Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Just a Few Pics

I've got a bad case of falling to sleep with your kids each night.  That is my only excuse for not blogging much these days. I usually go to sleep with Faith and I do not wake up for several hours. For whatever reason, I've become rather exhausted...I. the point of lazy.  Thank the Lord that Spring Break is coming up. Tomorrow is my last day....YIPEE.  No, I will not get much rest chasing three little ones around, but it is much less tiring doing so and NOT having to work. We have a busy week planned, too. Mallory's birthday party kicks off the weekend, followed by Cam's return to the orthopedic and a family trip to the zoo. I am sure many pictures will follow in the next couple of days...that is...IF I stop the falling to sleep with Faith thing! :)

Anyway...not many stories...just some cute pics!

Ahhh...I've been blessed with three climbers. They all love to climb like little monkeys. Cam has mastered climbing (and just about everything else) with his "new shoe." The three like to push the chairs to the tv and try to get into mischief. It looks like Faith has Mallory in a head lock, here....hmmm.

I thought this was funny. I gave Mallory a big bowl and spoon to play with while I cooked. Faith decided to take charge. Mallory did not mind a bit. She loves to pretend that she's eating.

Here is Faith hiding. When we finally found her, she was trying very hard...and successfully to tear into her favorite donut holes. Sneaky, sneaky.

We discovered some caterpillars outside the other night. Although Cameron wouldn't touch them, Faith loved to pick them up. She actually squeezed the "big one," too hard. Needless to say, it did not make it and Faith said, "It broke." Ha! :)

I recently purchased some curtains for our dining room. They were a hit...the new hiding spot. Too cute!

That's it for now! I am so looking forward to the wild, wacky, and fun days of Spring Break! Hoping to post many pictures soon!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Broken Bones and Bruises

Well, Cameron has officially accomplished two things that I can say that I have never done in my 28 years. As many of you know, Cam was rushed to the hospital some months ago to have a nice gash glued back together on his head. NOW, he boasts a nice, blue cast around a broken foot. Yep. In two years, he has had two, rather significant emergencies. I imagine that this is the first two of many.

Surprisingly, the broken foot was not a result of some of Cam's wild his climbing on the tops of tables, jumping on sofas and beds, or driving his Gator like a maniac. Nope. It was somewhat of a freak accident. He WAS, however, doing something that he does best....chasing Faith. It is our thought (since we didn't actually SEE the fall), that as he rounded the corner, he turned his foot and fell, having his foot roll over. He was clearly hurt, but he soon quit crying. He did not, however, walk.....for the rest of the day. When he was STILL not walking the next day, we thought we may need to check it out. I NEVER THOUGHT IT WAS BROKEN!!! To our surprise, x-rays showed a break near Cam's big toe. My boy needed a cast.

I am so proud of Cameron. He has accepted the situation. He has not once cried for not being able to walk (although the doctor has told us that he could, he is not interested), jump on the trampoline, or take a bath with Mallory and Faith. He scoots around on his little hiney to get where he wants and needs to go. HE IS A CHAMP. Does this boy let a little broken bone get him down? I THINK NOT!

While Cameron is busy breaking bones, Mallory is busy blacking her eye. She is finally showing some interest in walking. This brings more opportunities for bumps and bruises. Mallory fell right on the corner of a table. She barely cried, but she certainly did some damage to her pretty little face! You can't tell it by this picture, but her eye looks terrible.

I am simply waiting on Faith's turn. I am sure that she can't and won't let her siblings outdo her. Just check out this drama queen. Have you EVER seen anyone more dramatic and attention seeking than THIS GIRL?!

The REALLY bad news is that we have to head to a birthday party this weekend. What says unfit parents more than having one child with a broken bone and the other with a blue eye?!

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Little of This...A Little of That

Just a quick sorry!
If any month has tested me, it has been this one...

The virus hit hard in the Patrick house. Cameron came down with it first followed by Faith, Cody, and, then, myself. I finally feel comfortable saying that Mallory is the only one that didn't get it (and PLEASE don't let me have jinxed myself, here!). Luckily, it came in shifts. We were able to get one well before it hit the other. Cody and I found how much we needed the other...being a "single" parent of three was not fun and not easy! We also found that our babies our far stronger than we are. While Faith and Cameron bounced back quickly, we were in the bed for a full day. Faith would dramatically do what she needed in the trashcan, and triumphantly yell, "Done!" I, however, curled up and cried on the bathroom floor. Mallory was the strongest, avoiding the "bug" all together. We all survived, though.

Work has been tough this month. I can't pinpoint any, one specific reason, but I've been stressed beyond measure, which has resulted in some sleepless nights, tired days, tearful rides to the job, and a resentment for all, who can stay home with their babies. Something to pray about, and I continue to do so....

There's a first time for everything, and, well, I took the kids to WalMart by myself! Call me crazy, call me dumb, call me brave....whatever you want....but it didn't go SO bad. I was in a of those, "Im tired of feeling like I need someone to help me with everything," kind of moods. The predicament was that we needed diapers (like we were down to 0), and I was determined not to call someone to bring me some.  (Okay, so how did I get in this predicament???....well, like many things that had happened that week, it was a mystery HOW we went through over 112 diapers. I mean, who goes through that many diapers???!!!)  ANYWAY...I loaded all three up, and took off.  Besides the fact that I left the back door wide open and had to go back and shut it, that Mallory yanked Faith's hair at the checkout, and that Faith dove over all of the seats to get to the driver's seat in the parking lot while I tried to load all three BACK into the car, it went fairly good. I parked beside a buggy so I didn't have to carry all into the store, they sat down and were sweet MOST of the time since I pretty much threatened their lives (not really, okay?), AND I was overall very proud of them AND myself!!! What can I say? They are all growing up!

We splurged and got the kids a trampoline. They love it, and it has been SUPER fun. Faith and Cameron LOVE to jump, and Mallory loves to watch from outside or get in on the action, too. She will sit and jump. She also likes to have Faith and Cam to bounce her. She looks like a little rag doll as she flops around. I was horrified at first, but, hey....the kid likes it!!! Faith and Cameron think that it is wildly funny!

We have celebrated three birthdays since I last wrote. My dad, Aunt Rachel, and YaYa all had birthdays. This makes for busy weekends but always a good time with families. It is so good to know that Faith, Cameron, and Mallory will grow up amongst families that are close-knit and involved. We are so blessed with wonderful families. Can't wait for Mallory's 1st birthday, which is right around the corner!!!

It is now time to begin working on our bonus room. The toys downstairs are becoming rather ridiculous. We have cleaned out all of the junk upstairs, and the work will begin next week. I am so excited. I hope to de-clutter the downstairs!

That's pretty much much but so little that is interesting! Will try to post soon.