again!!!!!!!!

Halloween is just around the corner.....I promise pics....and I am sure a funny story or two. ;)

Monday, October 21, 2013

FaLl BrEaK FuN!

Well, I hate to even call it "Fall Break" considering it was ONLY. ONE. DAY. I mean, c'mon!!! I will certainly take it, though....

Saturday was a busy, fun day. I decided to strike off to finally do some of my birthday shopping. I did find a few things, but you know how it goes. When you don't have any money, you find TONS. When you do, you can't find a thing. That's kinda' how it went for me. I was sure to make it back in time to head to NGA's fall festival, though. The kids were excited about it. I was not all...especially since we paid $30 to get in, BUT the kids seemed to enjoy it. I am one, who thinks that the pumpkin patch is a waste of money, but I am also one, who admits when I have made a bad choice....and I think we shoulda' headed on up to the pumpkin patch. :)  Sunday was simply a lazy day, but it was nice.

I sure did have a lot of fun with the kids today, though. Well....not at this moment....they are having some "quiet time." They are super tired, and sometimes when they are super tired, they turn up the craziness to extreme, intolerable levels. So. I'm typing while they have some time to sit quietly...we will see how long this lasts.... was fun! We played. We ate junk. We played some more. We ate more junk. Don't judge. Mommy being home is like a celebration....who wants to be boring and eat boring during a celebration?! We hung out at Daddy's shop a while, and we went to the park. The kids had fun on the playground....and decided to water the grass read correctly. Cam was first....Faith was second....Mallory was third. While I was pulling up the pants of one...the other was stripping down...and so on. They thought it was wildly funny.  Of course, I had the camera on hand and I DID get pics...but I won't share those....although they are pretty darn funny! ;)  Here are some of the pics that I will share:

We even finished the afternoon at the Chick-fil-a playground...with an ice-cream!  I think that I wore them out! I am pretty tired, too! Any day is a good day when I hear Cam say, "I like you to stay home." boy.

Gotta' I type they have now let the cat in, screaming at the top of their lungs, and chasing her all around the house. The poor cat is HORRIFIED. :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Return...I'm a Happy Momma

This week has been back to normal....a little less stressful. I am so very glad to breathe a sigh of relief! Granny B is back! We are so happy that she has returned happy and healthy. The fact that I do not have to worry about finding someone to fill her shoes each day has lifted a huge weight from my shoulders. I am so thankful that she is back, but I am equally thankful that I had some wonderful "subs" during her absence. :)

The kids are out of school this week, as well. That has been nice, too! No worries about who will pick them up and I do not have to do all that school prepping at night: laying out clothes, bags, etc. Faith, Cam, and Mallory are extremely happy to see their Granny B, but I think that they are missing school a little bit. No worries....teacher mommy can fill that void!

I have tried to bring the kids "homework" routinely...something fun...and something more work related. They usually run to the door begging for what I brought, which makes me smile...but also stresses me when I forget! :)  ANYWAY. As usual, I brought some things home yesterday. I yell from the kitchen, "Who wants to do their work?!" The girls come running. Cameron hangs back and says, "I not want to. All I want is dat tandy torn." Yep. He loves candy corn as much as me, and that's about the only way that I can get him to count past two. Seriously. He is his daddy made over. Faith, on the other hand, asks me to bring MORE work home. She is more into the workbook type thing. She wants to WORK. If I had the time, I imagine that I could certainly take flight with her eagerness...we will work on that. Mallory is interested, but she is still a bit young for "homework." Her homework for now is to get potty trained...wish us luck with that one, by the way.

Two funny stories:

First, I come home to this on afternoon:

The kids were as happy as could be. There's nothing wrong with them knocking over my tree with their Gator. It was a dead tree, so I guess they thought they were doing me a favor.

Second, Cam's imaginary friend obviously has a potty mouth. We were sitting at the table talking about something...can't recall what. Cameron, disgusted about something said, "Well, damn." I continued talking and then thought about what he said..."What?" Cameron continued right on repeating the word. I looked at him. He said, Charles says "Dammit."  I had to turn away. I hate he said the bad word, but it was HILARIOUS. I sure hope he doesn't share that at school! LOL!

Now, I am ready for the weekend!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

You Will Wear Those Tap Shoes

Just as I said, this weekend is BUSY....and it's only Saturday. Tomorrow will be jam packed, as well. Today started early with cleaning and washing. I think that I have mentioned my bit of OCD before. Now, I do not keep an immaculate house. I tend to throw things in drawers and under beds. However, I DO get things on my mind. When they get there, they are there and must be handled. So, since Granny B has been out (for three weeks), I have had this obsession of washing clothes. Granny B normally washes a couple of loads per day, and I then wash the rest on the weekends or mid-week. Well, for whatever reason, I am insistent that all clothes should be washed daily...not a sock to be left dirty. I know. CRAZY...but that's how the day started. Cleaning...and most importantly...washing. ;)

We also had to run to Athens to get Faith some tap shoes. We almost NEVER found the place, and I know NOTHING about tap shoes. ZERO. So, we go in, I tell the lady I need tap shoes, and she starts asking me things that I have not a CLUE about. Like, is she supposed to wear socks or tights with her shoes???  Well, I assume tights...but IDK!!! I went with tights, so that initiated us to buy the smaller size. Faith heard this whole conversation. So, as soon as we stepped outside, she says that the shoes we purchased hurt her feet AND she wanted to wear socks with them. Of course, I got in a panic and contemplated turning right around and exchanging them. Cody looked like he wanted to kill us both.  I've noticed lately that Faith likes to be a little that she doesn't want to agree with me and that she wants to make my life a little harder (can't wait to see what she's like as a teenager). So, I turned right around and said, "Okay, Faith. If they hurt your feet, I imagine that I need to let Mallory just wear and have them." Faith immediately says, "I wear them." End of story. Score. :)

We ran around Athens like crazy people in an effort to get back home in time for Cody to go to a tractor pull. So, I've been hanging out with three cuties all evening by my lonesome. I offered to take them to the park in Madison, but they wanted to stay here. Overall, they were really sweet. After getting in a bit of trouble, however, Faith started spouting off something about "trust and obey." Sweet. They ARE listening at school! :)

Tomorrow will be busy, as well. Church in the morning...did I mention that I am teaching Faith, Cam, and Mallory's class? I am actually enjoying it! Tomorrow afternoon, we will be celebrating my birthday at my mom and dad's.

Another fixation that I have right now, is getting all pictures uploaded and developed. I am exactly one year behind in photos. Oops. Anyway, I found this one and thought it was funny. This is what happens each time we get on the trampoline. Happened tonight. I end up yelling, "GET OFF EACH OTHER!!!" Lol.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Catchin' Up

Busy, busy, busy. That pretty much sums up the last couple of weeks here. Nothing that grand has occurred, but I have found myself working at lot at night on things that I don't get done at school, which means no blogging. Let's catch-up.

I turned the big 3-0. Woohoo.  Friends decorated my classroom door and my students were very sweet with birthday wishes. It also felt good to come home with three cuties on the steps shouting, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Other than that, it was like any other day. I didn't have an emotional breakdown by the fact that I was leaving my twenties behind or anything. :)

We went to the fair in Madison last week. The kids had a really good time. We used every ticket although we feared that we had bought too many. They rode everything that they possibly could, and, of course, they had to get some "fluffy." That is what they call cotton candy.

School is going great for the kids. They are happy to go, which makes us happy. I am so thankful that things worked out the way that they did. Choosing to send them to FUMC was a last minute decision, but it was definitely the right choice...for all of us. Three half-days seems to be the perfect fit. The kids are exhausted by the week's end, and I know that they would have not been ready for five full days. The small environment and loving teachers have also been a blessing.

See, nothing too exciting! Here are a few things that have made me smile:

After gymnastics one day, I came home to tell Cameron that there was one boy in the class. He seemed excited and interested. I asked, "Cameron, do you want to go to gymnastics?" He gave me a sideways look, and said, "No. Maybe dat boy can go huntin." He was as serious as he could that boy REALLY needed to try something different. Cameron is a true country boy!

No story with Faith, but do you know what she calls one particular kind of spiders when she sees them? "Long leg daddys."  HAHAHAHA! It's so cute!!!

Mallory, is really enjoying school. She likes to show me her school calendar and say, "Pete da Cat is comin to my stool momma!" The kids love Pete the Cat. Mallory was super pumped about his visit to the school. I am so happy that we made the decision to put her in school, as well.

BUSY weekend ahead. Will post at some point! :)

Monday, September 30, 2013

Itty Bitty Vacuum

Okay. I am going to go ahead and embarrass myself. I am one of those people, who buys the smallest pack of toilet paper, the smallest bottle of dressing, the smallest jar of pickles, and so on. Although, I KNOW that the better deal is to buy the larger sizes, and in the long run, I will be saving money...I just don't do it....which I think highly irritates Cody. He has never said it, but he was astounded when I brought a "big" bag of dog treats in the other day. So, when I tell you that I buy the cheapest vacuum cleaners, I shouldn't complain that I am constantly having to buy a new one. I know, I know, I know. You get what you pay for. Which brings me to a slightly amusing story from the weekend....

The kids didn't want to go to the grocery store. So, I went by my lonesome. We were in need of a vacuum on top of everything else. It was one of those weeks where we needed all of the basics, too. I was DETERMINED to get out of WalMart with less that $200....something that I find almost impossible when just buying groceries. So, how I thought I would do it when needing a vacuum, too is beyond me. Enter cheap vacuum. LOL! In my defense, it is a Dirt Devil, which is supposed to be good, right??? The problem is that it wasn't on display...the box looked pretty big. It filled my whole cart. Well, I was so wrong. We have laughed and laughed about it. When I got it home the kids were all excited because it was red. However, when we pulled it out of the box, they said, "It's a BABY one!!!" They thought it was perfect for them. Haha. It works like a charm, though. AND. I got out of WalMart with a total bill of $212. :)  GO. ME.

Faith and Cam have had some funny things to say in the last two days, too. Tonight at dinner, Cam was telling us that they had a clean up song at school. He was singing away about "Share. Clean up. Share. Clean up." Faith looked so disgusted and said, "NO! It's Evwy body do your SHARE!!!" That's Faith for ya'. Rude and uncensored.  Earlier, I was muttering to myself what I needed for dinner, "Tomato sauce, cream of mushroom, etc." Cameron says, "Mmm...I like dat Momma. Tomatoes, mushrooms....but most of all....tandy corn." :) You know it's close to Halloween. WE ALL LOVE CANDY CORN, here!

Love it. Tomorrow is gymnastics days and Cam's afternoon with Daddy. ;)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First Days & First Hunt

Let me first say that I have had one of those days. One of those days when every single lesson stinks it up...I mean, it was terrible! I take it personally, too. I don't like to allow myself those days, but it happens, I guess. I tell you this to say that I stressed the entire way track minded me. What was up? How could I make it better?....AND now I was supposed to enjoy my little ones at home?! I guess I might as well stink it up at home, too! LOL...I know that I am dramatic...but I am getting to my point and the happier side of this story...I promise.  So, all of those worries and all of that stress disappeared (well...for the most part) when I heard about and witnessed my babies doing some exciting firsts. I'm so excited for them...probably more so than them!

Today was Mallory's big day! She had her first day of school! I decided not to take off with the promise that Cody would take pictures and give me updates as soon as possible.  I was a bit concerned by how she may handle waking up early, being separated from Faith and Cam, and having Daddy leave her. Guess what?! Mallory surprised us ALL! She did not cry a single tear, and she jumped up excited about going to "stool."  Her teachers said that she participated in class, and that she did wonderfully. OH. MY. I am so proud of this girl.

Not only did Mallory have her first day of school, but she also had her first day of gymnastics!!! This was a first for both girls. Faith was beyond excited, but Mallory was dead asleep when I got home to dress them (which was a mad rush)! She wasn't too happy when I woke her, either. GREAT.  BUT. Do you know what?! This kid went straight inside and into the arms of a stranger?! She did everything that they asked her to. Faith did, as well. They both seemed to like it, but Faith told me that she didn't get to do flips. Maybe that will come.

Cody came home early to have some special time with Cameron. They went hunting for the first time! Cody said that Cam did a great job sitting quietly, but not so much on sitting still.  I think that Cameron simply loved being along with his Daddy. He was so cute in his camo.  They saw one deer.

So, here I am wide awake and blogging at 10 p.m.  They are fast asleep...although the girls had a ball laughing at who knows what for what seemed like forever in their bedroom. These firsts have me all excited. I can't wait until we start team sports. I'm gonna' be that crazy mom yelling in the stands. I just know it! LOL!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

You Never Know WHAT They Will Say

All parents highly anticipate their children to utter their first words. I know that we did! I couldn't wait for them to be able to converse, be able to tell me what was troubling them, or say those three lovely words of, "I love you." Well, of course, we have three talkers now....and sometimes I'm a bit nervous as to WHAT they will say. Other times, I am in complete awe at what they come up with. Car rides are definitely more interesting. The dinner table is never silent. You simply never know WHAT they will say!!! REALLY!!! I was reminded of that many times this weekend.

Faith put me in my place a couple of times in the past two days. I had gotten someone to make the girls some dresses for fall pictures. I was SUPER pumped up about them. As my luck would have it, I got the dresses and they did not fit. Grrrrr.  Of course, I was upset. Faith was taking it all in. She said, "Mom, sometimes day [they] don't fit. Sometimes days [theys] dos."  Thank you for those words of wisdom, Faith.  It must have not been my weekend because I also got bitten by what seemed like a herd of mosquitos. My legs are nothing but bites and HUGE bruises from them. They were itching like crazy and I was being whiny.  Faith said, "Mom. If you keep scratchin' dem [them], day [they] gonna itch worse." Yes, Faith. Again, you are right. :)

Cameron is my more laid back one. He usually doesn't offer words of bossiness.  He said one cute thing this weekend, though.  Someone had taken my decorative angel figurines from my shelf. So, I came in the living room and said, "WHERE are my angels?!" Cameron looks up and says, "Right here!" No, honey. I mean, which one of YOU angels took my angel decorations?! It was so sweet, though, that I could not correct him. I just said, "Yes! You are right here!" :)

Mallory, well.....she is talking more and more each day. Sometimes she says things you want to hear, and sometimes it's things that you would rather NOT! Her new favorite words are, "Don't boda [bother] me." Haha. She means business, too. So, I normally listen to her! :)

Love these kids.

Miss Bossy, herself

Friday, September 20, 2013

Camo and Leotards

EXTRA, EXTRA....we have big news in the Patrick house!!! Well...not that big...just exciting. Well...not that exciting. We simply have a busy week ahead that involves a couple of firsts for the girls!

Mallory will be heading to school, too!!! WOW!!! I had planned to send her after Christmas, but they have an opening now, so, why not? I am not sure how she will do. She went to sneak a peek at her teachers on Thursday and acted shy....but interested in staying. Cody said that when they got in the parking lot she said, "Stay with me Daddy?" So, she WANTED to stay...which is a step in the right direction. :)  I can't believe my babies are growing up!!! MY GOODNESS!!! Funny and sweet story from their school this week? Well, when asked what they want to be when they grow up, Faith responded with "a camel," and Cameron responded with, "like my daddy." Looks like I have one class clown on my hands....and it's not Cameron. ;)

Tuesday, Faith and Mallory will be going to their first gymnastics class. WOOHOO! Again, not so sure how they will do, but I KNOW that Faith will LOVE it once she gets comfortable. She is constantly turning flips and doing little dance moves. Her class is a gymnastics and dance combination class. Cam does not seem disappointed in not going....I asked him if he wanted to and he acted"Momma, really?!"  He said, "I play football." LOL. Definitely his daddy's boy. Since the girls are getting leotards, it is only fair that he gets new camo...or so I am told by daddy. :)

We also have a busy weekend ahead. MeMe's birthday party at our for those leotards and that camo!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Getting Things into Perspective...and other funny tales

So, the past weekend was one of the best that I've had in a while. Not sure why, really. We did nothing special, but I was so appreciative of it. Sure, it was nice to get away from work, but I really was able to have a moment or two to sit back and recognize how blessed we are. Beautiful children. Happy children. Healthy children. Happy family. Yes, I am battling with my issues of wanting to stay home, but....Oh. My. Goodness. We seem to be surrounded by people, events, and situations that are far more heart wrenching than a mother's want to stay home. My heart breaks each time I see a facebook update of children, who are suffering from illness...fighting a battle that no child should ever fight. So, this weekend, I had a little slap of reality....moments that put things into perspective.  Lord, please be with those courageous children and their precious families.

On to happier notes...

Yes. This weekend was nice. We were able to do a little shopping and spend time with my parents, siblings, nieces, and nephews. It was great. The weather was nice. The kids were WONDERFUL. They are really growing up. At a restaurant, I had someone come up to us and say, "They are so GOOD and ADORABLE!" Yep. I have to say they are BOTH! :) My stories of their mischief may indicate otherwise, but they ARE really great kids. For the most part, they follow directions, and my heart smiles each time I hear them say, "Thank you," or "My lub you momma."  Mallory has gotten on a kick of saying the latter at least FIFTY times a day. It never gets old. EVER. EVER.

I do have a few funny stories from the weekend (which again may indicate something OTHER than SWEET CHILDREN!):

Story One: Makin' Deals

Not sure where all of this talk of making deals has come from. All of the kids are VERY much into making deals. Cameron woke up Saturday morning, saw the sun, and said, "Get up daddy. The sun is out. Dat already the deal!" Later that day, Faith claimed from the back seat, "Ok. We listen to music a little bit, then we watch a movie. That's the deal."

Story Two: Toilet Paper Tail

Faith is too busy. Although she is the girl, who was supposed to be easier to potty train than Cameron, she is the one, who still has accidents. She simply doesn't have time to go. She always comes back with, "It's just a wittle bit!" She knows that just a "wittle bit" doesn't really matter to me, and she knows that I am not a happy momma when these "accidents" happen. I was at the stove on Sunday evening. I hear Faith calling Cam's name. Hmmmm. I turn around to see Faith standing in the living room half naked with a toilet paper tail...yes...coming from her hiney. She is ecstatic claiming, "I have a tail, Cam." I knew something was if THAT wasn't a clue. So, there I go chasing her into the bathroom to find an "accident" that she was trying to clean up herself. GREAT. I was busy telling her, "You need a diaper. I am going to get you one!" She was all upset....especially when we found Mallory hurriedly grabbing diapers and placing them in Faith's panty drawer. BOY DID THAT DO IT....Faith was FURIOUS. All I could do was laugh!  Mallory learns from the best....which leads into story three.

Story Three: "My not wear wear boxa briefs!!!"

Anyone, who knows Cam, knows that he likes to tease. He loves to tell his Poppy that he wears diapers or panties. Of course, in return, my dad torments him about HIS wearing panties. I must get SOME pesty habits from my dad because I decided to do some teasing myself this weekend. As I was folding Faith's princess panties, I told Cam that I would put them in HIS underwear drawer. He laughed it off. Soon, I found a pair of HIS underwear in MY drawer. That little sneak. I can't get ANYTHING on him!!!

Yes. I have crazy kids. I have funny kids. I. AM. BLESSED. :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Looks ARE Deceiving

I am not one to judge working mothers. As a whole, we are working as hard as we can to do the best that we can in so many different realms. I do, however, often think, "How does she do it?! Four kids, work, ballgames, etc?! That chick has it together!" I am sure that others may think that I have it together, too. I am one of those....that everything looks pretty decent on the outside.  My house is considerably clean, my classroom is cute and organized, I post happy smiling pictures on facebook. However, you have not seen my closets, drawers, purse, and under the beds. You have never seen me post the pictures of the times that I really want to pull my hair out! The mess in my closet and drawers is probably the best depiction of my life....from the inside at least.  My mind is all over the place. My heart is torn between home and work. I keep a jumbled, nervous stomach most of the time. So. Yes. Looks are deceiving.

Let me tell you a not-so-pretty story. I pulled in the driveway yesterday. Johnny Appleseed activity in my hand (I was pretty pumped about that), I hear Cameron screaming bloody murder. I get closer to the door and hear screams of, "I want my daddy!!!" Ok. So I am NOT the person that Cam was wanting to see. Boo. It might sound silly, but I was just so saddened by it...and a little infuriated (not at Cam...but just the situation). The only thing that made it better was that when I DID get in arms reach, Cameron DID want me, and I held him close. However, my mind was simply whirling, and I heatedly told Cody later in the evening, "THAT is what happens when DADDY takes them to school. THAT is what happens when DADDY picks them up. THAT is what happens when momma is NEVER there!" THAT is what happens when DADDY has to give them a bath at night because I was literally so exhausted and achy from whatever this is that I have that I couldn't move...not to mention the depression of it had set in. You can call me silly, sensitive, unappreciative, crazy, or whatever it is that you want after reading this, but, boy, is this feeling better getting it all out. I can't usually verbalize it because I get in such an emotional state! Writing is better. So. No, I don't have it all together. No. My ducks are not ALL in a row (just some of them).

Getting back to the initial paragraph: I NEVER judge working mothers. EVER. We are fighting the same battles every day and some of us are fighting battles that we don't begin to know about. I don't even judge mothers, who WANT to work, and the thought of staying at home makes the cringe. Whatever floats your boat. It's not me, though. It's not me at ALL. I give my heart and soul into my work with the children of others. I love them like they are mine. The problem is that I have given so much, that I feel that my work at home is inadequate. That is NOT OK. Since I can not really do anything about it at this point, I pray that I can come to peace with my performance at work and home. I don't think that I have ever found a balance between the two although I desperately need to.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Surprises, Surprises

Kids are just full of surprises. I don't just mean the "turn around and find them standing on the counter" kind of surprises, either (although, my kids are FULL of those). I'm talking about the surprises that make you so very proud (although it IS impressive that Cam can climb handles of the kitchen cabinets).

This week, I am SO surprised and proud of my little ones. Cameron, has totally impressed me with his being the "tough guy." Never, ever, ever did I think that he would take going to school so well. I ALWAYS said, "Cam needs Faith." Well, he has yet to cry at school, and it is quite the opposite. Faith needs Cam.  Faith is really stepping it up this week, though. She didn't cry today...after only three days! WOOHOO! Mallory, who I so feared of leaving home by herself, is actually soaking it up! I think that she is enjoying the solo time. She has her own book bag and does her own thing while Faith and Cam are away. She has yet to cry about being alone. kids have surprised me this week, and they have made me so, so proud.

Faith and Cam really seem to like school. They are quick to tell me of the kids that have "moved apples" or done something inappropriate, which makes me fearful of what THEY are doing. Haha. I would really love to be a fly on the wall in there. I'm a bit disappointed in that when I finally get home, they have tired of talking about school. I want details!!! They look at me like, "Mom. We are so over talking about school." HAHA!

On another note, the sitter is out this week. My family is so wonderful. We have grandparents, great-grandparents, and aunts pitching in. How great is that?! I think that the kids are liking the change-up although they miss their Granny B.  I am having to take on more at home with more washing and tidying up (Granny B normally handles much of this). Call me crazy, but I am enjoying it (ask me on Friday and the story may be different). I often tire of relying on other people to do things that I feel like I should be doing (don't judge...I can be a control freak). So, for now, I am liking taking on these extra duties. FOR. NOW.

Here is a pic that Cody sent me this morning. I make him send me one most mornings. The kids think they have to take one every day, as well. They actually mentioned taking a picture to Cody first. LOL!

I will post a pic of Mallory tomorrow. Right now, she is soaking it up by spending the night with Pat and YaYa...a special treat since she does not get to go to school. She is loving it, and I am sure that I will have a cute pic to come!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Here We GO!

So, I thought that I was the tough one. I laughed about Cody not being able to take the first day of school with the kiddos. BIG. MISTAKE.

The kids met the teacher last Thursday. I happily took them. I was fine. On the drive over, however, I began to get this sense of panic...a tummy full of butterflies, a bit of a rapid heartbeat, and a lump in my throat...yep....felt like it was MY first day of school (and it was JUST open house!). I really didn't think much of it, though It was just the stress of getting them ready and the worry of leaving Mallory unhappily behind...right? Well...wrong. When we went through the door of the church, I got this overwhelming need to cry. I felt the tears coming up in the corners of my eyes, and I fought. HARD. For the first few minutes, I couldn't really look at the teachers, I just looked at the kids and occupied myself with them....that was the ONLY way I was going to get through it. I did...they did. They were SUPER excited before going, but they became extremely shy when arriving. There were no tears(from them) and not that much clinging. So I was pleased. They seemed excited to return! YAY!

Right before Open House

The big day was today. I was not looking forward to it...although I know that my kids will LOVE it and I WANT them to go. IT'S. SO. SAD. Faith and Cameron were easy to wake up and get going...half of the battle! They were super excited to head out. They even bounded out of the car, posing for pictures. Then, we entered the church. Long story short, Cam became very quiet and we left Faith screaming. I can not count the number of times that I  have cried today....leaving the school, talking to others about the experience, and the list goes on.

They were so excited!

Cameron being silly...Faith looks sad, but she wasn't at this point...just an itchy eye! ;)

Getting a little scared!

Good news is....THEY LOVED IT. Faith did not cry for long (so I am told), they were full of details from their day, and they are ready to go back (we shall see tomorrow)!!! YAY!!! I asked Cameron if he talked to his teachers. His reply? "Yeah. I said my can tee-tee all [by] myself." Ha. Ha. He also said that his favorite part was the "paygound."  Faith was a bit quiet about her day, but she did say that she had fun.

I can't wait to see what happens day by day!!! If I could stop this insane crying, I think we will be good to go! OMIGOODNESS!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Go Away Cold!

I sure hope that we are getting all of the sickness out of our system NOW so that the kids will be ready for school to start! This week has been tough for my little ones. Mallory had a cold a couple of weeks ago. She must be one tough cookie, because she fought it off and bounced back quickly. Faith and Cameron, on the other hand, have really struggled this week. They were so pitiful. We battled fever, runny noses, and coughs. They were taking naps and they were not up to their usual mischief! Poor things! Monday, I got home to find that Faith's eye was pink and a little puffy. My immediate thought was, "pink eye," but I hoped that it was simply cold. After I panicked and worried about what to do (I HATED to take off work), I simply called the doctor and they called something in to the pharmacy...WHEW. Of course, Cameron's eyes became "pink," as well.

I DO have one funny story....

I guess that I was telling a lie above...the whole thing about them not being up to mischief. For most of the week, they have napped and watched television. HOWEVER, on Wednesday, they began to perk up a bit. Of course, I was unaware that they were feeling so much better, and I was so stressed about being at work while they were sick and the decision of whether to take them to the doctor or not. So, I was calling every couple of hours to see if they had any fever and to make a decision of, "Do I leave work or do I not?" That's when I learned that Cameron had taken a fall. From what I can understand, he was jumping from a chair. When I talked to the sitter, I found that Cameron was refusing to walk. He said that it didn't hurt, but he refused to walk. I got him on the phone to make sense of it all, and he told me, "I teasin' B." That's what they call the sitter. Well, I tried to reason with him that if it doesn't hurt and if he is JUST teasing, he should walk. Still, he refused. Having said that, Granny B was carrying him wherever he wanted to go. Still, I was concerned. OMG...I mean, if he had ANOTHER broken foot, DFACS would definitely be calling me. Seriously. I called Cody up, and he went on home to inspect the foot. As soon as he saw Cody, he jumped up and said, "I can walk, Daddy," and he took off. The sitter thought it was funny, and I laughed it off. However, I was beyond irritated, and we had a little heart to heart. :) seems that everyone is on the mend and we have no broken bones. I consider that to be a fairly successful week, right?

I sure hated that my babies felt bad...but they loved to snuggle and I took FULL advantage.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Going out on a Limb

It was back to school week! AHHHH! I am definitely getting used to getting up at the crack of dawn every morning! Overall, I think that I have done very well with the leaving the kids part. I have had a couple of good private....but I am holding it together fairly well. There have been certain times during my first days back that I have had to just walk away. All of these little bitty babies keep reminding me of my own! I was trying so hard to comfort a preschooler the other day that I had to finally rub his little face, pat his little head, say that it would be ok, and walk away. I almost lost it. Really. No kidding. Ahhh...but I battled with that ALL YEAR last year. So, I am not so sure I will overcome that one. 

The kids are adjusting VERY well to my being gone. It's like there's no change at all. Cameron has said that he doesn't want me to go to work, and Faith usually asks each night who will be there in the morning (which breaks my heart). Other than that, though, they are doing GREAT....and loving having their way with the!

 I know that most mothers work these days, and I am extremely blessed to have a summer and holidays with my children. So, I am going to hold on to those positives for now. However, I am also convinced that God doesn't intend for us to feel "stuck" or accepting of an existence full of what ifs and regrets...and I think that as a society that's what we do. We go to jobs that we are unhappy in. We sit back and think that's the way that it should be. We convince ourselves that there's nothing else that we can do, and we worry about what people may think or say if we go out on a limb. I believe that I think with my head a little too much....and with my heart not enough. After all of this rambling, I must clarify that I don't HATE my job...or the profession. There are some changes that I would like to make, however. I am vowing to follow my heart these days and see just where that takes me. Praying for blessings and a peace like no other.

Speaking of going out on a limb, and taking chances, our family is about to do just that. As most know, we did so about a year ago. Cody partnered with a friend and opened up a business, Down South Diesel. We could only hope and pray. Opening a business these days is scarier than ever...A BIG RISK. So, I am so happy and proud to announce that we are expanding!!! WOOHOO!!! Cody has outgrown his current building and is moving right up the road to a bigger shop (as long as all details work out). I say "we" are I have something to do with! Through much stress and hard work, Cody is making it happen. Can we say very proud?!  I do believe that I typed this last year, and, so, I will say it again. Things may get harder before they get better. We know that there is a risk. We are asking for continued prayers and support. We are following our hearts...enough said!

Now to the funny part of my blog (sorry this is SO long, but I have not written in a while)! I think that Cameron and Faith are ready for their school to start. As I go to and from school, I think that they are a little confused. They asked, "When are we going to school?"  I am working hard on getting them "school ready." I don't mean teaching them their ABCs and 123s or anything of that nature. I am talking about coaching them on "how not to embarrass me." As I have mentioned, they love words such as, "poop," "poop head," "booger," etc. We constantly talk about how those words are inappropriate and not what we say anywhere......ESPECIALLY SCHOOL....ESPECIALLY A CHURCH PRESCHOOL. So, during one of these conversations, Faith says, "...but that's how we talk, Momma." Bless her heart. She was SO serious.  Cameron was quietly listening in on this conversation, and says, "Well, can my shake my booty?"  I can see him breaking it down right in the sanctuary.  Cameron is also more interested in DOING bodily functions at school. He is SO proud of his poop in the potty. He told me that he was gonna' "drop a big bolda (boulder)" at school. OMG...thanks for the terminology, CODY PATRICK!!! 

I love my kids...I really, really do. I act like they embarrass me, but their funny little personalities keep me going. I'm so glad that they are not! Who wants a kid that never says or does anything completely off the wall?

Ran across this on my computer. It's an old one but good one (I've probably posted it before).

Friday, August 2, 2013

Adventures at PCPS

I think that I mentioned that I have a one-track mind. So, I have this thing looming ahead of me and driving me's called "school is starting in less than a week and I have to get my room ready....NOW!" We have very few preplanning days, and, although I have gone over a couple of times this summer, I want my room completely finished before the first day of preplanning. Then, I can actually PLAN...makes sense, right?  Therefore, going to school was a MUST today....even if it meant taking the kids with me. That's right. You heard me. It was all very eventful, but I must say that they were TROOPERS.

So, first of all, I was completely shocked that two staff members asked me, "Are they all yours!?" I get that question all the time from strangers, but most people at school know of my litter...and that's what most people remember if they don't know anything else. REALLY. Lots of times, people do not introduce me as the spectacularly amazing teacher that I am (just kidding), but as the mommy of three children three years and under. Oh. Well. I like to be known as the mommy of these incredible babies. was funny to find someone, who didn't even begin to know our story.

I really didn't have that much to do in my classroom, but I wanted to hang some things and move things around. I also scheduled a meeting with a new teacher, who I will be collaborating with. Overall, the kids were super good...just busy. They liked to climb on my ladder. Their hands went straight towards the scissors. They loved the sink. They were probably the least behaved when I met with the teacher....of course. My attention was diverted a bit, so they took full advantage. During our little adventure, these are some of the things that occurred:

~the ladder was climbed multiple times during my nice meeting, although I asked that to be stopped multiple times
~the ladder was climbed with scissors in hand, even
~during their interest in cleanliness and washing their hands, the sink faucet was somehow turned to run all over the counter and onto the floor
~Cameron couldn't make up his mind if or when he had to do his I imagine that we went to the restroom at least ten exaggeration.
~We finally had a little accident so we had to do a change.
~During my meeting, in which I was really trying to make a good impression, Faith somehow pulls up YouTube, and finds an inappropriate song...I think that it had the word "hell" in it...OMG!!!
~During my meeting, Faith had YouTube going and Mallory and Cameron had Laurie Berkner from Nick Jr blasting....very distracting
~When helping the nice teacher out to her car with files, Faith held the door. She also allowed it to shut...which locked us out of the building. So, we had to make a nice, heated walk around the school.
~During our walk, Mallory had a little leak, and I was covered with urine. Yay.

I think that sums it up. LOL! I know the list makes it sound as if it were a horrible day....but it wasn't so bad. We were there for five hours, and they were actually really good. I think that I pooped them out, too....they were so irritable AND exhausted the remainder of the evening.

Love these babies!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Change in Heart's another rambling post about the whole schooling issue. As you can tell, this is a BIG deal to me. BIG. HUGE. ASTRONOMIC. Sigh....I think that I have added another wrinkle or two this week...and probably put another gray hair or two in Cody's head (I joke about Cody getting grays, but I soften it with the fact that I am getting the wrinkles. At least he can color!).

ANYWAY. I am a one-track-mind kind of person. When something is's there. To stay. Until it gets settled...and I have a sense of peace about it. This is me with the smallest of things, so when something BIG comes along, it's that much worse. Enter the case of "my children are going to school and I am uncertain, unhappy, guilty, worried and concerned about my decision." Yep....that's not an easy one to just let out on it's own.

As the beginning of the school year is drawing near, I began to get this knot in my belly and this heaviness in my heart. It went beyond the fact that Faith and Cameron are growing up. I actually started questioning my decision. A. LOT. The plan was to take them with me to Headstart, but I wasn't feeling great with that decision any more....for several reasons. Something told me that I needed to trust my gut. Pray about it. I have. We are now planning to send the kids to a three day program at First United Methodist Church of Greensboro. I think that it will be a good transition for them...less children, shorter hours, fewer days. They are THREE. They are my babies!!!....I think that this is what's best....and I feel good about it. Relieved. I am no longer scared about them going to school. I am excited.

There is the problem of taking them and picking them up. Also, someone will need to get them ready! I won't be able to do none of these...which I AM a bit irritated/guilty/feeling sorry for myself about. So, I just hope that one day the kiddos will understand it was a matter of doing what was best for them...and mommy had to get over some of her selfish reasons of wanting them to go with her :)  HOWEVER, we have a great support system....our family and one heck of a sitter! Together, I think we have it all figured out. I am truly feeling blessed right now...well...ALWAYS....but particularly this afternoon. I thank God each day for the people that we are surrounded by....couldn't be any better in the world. We can't say thank-you enough to them.

So, there you have it! The kids are starting school....YAY!!! NOW, if I could get pumped up about MY going to school! ;)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Squeaky Clean

So, amongst all of the stress and worries that I have about Faith and Cameron entering school, add the requirement of their seeing a dentist before school starts. Don't judge. NO. I have never taken my kids to a dentist...I was prolonging that visit as long as possible. However, circumstances forced me to take them....which I guess is a good thing. :)

Mom of the year, here, really didn't comprehend that I HAD to take the kids to the dentist BEFORE the first day of school.....I mean c'mon it's not like they are going to spread tooth decay or something!!! How crucial is this??? Nonetheless, it was a must, so I went into panic mode of getting them in to see a dentist. All pediatric dentists were booked for quite a while. GREAT. So, we ended up at Lake Oconee Dentistry....AND. I. THOUGHT. THEY. WERE. GREAT. WOOHOO!!!

When I started talking to the kids about taking them to a dentist, Faith and Cameron were all up for it...actually excited....what a difference a couple of months make because it used to be an adamant, "NO." We even went to the library to get some books about our upcoming trip! Cameron was excited about sitting in the big chair and claimed that the dentist would find an elephant in his mouth. They even had the conversation...almost argument....about who would go first. YES!!! Poor Mallory said that she wanted to go, too!

As we arrived at the dentist, I knew that the kiddos' feelings had changed a bit. We went right on back and their faces turned very solemn. Cameron, who I can usually depend on at doctor's visits, refused to sit in the chair. They both backed up against the wall. I was beginning to wonder, "What on Earth am I going to do!?" The hygienist was wonderful, though, letting them play with the gadgets and showing them each one. Finally, we compromised on having them sit in my lap. They were both very cooperative. After the cleaning we had to wait a bit for the dentist. That's when they became all TOO familiar with the place.....climbing all over the chair, wanting to press all buttons, and really exploring things. By the time he finally came in, they were bouncing into the chair by themselves and VERY cooperative...even giving him high fives! WOOHOO!

My mom and dad were nice enough to come along for the ride, and they kept Mallory in the waiting room. I was very proud of her, too. It was a long wait, and she was SUPER!!!

I'M ONE PROUD MOMMA! Here are some pics!...and by the way, Faith and Cameron were the photographers! Pretty good, huh?

 YAY for Faith! She did a good job following directions!
 I think that Mallory was a little bored in the waiting!
Cameron was a bit slower to warm up, but he did a great job being brave!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

I'm Crawling Under the Table

It's really funny how/when things happen. Of course, my kiddos are busy and a bit mischievous. However, I was JUST thinking how they have never really embarrassed me before. I had that thought listening to someone talk about how kids can downright embarrass you in public.  Although I agreed, I was thinking, "I don't think my kids ever have." I mean...SURE...there have been countless times that they are loud or do things that make me claim that I wanted to crawl under a table, but, for the most part, they are just kids. Kids are kids. They are going to do things. I usually just have a good laugh....just shrug it off.  ANYWAY. Just as you think or say things, you are usually jinxed...and I guess that I was. Tonight, I was a bit embarrassed by some behavior of my dear, little ones. It's a good thing that it was a family function. I don't really mind their forming opinions.

Tonight, was Cody and Kenny's birthday dinner. As soon as all of the nieces and nephews piled in, Faith, Cam and Mallory geared up. They ALWAYS do this...I think that they have to show off a little bit and make people laugh. Well, they took it a bit too far tonight. Recently, Faith, Cam, and Mallory have gotten on this kick of trying to think of every nasty word possible...they think that it is really funny. So, they started in with calling people "poop heads," "poops," "poot," and even "sissy." I don't even know where they got that last one. Most of my family members were given one of these names. My kids also prefer to run around naked. It's not something that we do routinely around here, trust me. Nevertheless, they ended the night with a bang....stripping down and running through the house. OMG!!! That did it. I was so irritated.

We had to have a little talk after company left. They looked so innocent and bewildered that their actions were so wrong. When told that running naked was not something that we do, Cameron asked, "Why?" Faith followed up with, "Well, can we just shake our booties?" Yes, dear. If you have your clothes on...shake away. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If anyone has any advice on how to handle streakers, who love to talk of bodily functions please pass it along. I would be very much appreciative!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Back to School Battles

I had a moment the other night. As I lay watching Faith sleep, it hit me...only two more weeks before I head back to work. No more snuggling until after 8:00 am. No more jumping in the car to find something to do. No more pool dates with the family. What hit me the hardest? Faith and Cameron are heading to school, too. Yep, I had a moment. An overwhelming, I can't breathe because I'm crying so hard moment....and it was for a variety of reasons. Sure, it's sad that they are growing up, but that isn't the only reason that I had/have this lump in my throat...this heavy heart. I have this overwhelming sense of guilt and sense of uncertainty. First of all, their entering school has confirmed the fact that I will NOT get to stay home with them during their early years....hence the guilt. I REALLY hate the fact that they will be heading out SO EARLY with me (6:30 am)...hence the guilt. I also feel bad that I am placing them in a program five days per week for a full day.....enter the uncertainty. I'm not sure that I have made the right decision, here....and I will be honest in saying that having them enter Headstart was not my first choice. I would much rather have them at a church program to ease them into school....but then we had the problem of transporting them and affording it. So, I think that's what is worse......feeling guilty and being uncertain. Then, I have this looming concern ahead: What will we do in the near future?! Where will they go to school in years to come?!.....enter the guilt and uncertainty AGAIN. Should I be searching harder (or actually searching) for another job? Why didn't we think of education when we built a house?!  The list goes on and on.  UGH!!!

ANYWAY, I literally have tearful moments everyday, now. On a lighter note, Cameron seems quite ready for school. I teared up in front of him after he told me that he would be "brave" at school. When I did, he said, "I be back, Momma. I come back." Yep, I'm gonna' cry typing!!! We have purchased bookbags and tennis shoes. Faith has a princess book bag while Cameron went with camo.  I think that Faith will miss our summer adventures. She woke up the other day and said, "I want to do something special!" She is such a mess! When we did a painting using an egg dipped into paint, I thought that was something special. Faith claimed, "We shoulda' just used a paintbrush. I wanta' to something willy special." Can't win for losing! As for Mallory, she is talking more than ever, and she thinks that she is going to school, as well. We are trying to make her understand that she will not. :(  I also feel guilty that she will be here by herself.

Although I  know that there are far greater troubles in this world, I am still a bit upset by all of matter how minor it may seem to some. Praying that all will work well and that I won't let my emotions get the best of me. :) 

Not sure if I have posted these before, but I ran across them when frantically trying to catch up with developing!

Monday, July 8, 2013

How Do We Get a Word In?

Well, I've noted this something to blog about for months, but I always forget. It wasn't until tonight, that I was reminded.....

Dinner. Dinner is one of those experiences with uncertain outcomes. Will they eat? Will they look with disgust at their plate and say, "I not like dat,"? Will they all be happy or will one cry? Will they argue or will they not?  Regardless of the circumstances, however, you can always count on the dinner table being loud...whether it is a good loud...filled with laughter and all of the kids talking at the same time...OR a bad loud....filled with kids screaming and crying arguing back and forth. Honestly, it's mostly a GOOD kids really are great (I don't think that I give them enough credit).

ANYWAY. Tonight, there was a lot of the good loud, which brings me to the two things that are "blog worthy." First of all, dinner is usually the first chance that Cody and I have to talk to each other. So, of course, we are trying to squeeze in some conversation time. Usually, this consists of us having to talk over the kids....which results in our voices being louder than normal. That's when the kids start in with, "HEY. DON'T FIGHT!!!" When this first happened, I was a bit stunned. Why were they thinking that we were fighting???!!!...and I certainly didn't want them to think that. Then, it hit me. We are having to talk VERY loud! we find ourselves explaining A LOT that mommy and daddy are just trying to talk so that we can hear! Bahahahahahaha! :)

Secondly, little Faith does NOT like when she is NOT the center of attention. We get this a lot when we are in conversation at the dinner table: "Um, let's talk about me. Can we talk about me?!" Faith will repeat this over and OVER until we stop and say, "Okay, Faith. Let's talk about you. What would you like to say?" Her response varies, but tonight, it was a rambling story about a wasp that was in the house and drank her juice. I'm not so sure what we will do with this girl!

***On a side note, we had a great day. I decided to load the kids up and go to Chuck E myself. My sister thought that I was crazy (I think that she even called me that-or maybe that was my mom), so she decided to come give me a hand along with Caleb and Kolbe. The two comments that I got from strangers today (some people are SO bold!)? "Are they triplets?" You came with THREE kids by yourself?!" Ha. Gotta' love it!***

Here is a pic that I just converted to black and white for a collage in my bedroom (it's old but good):

Saturday, July 6, 2013

PCB 2013

Each year, vacation gets a bit easier and a lot more fun. We have been truly blessed (and maybe a little crazy) to be able to take the kiddos to the beach every year since their births. I LOVE VACATION AT THE BEACH. I think that it is because I have a lot of great memories from my own childhood. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. We have also been very blessed to have a lot of helpful hands each year on vacation. We've been with my parents twice, and this year marks year two of going with Cody's parents. Did I mention how lucky we are? Anyway, this year, our destination was Panama City Beach...for a whole week. That's the longest length of time that we have braved a vacation with these busy, little ones, but I was super need to feel rushed to pile everything in...we would have plenty of time to do anything that we wanted!

Vacation 2013 was great with great weather. The kids did awesome. The ride was practically uneventful, but there were funny moments and funny things that they said (which I was steadily making notes in my phone to remember). Two preferred to stay in the ocean while one would rather play in the sand (although we had ZERO wanting to hit the beach by the last day). The pool was a hit. I realized that I have some daredevils (oh...but maybe I already knew that). Dinners out were NOT unpleasant. The kids were FABULOUS....for the most part. I realized that they were growing up. Here are some details that I don't want to forget:

The ride:
We woke up bright and early (but not as early as intended) to head out on  a Sunday morning. I had dressed the kids the night before in t-shirts with the idea of waking them, placing them in the car, and heading out! The planned worked out very well. The kids took turns dozing back to sleep and we were able to drive a couple of hours before stopping for breakfast. We only stopped one other time to get gas! The kids snacked on the way, and we were able to make it to PCB by 2ish....and we had a late lunch. Like I said before, Faith, Cam, and Mallory did well for such a long ride. There were your typical cries, requests, and occasional fights. Here are some of the funny things that we heard/did on the way:
  ~"Is this the beach roaaaaaddddd???? Is this the beach roaaaaaddddd???? OVER.AND.OVER.
  ~ "Are we going to the beaaaaaach?????"Notice how they drag that last pleading word out.
  ~"Can we go hoooooooome????" After many hours of riding they began repeating this.
  ~"We can't hear!!!" I love the movies for the ride, but c'mon!
  ~Fights over their favorite colors....sheesh.
  ~Watching Christmas movies on the way to the BEACH....gotta' love that! :)
  ~ My request for listening to music because I was "tired" of watching movies was met with, "Well, just go to sleep." If you now my kids, you will certainly know who came out with THAT smart comment.

Gotta' LOVE my kids.....

The Beach:
Cameron and Mallory loved the ocean for the first two days. Cam loved jumping the waves. Mallory liked to float around. Faith was a bit fearful and only let the waves wash up on her feet. She finally got brave enough to go down and fill up her bucket to make castles. I felt a bit guilty and rather boring because I didn't want to step foot in the ocean, either. I am continuing to take physical therapy for my knee, and the PT continues to note progress but points out that my knee tilts greatly (hence a good chance that it will dislocate again). A small pivot could cause it to OCEAN. FOR. ME.  I was also scared to walk in the uneven sand, down the stairs, etc. I think the kids noticed that I was a wimp because they practically ignored me the whole vacation and asked anyone but me to help them! :) They had too many other exciting people around! ANYWAY, Cam and Mallory did not like the sand so much. I can't blame them!

The Pool:
The pool was a hit for the kids! They didn't love the kiddie pool like I had thought. They preferred the zero entry side of the large pool. They called the shallow end the kiddie pool, which they misinterpreted as the "kitty" pool. Faith noted, "I have a kitty at home." Mallory even wanted to go to the "cat pool." Isn't that the cutest? One of our darlings often mispronounced "kiddie pool," calling it the "titty pool." Isn't that hilarious???!!!...slightly inappropriate, but I had them say it over and over again. It never got old to me. :) I cracked up each and every time. They enjoyed MANY snow cones poolside and lived the dream! :)
One embarrassing moment was when my dear Faith noticed a friendly man's hair. We were sitting their talking to a nice man, who happened to have a pony tail. Faith looked at me and not-so-quietly said, "Mom, boys don't wear ponytails!!!" GAH!

Nights Out:
I am so proud of my babies. They were super sweet during long waits for dinner. Often, one fell asleep on the ride, but they always woke up ready to go again. Two nights, we took them to some kiddie rides. WOW....they really ARE daredevils. I was shocked that they liked to ride things that go high, spin around, etc! All three jumped right aboard every ride that they could....WITHOUT us! I think that watching them ride would be the highlight of my vacation. Too bad I didn't have my camera to get some shots. We will definitely be heading to small fairs that come around here in the future!

So, we had a blast. The kids say that they are ready to go back. Me? Well, you always feel that you need a vacation from we will just wait until next year!

Here are some pics:

Faith in the sand.
 Being a brave girl
 Stuck to her best buddy, YaYa
 Floating with her "gobbles"
 Cam was so excited
My two boys

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Summer, Summer, Summertime

Once again, I've fallen behind on the blogging. I really should post each day....there is AT LEAST five hilarious happenings per day. My excuse is that we have actually been pretty busy...which makes me pretty tired....which results in my falling to sleep as soon as I hop into bed with the kiddos. I've also done a poor job with the picture taking. I have snapped a few here and there, but I must say that the thought of piling MORE pictures on top of hundreds that I have not printed is not appealing. I. KNOW. I need to get it together....and I am vowing to do so beginning tonight!!! I have a schedule. I will upload a certain number of pics per night, edit a few here and there, and blog at least once per week. Hmmmm...wonder if I will stick to it? We shall see.

So, the summer is flying by. I can not believe that we are in the month of JULY! It makes my stomach churn. Work is drawing near. Faith and Cam's first day of school is drawing near. I really do feel nauseous...and I'm not exaggerating. I guess that it is true...time flies when you are having fun, and that is exactly what we've been doing! Our weekly plans are nothing spectacular, but I am enjoying our little time. We usually have a pool day with the cousins, my sister, mom, and dad. We have also tried some of the library events and free movies at the theatre. I've tried to get more time in with my grandparents since we don't see them often during the school year. We took swimming lessons for one week, which was great....but I was literally exhausted by the time I frantically fed them, clothed them, lotioned them, packed them loaded them, begged them to utilize their time, change them, load them....well you get it, right?  The kids have also enjoyed VBS. Faith and Cameron were awesome about going each night. Mallory decided to hang back here with us at home....I think that she really loved the one-on-one time. Overall, it has been great. Tiring...but great. Being a stay at home mommy is a full-time job, but it sure beats having TWO full-time jobs!

Our most recent events are our taking our family vacation to PCB (which I will write a separate post about) and our cat having SEVEN kittens. The seven kittens are worth blogging about for the simple fact that the kids have named them (with very little help from us). They LOVE these kittens....especially Faith and Mallory! Here are the names...I think that they are HILARIOUS: Koozie (that's the best), Pete the Cat, Charles, A.K (this is Faith imaginary friend), Simba, Nala, and Puddintain. Yep...isn't that cute?! They do not understand that we have to give them away. They want to keep them all.

Nothing extremely interesting here.....I am sure that I have let many funny memories slip from my memory, which I will try to make up for in the weeks to come. Will post soon about vacation...and I will have pics, too.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Furniture Store Fun

I really didn't think anything of it. REALLY.  I thought that we would browse a couple of furniture stores and easily pick out a dining room table. THAT. EASY. It's funny...because once upon a time, I was TERRIFIED to take the twins, I didn't think a thing in the world of taking THREE into a furniture store (of ALL places)!!! So, that was the plan for Saturday. This is how THAT turned out....

Upon entering the first store, I immediately recognized what we had gotten ourselves into. These kids went wild with excitement. Faith almost pulled my arm off jumping up and down and dragging me across the building from display to display (and did I mention that I am still crippled?). After I got the arm yanking half way in check, that's when the real entertainment began. Let's see....let me make a LONG story short:

1. Cameron immediately announced that he had to, "Tee-tee, tee-tee, tee-tee, TEE-TEE!!!" Mallory absolutely refused to stay with me, so Cody was forced to take the two.
2. After Cody got back with Cam and Mallory, Faith announced, "TEE-TEE," too. I took her.
3. The nice sales associate asked if I had found something, and I say, "Well, if we could stay out of the bathroom, I may could get a chance to look!"
4.Once, we were settled back into browsing (well...I was doing the furniture looking and Cody was doing the child-watching), Faith spotted Cam in the corner just about to do his business. She shouts, "CAM IS POOPIN'!!!" Great. Announce it to the world!!! Off to the bathroom AGAIN. I actually didn't know all of this was going on, so Cody was on his own with THREE in the bathroom!!! Bahahahahaha!!!!
5. Three kids in a public restroom stall gets interesting. One on the potty and two trying to look under the stall is rather trying. You can only pray that they not touch anything and that no one is in the stall next door. Enter man.
6. Obviously, Cam was not the only one, who needed to do his business. As another occupant settled in, he....well...I'm just gonna' tell how Cody so nicely put it to me...."ripped one."  That's when Faith shouted, "Daddy, did that man just POOP-POOP???!!!" OH. MY. GAH!!!
7. Cody met me in the store and I could tell that I may not live to see another day!!!

Soooo....I did find a table that I liked very much. We even went to a couple of other stores to look some more...which resulted in more restroom havoc....if I went into it, you wouldn't even believe it....but let's just say Cody ended up in the restroom AGAIN with all three. BLESS. HIS. HEART. He was as mean and as mad as I have ever seen him (and he is never mad). Needless to say, our last stop consisted of my going into the store and taking pictures with my phone! LOL!

We agreed to head back home and return the next day to make a purchase...and that's what we did! Thank you MeMe and Poppy for watching the kids today. We were able to make a decision without heading to the restroom FIVE times, making warnings to not touch things, and reminding wee ones to use "inside voices."


Here is an oldie...but a good one....

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Happy SIX Years!!!

Happy Anniversary to my hubby! Yep. It has been six whole years since the "I Do's!"  What's even more unbelievable???  We have been "together" for a little over FOURTEEN years...WOWSERS!!!That's just insane!!!

To avoid a post that makes people nauseous (because I often read those on fb and I want to croak), I am cutting straight to the point and omitting all the overly sickening, romantic things that you are supposed to say on the day of your anniversary. Anybody that knows Cody, knows what a good guy he is...and how lucky I am. Anybody that knows Cody, knows how how decent he is...beyond decent. So, why should I put all of that out there again?...well...other than he may really want me to...but....NAH!!! :)

So...instead...I think I'm just gonna' tell some things on him that not everyone knows or suspects...
the REAL reasons that he is so great!

Did you know that....

Cody Patrick rarely has a negative attitude about anything?!
Cody Patrick is probably the least judgemental person I know?...having said that....
Cody Patrick has one of the kindest hearts that I know?
Cody Patrick is the most easy-going person...ok...who am I kidding? knew that!
Cody Patrick never leaves the house without kissing all of his kids goodbye and telling them how much he loves them?
Cody Patrick helps in every, single aspect of caring for his children (dinner prep, bathing, clothing, changing, etc, etc, etc)?
Cody Patrick kept me believing that children were, in fact, in our future?...when I was beginning to lose hope.
Cody Patrick makes me laugh when I want to cry.
Cody Patrick keeps me (the overly anxious, worrier) calm...or at least tries to.
Cody Patrick loves me despite the fact that I can sometimes be hard to live with (yeah, you probably knews that...the hard to live with
Cody Patrick is probably the best hubby I want to make a bet?

Soooo.....Yes. I am super happy to be celebrating SIX years of marriage to this mighty fine guy. His kinda' like one of my kids. He can make me super mad in one minute, but he has me smiling the next. I can't imagine wanting anyone else to annoy me for the rest of my No...all jokes aside....I can't wait to keep on creating those memories! We sure have created beautiful ones so far!