Monday, September 30, 2013

Itty Bitty Vacuum

Okay. I am going to go ahead and embarrass myself. I am one of those people, who buys the smallest pack of toilet paper, the smallest bottle of dressing, the smallest jar of pickles, and so on. Although, I KNOW that the better deal is to buy the larger sizes, and in the long run, I will be saving money...I just don't do it....which I think highly irritates Cody. He has never said it, but he was astounded when I brought a "big" bag of dog treats in the other day. So, when I tell you that I buy the cheapest vacuum cleaners, I shouldn't complain that I am constantly having to buy a new one. I know, I know, I know. You get what you pay for. Which brings me to a slightly amusing story from the weekend....

The kids didn't want to go to the grocery store. So, I went by my lonesome. We were in need of a vacuum on top of everything else. It was one of those weeks where we needed all of the basics, too. I was DETERMINED to get out of WalMart with less that $200....something that I find almost impossible when just buying groceries. So, how I thought I would do it when needing a vacuum, too is beyond me. Enter cheap vacuum. LOL! In my defense, it is a Dirt Devil, which is supposed to be good, right??? The problem is that it wasn't on display...the box looked pretty big. It filled my whole cart. Well, I was so wrong. We have laughed and laughed about it. When I got it home the kids were all excited because it was red. However, when we pulled it out of the box, they said, "It's a BABY one!!!" They thought it was perfect for them. Haha. It works like a charm, though. AND. I got out of WalMart with a total bill of $212. :)  GO. ME.

Faith and Cam have had some funny things to say in the last two days, too. Tonight at dinner, Cam was telling us that they had a clean up song at school. He was singing away about "Share. Clean up. Share. Clean up." Faith looked so disgusted and said, "NO! It's Evwy body do your SHARE!!!" That's Faith for ya'. Rude and uncensored.  Earlier, I was muttering to myself what I needed for dinner, "Tomato sauce, cream of mushroom, etc." Cameron says, "Mmm...I like dat Momma. Tomatoes, mushrooms....but most of all....tandy corn." :) You know it's close to Halloween. WE ALL LOVE CANDY CORN, here!

Love it. Tomorrow is gymnastics days and Cam's afternoon with Daddy. ;)

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