Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Wild West

Well, the birthday week for the twins did not start off so good (for me at least), but it ended perfectly....

Faith and Cam's birthday fell on Monday. So far, their birthdays have always fallen on the there was never a problem. Their annual checkup was on Friday. So, trying not to take off too much work, I decided to only ask off on Friday....bad choice....REALLY. BAD. CHOICE.

 So, I really didn't take into account how TERRIBLE it would be not seeing the kids wake up on their birthday. I leave long before they get up. I was a bit upset Monday morning. To make it worse, they were not awake when Cody left, either. To me, that was just poor babies didn't see either of their parents on the morning of their birthday!!! got better. I had a meeting that afternoon. Therefore, it was 5:30 before I got home. What. A. Terrible. Mother. In fact, most of the people in my family saw my children before I did. I was upset. That is an understatement, actually. The good news is that the kids didn't seem to care. It didn't seem to matter to them! WHEW!

That evening we celebrated with pizza and cupcakes. Faith and Cameron both received Nabis from us.  They also loved the part of getting birthday cards in the mail. It was really cute.  Poor Mallory. It was a bit hard for her to understand. She was the only one that didn't get a gift or a card!!! Luckily, Faith and Cam were willing to let her hold a card or dollar along! :)

The birthday party was Saturday. We were pushing it to get everything done, but it went really well! Faith and Cameron were SUPER excited about their western party! It was a bit cold outside, but the kids loved playing in their western town made of cardboard boxes inside. The kids were blessed with some great guests and wonderful presents! Here are a few pictures.....

All the kids had a goodie bag, cowboy hat, and bandanna!

Let's PARTY!

 SUPER cute shot of some of the kiddos having some snacks!
 Cowboy Cameron!
Busting through the doors....I wanted to do a saloon, but Cody made me do a Barber.
 They weren't so sure about everyone singing to them!
Mallory had some fun, too!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Three Years

Three years. WOW. It sure has been interesting. Crazy. Fun. Overwhelming. Joyous. A journey. An experience. True Bliss. Beyond Frustrating. Life changing. The time of my life......

I have read that parents with multiples often go through the motions in the early years. That it's difficult to savor or even remember the major milestones. You are in survival mode. In a sense, this is very true. Days have flown by. Days have seemed to go on forever. You find yourself not stopping to appreciate the small things.  So, yes. I likely can not remember the exact month a word was spoken or week a smile was made. I may not even be able to find that in the baby book (I really tried...but I failed in that area).   Although I may can not recall every specific detail, I do remember so much. The good. The bad....and it has all been so worth it.....

I remember just like it was yesterday.....

....the knock me off my rocker news of learning that there were TWO...not ONE like we had thought and seen for many weeks on ultrasound. You could not say ANYTHING that could wipe the smile off off my face that day! I smiled, laughed, and called every possible person I could think of the entire way home. Such a miracle! All doubts and worries were somehow magically washed away.  I knew we were going all the way with this one...OR these two!

Their very first picture together!

...the long wait until the arrival. Those months were long but wonderful. We had some strange and typical pregnancy ailments, but that was okay. I mean, I had only spent an entire year dealing with loss, disappointment, and an undying hope for ONE baby...and I was gonna' get TWO???!!!  Everything from the carpal tunnel to the inability to breathe at night was just fine with me!!!

 Yeah...I was FAT!

....the arrival. I was a bit out of it, beyond nauseous, but fully aware. There were cries...TWO....and they were strong. No wires or NICU needed. Perfectly healthy. Perfectly beautiful. Perfect.


...the sixteen bottles and twenty-five diapers per day. Oh, yes. I will NEVER forget that!

 I never got a pic of me feeding them both, but this is how we did it. The Boppy is wonderful!

...the sleepless nights. If there was ANYTHING that I learned quickly, it was to get your sleep however you must. All of those books and advice from others were null and void. I didn't use it....really didn't want it. In the bed Faith and Cameron went with us....and I really didn't care!

 So sweet!

....the days of bouncing nonstop.  Those were the most difficult times. The days when we really didn't know what we were to do....BUT....we had a great support from family.

 Poor babies...I had not a clue what I was doing! ;)

....the first smiles.  Well, I may not remember WHEN these occurred, but I promise you that I had a camera for most! So very proud!



...the developing personalities.

Sneaky, Sneaky!

Happy man...finally!

...the first fight. Oh, so funny!

 This is one of my faves!

...the many booboos

 Broken foot!

 Right before Easter...GREAT.

...the first beach trip. We started table food full time at that point! Faith and Cam HATED the sand, we were up at sunrise for the first time on vacation, and my fussy little man became not-so-fussy!!! It was a pivotal me!

 The beach babe.

 The hunk.

...the mischief.  How these babies loved to climb, run, jump, and cause havoc.

 They did this while I was trying to cook dinner.

...having my babies become the big brother and sister. I have never been more proud. My fourteen month old BABIES really stepped up. They were never jealous. They were always careful and gentle. It was like they grew up overnight. The loved their Mawee Jo.  Oh, how wonderful they were!

...the kisses good night. Luckily, I get to relive these each and every night! As the girls trot around the corner to their room and Cam pulls my hand and says, "Les go to yo room mommy," I am beyond thankful. Thankful for the opportunity that I have been given to be their mommy. The responsibility that I have been entrusted. The extraordinary journey that we have taken thus far.  I am have another day...another year....and more...with these precious little people.....every matter how hard the day may have been, I pray just for another day with them.  I am so proud of them already, and I know that great things are in store!

Faith and Cameron, you guys never cease to amaze your daddy and me. You possess so many qualities that I wish that I had.  You are full of life and energy. Faith has so much sass, and Cameron has a laugh that could light up the room.  While Faith takes charge, Cameron hangs back and goes with the flow. I admire both of those qualities so much.  You are both so beautiful and so smart, and I know that you will grow to beautiful people inside out!  Happy Birthday Faith and Cameron! You are loved beyond measure!

Christmas 2012

I can not believe how poorly I have done with the blogging. I completely missed Christmas! I definitely want to be able to look back on some memories from Christmas 2012 in future years, so here I am posting a few pics and details!

Christmas break was much needed! I loved spending time with the kids, and we really became spoiled with sleeping in and staying up late. Breakfast in bed became a favorite of Faith and Cameron's while Mallory got her beauty sleep! That girl!

On my last day of school, it was very warm. I decided to take the kids outside, and that's when the colds hit. We made it until the day before Christmas Eve before the fever hit Faith. All had nasty coughs and runny noses. We did get to make it to all gatherings, we were blessed with a wonderful Christmas.  We had celebrations with family at multiple locations: our house, both of Cody's grandmother's homes, and Cody's parents. 

Santa was very good to the kids. Santa brought Faith a dollhouse, Cameron a train set, and Mallory a Disney Princess Castle. Cameron was probably the most excited one! His little personality really came out during Christmas. Instead of the shy one, he became the outgoing one. I really think that his excitement took over. It was great!  Faith was still a bit under the weather, but she eventually got into the excitement.  It was fun to see Mallory. She was under one last year and uninterested.  She loved her easel.

We are so blessed! Here are a few snapshots! Faith and Cam's bday is coming up, so I am sure that the next post will not be so far away!

Pics coming soon.....