Saturday, July 14, 2012

CuPcAkE TiMe!!!

I have always considered myself a fairly organized person....okay...wait....some people, who know me, may be laughing their heads off at that. I think that I actually have split organizational styles. At work, I am a bit OCD. Very planned. Very organized. Overly specific. At home....not so much. I mean, my house is not a wreck or anything, but it is less than organized. I tend to forget things at home, too. Ask my mother or Margaret. I will not deny that we have often gotten specific grocery items from THEIR kitchens when I have forgotten them (and I can't completely blame it on the kids because I borrowed from mom before I even had children). Soooo....ok....I'll admit....maybe I am not as organized as a mother should be...or that I would like to be.....BUT. I. DO. TRY.

When you have kiddos, it's worse when you have forgotten or accidentally run out of something. They can't wait...won't wait...and you don't want them to, either. Although this is not a story of running out of milk, diapers, or juice (although we do that often), it is a story of....CUPCAKES. Yes...CUPCAKES. It all started like this....

I bought the kids these cute little aprons. I REALLY wanted to see them put to use. So, after nap one day this week, I asked them if they wanted to help me cook. They gave me an ecstatic, "UH-HUH!!!" Brownies was the baking item of choice (because I REALLY thought that I had some up in that cabinet!!!!). I got the kids all tied up in their aprons and the girls' hair all pulled back. The camera was close by, too (of course). When we get to the kitchen, yep, you guessed it....NO BROWNIES!!!! Faith said, "Oh, NO!" Now, who do you call when something like this occurs?.....your wonderful mother. I KNEW that I had the ingredients to whip up SOMETHING from scratch (although Betty Crocker or Pillsbury is more my style). These kids were ready to COOK! Mom could tell me what to do!

Mom found a quick cupcake recipe and then we went to work!!! In the end, we had some less than attractive, overly dry, chocolate cupcakes. The end product may have not been spectacular, but the process sure was fun....and funny!

So, yes. My house is less than organized. I often forget items at the grocery store. I obviously forget items that I do and do NOT have in my cupboards. OH WELL. My kids don't have the mother of the year by any means.....but we sure do learn how to improvise and have fun!!!

Here are the pics!

 Sneaky Faith. Stirring away.
 Trying out the icing.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Everything's Gonna be Alright

Well, today marks the last day of Cody's employment for Ford. There's been a whole lotta' wheels turning, butterflies in the belly, and prayers going up. A decision has been made, and, as I write, I am hoping that all who read will say an extra prayer for us!!!

Cody has decided to take his part-time business full-time. For those of you, who were unaware of ANY business, Cody is co-owner of Down South Diesel. As of right now, the business primarily orders and places performance parts on diesels. However, in the new endeavor, general maintenance repairs will be accepted to all types of vehicles.

For those of you doubters (and I am not accusing...just being realistic...I would be lying if I said that I didn't have my doubts), we know that it is not an ideal time to open a business. We know that things may get hard before they get better. We know that there is a chance that things might not get better at all, and we will be forced to look at other options.  I have thought of ALL of the negatives to this new me. However, this is what I DO know....

1. You have to trust and believe in your spouse. For better or for worse, right? Yes, those are the vows. I have never seen Cody so ambitious about something. He WANTS this. We've talked about it. We've thought about it. We've deliberated the topic. He prayed about it.....and he believes with all of his heart and soul that this is the path that God is urging him to go down. I believe him. I believe in him. End of story.

2. You must have faith. I will not sit here and say that I KNOW this will work out. I can't know that. We will pray. We will know that we will never be handed something that we can not handle. We will trust that all things happen for a reason. You live. You learn. You move forward.

3. Doors open and close for a reason. The door opened for Cody to become a parts and service manager at the Ford place two years ago. It brought him closer to home. It brought his stress level down. It gave him both service AND managerial experience. He has much of the knowledge that he needs to open a business. Perhaps that was all to prepare him for this newly opened door. Maybe not...but we shall see.

4. Success usually follows a risk. Most successful people HAVE to take risks. Of course, there are some exceptions to the rule, but sometimes you have to take risks. I understand that there is a lot at stake, here. I DO. Did I mention that we are going to pray, pray, pray???

5. You have to have a good support system. You have to have other family and friends that believe in in you....and are there for you.

So, having that all said, this is my first advertisement for DSD (Down South Diesel). I ask first, that everyone keeps us in their thoughts. Secondly, I ask everyone to bring us their business!!! For the remainder of July, Cody will be taking small jobs to keep the income flowing. We plan to open doors in Madison as early as July 31st. There are a couple of details to be worked out (such as getting the shop ready, etc). PLEASE COME OUT AND SUPPORT US!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

sUmMeR hEaT, sUmMeR fUn!

Summer has definitely heated up in the last week! WOW...the heat is awful! Most of my flowers are dying, and, unfortunately, it seems that some of our newly planted trees are, too. We have not been doing much playing in the yard, but early mornings and showers have seemed to allow us a few minutes of outside playtime.

What would summer be without watermelon???!!! Cameron, Faith, and Mallory LOVE the stuff. Here are some pics that we shot one afternoon before a summer shower. This is the only way we can eat watermelon....outside...and stripped down (only the kids, of course...ha)! I have posted most of these pics on facebook, as well.

We went out one morning just to walk in the shade (and for me to take pictures, of course). It's the little things in life. The kiddos LOVE to pick up and throw rocks. Although they can definitely have their disagreements, Faith and Cameron really try to look out for Mallory.On this particular day,  Faith was constantly trying to keep Mallory away from the road (although we were at least 50 yards from it).  They decided to hold her hands.

On a more concerning note, summer has thrown us a bit of a curve ball. The Ford Place in Greensboro has officially closed its doors. This has left Cody looking for a job as early as this Friday. As frightening as this is, we must not worry. We must know that "God has this (some words of wisdom that I have received)." We are not 100% certain what door will open as this one closes, but we do know that we must act fast. As everyone knows, bills don't stop coming. I have been comforted and so appreciative by the kind words of some. It's also amazing to me that others are so willing to offer help in whatever way they can. It's nice to know that people love you, support you in whatever endeavor we choose, and are willing to lend a shoulder or listening ear. THANK know, who you are ;)