Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words (isn't that how it goes?)

Could it be that I am more exhausted this summer than I am during the school year???!!! To put it simply....YES!!! It's a good tired, though. It's a stay up late, swim all day, play outside kind of tired....and it's pretty great!  We have been totally lax with bed time this summer, but I figure we should let the kids have as much fun as possible while I am out of school...and before we have to get back into the monotonous swing of things in August.

There is really not that much to blog about. Potty training is going great for one and we've taken a step back with the other. Mallory reminds me so much of Faith and Cameron when they were at that age. She is SO busy....and into EVERYTHING. She has even started looking and laughing before she does something. I recall a time that I was overwhelmed and WORRIED that Faith and Cameron did this. I thought that it (and they) were terrible....BUT obviously it is a stage and it seemed so much worse with TWO.

We basically go on an adventure each night after dinner and take pictures like crazy. I am obsesessed with pictures-not doing too good with videotaping special moments. We recently purchased a new camera.  Since the kiddos have been born, we have had a wonderful photographer take pictures of them during their first years (lucky for Faith and Cam, they also had their pics made during all of Mallory's photo sessions, too). We are going to slow it down on the professional photoshoots, though. For that reason, we decided to upgrade on cameras (hence the increase of pictures taken at my house...ha!).  I am having fun with the picture are some of them!

Here we are at the lake (although you can's see it). They had fun running and playing. Here is mother hen taking care of Mallory's hair bow.

At the lake again. Faith taking care of Cam's shoe. Never a worry....Faith has it under control! ;)

Love this sweet pic.
My attempt to get creative...ha!
Here we are painting with watercolors....what was I thinking? This ended in baths. The children loved to paint their bodies rather than their papers.
Busy hands at work!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day

I am so proud to have married someone that is a loving a devoted father! Cody does far more than most daddies and I am not quite sure what I would ever do without him. Yes, he plays as hard as the kids do...and sometimes acts like them...ha....but we could not ask for better!

I always said that if I found a husband that was half the spouse and father that my dad was, then I had found a my opinion Cody is a winner. Sending love to all of the special men in my life!!!

We had a GREAT father's day...super busy and exhausting...and I might have been a grouch a few times during the day (so many gatherings in one day make me on edge)....but it was great to celebrate the great dads in our families! Cody was so tired by the time we returned home, that he immediately drank a cold one once the babies were in bed!!!....BUT...I guess that's a good way to end father's day!!! HAHA!

Lovin My Life

The summer fun is continuing at the Patrick house! I must admit...I am LOVING spending time with the kiddos, BUT I find myself bored at times. I want something NEW to do or somewhere to go! Therefore, I have been picking up a new toy per week to entertain myself AND the kids...ha! Last week, I purchased play-doh (I know, what WAS I thinking?). This week....more BUBBLES!!! They were a hit!

Typical little boy. Cameron wants to find out exactly how this thing works!

Mallory works very hard to blow bubbles! I think that she eats more than blows!

 Poor Mallory. She is having a hard time. She is at that age in which she THINKS that she can do everything that Faith and Cam do...BUT...she can't. She doesn't appreciate or accept that fact, either. She rarely likes help from anyone and becomes very frustrated when something doesn't go to her liking. I also think that tooth number seven is coming. Those mean teeth...they really get to her...and I mean...REALLY.  She might act mean....but she still looks so darn cute....below she is very upset that she can not get down from the chair. I tried to 

In case you are wondering, Mallory fell flat on her face leaning over while she sat on steps....hence the monster scratch on her nose!...poor thing!

I am also finding time to make visits that I don't get to make as often as I should or want. Today we went to visit Granny and Papa. The kids love all of the old junky toys over there...AND...they got to play outside! They were so pooped when we got home. SO pooped that....

Yes....they were all asleep! Sorry...somehow I deleted Mallory's sleeping pic from my camera before I uploaded...BUT....YES!!!! They were ALL asleep!!! Faith NEVER, EVER takes a nap!!!

So, yes. We are having a fabulous time this summer! We wear our pajamas as long as we want. We pick up and leave when we want. We nap and be lazy when we want. Yep, that's my kind of living!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Party of SIX!!!

We have officially welcomed a sixth member into the Patrick party! With much consideration...yes...we basically debated the issue...I broke Stinker!!!

We have spotted several snakes in our area right on our front porch. We've been told that female cats can help with that problem. Well, I'm not sure if this cute, little one will be very ferocious, but it is worth a shot. Although I am more partial to cats, I still wasn't sure that I wanted ANY pets at this time...I think we have our hands and home full, here. After all, we gave our dog away when Mallory was born....too much trouble....BUH-UTTTTT....cats are not as much trouble and a snake scares me beyond belief. So, if it means that we get a cat to keep snakes away...then so be it.

Stinker is a cute little kitten! The kids love, love, LOVE her. Faith and Cameron are doing fairly well with being gentle and understanding that we must be "va-wey caful....aka very careful." Mallory, on the other hand, likes to kick, stomp, and dive on the poor thing. Check this out....little Stinker is under the chair....Mallory is just thrilled!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Days

Summer is already flying by!!!...I can't seem to enjoy it because I want it to SLOW down! Being at home has been GREAT!!! I. LOVE. IT.

Potty training has gone so much better than expected. I am so proud of my babies. We have had very few accidents and the kiddos are actually TELLING me when they have to go. In fact, sometimes they slip off without my knowing...and there they sit...on the POTTY! Yay! The only trouble that I have is keeping Mallory out of mischief! She insists that she oversees the potty business and often tries to beat me to emptying the training potties into the toilet.  Since we are potty training, Faith and Cameron have an excuse to run wild and free without their's just easier that way. Look at Faith dancing away on the back porch!!!

I have loved watching all three play together. They do fight and argue, but not terribly so. They play together very well for the most part. Here are some super sweet pictures that I snapped of Faith and Cam(if you have facebook you have seen these).

Mallory is so sweet. She plays very well with Faith and Cam, but she also plays well by herself (for short periods...haha).

Of course, life wouldn't be the same without my kids trying to get into something! I have not been great at capturing these moments lately, but I can assure you that we have at least one catastrophe per day...whether it is someone sneaking out the door or someone hiding under the table with cookies. I did snap these two pics yesterday.
Here is Faith trying to sneak on the bed.
Here is Cameron...already on the bed....notice that a butterfly is missing from the wall. That little booger!!!

Whatever the days bring this summer, however, I am savoring these little moments! Hoping that these days stop going by so fast!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

School is OUT for the Summer!!!

The last day for teachers was last Wednesday. I can not express how ecstatic I am. I have only been dreaming of the day since....well....the beginning of the school year!!! Do NOT get me wrong. I LOVE teaching kiddos when all the other hoopla that education entails doesn't bog me down. I just would really LOVE the stay-at-home mommy/domestic goddess title. I have thought and thought of ideas that could win me this title, but I have found that I usually depress myself with such ain't gonna happen so why bother thinking about it!!!

ANYWAY. I have so much but so little planned for the summer. There is a whole lotta lovin' that these kiddos do NOT know they are about to receive. ALL. DAY. LONG. I am in hopes to fall into a schedule once I get things figured out. Perhaps one day each week for the pool, another for a lunch date with Aunt Jennifer, maybe a day set aside for a playdate with other kiddos, etc. I am not sure, but I will get it figured out. FIRST...we have important business to take care of. VERY. IMPORTANT. BUSINESS. After we take care of this order of business, we will let all else fall into place. What is this important business?........NONE OTHER THAN............POTTY TRAINING!!!!!!!!!

So, on Friday, I took Faith and Cameron to WalMart for a special mission. We left Mallory behind since this was big girl and big boy business. Faith and Cameron picked out panties and underwear. They also picked out potties and special treats for using the potty. We made a VERY BIG DEAL about the whole thing. I could only HOPE that these shenanigans would work!!!

I'm not gonna' lie. The first day of potty training was horrific. We spent most of the afternoon running to the potty...yes...WE. When one went...we all went...including Mallory. I am sure it was quite a spectacle. I can picture someone looking in the window at picking up Faith or Cam and making a mad dash with the other two in tow. Mallory became quite frustrated with the whole ordeal. She wanted a potty too. I can't blame her, but, when you have two potties and three children wanting to sit on them, you have quite the predicament. To make matters worse, while I would clean the accident of one, the other would do it, too!!! Then, Mallory would come along and slip right in the puddles. Within two hours, we had gone through twelve pairs of underpants and oodles of outfits (because my children insisted on putting clothes back on). I was ready to call it quits......BUT.......

The good Lord was looking out for me. When Faith and Cameron finally got it later that afternoon, they really GOT it!!! We have had minimal accidents since then and both are eager to use the potty. I am SO proud. They are's so sweet. Cam keeps me busy...he goes potty very frequently. Cody was telling me tonight that Cameron was a peeing machine. Unfortunately, we forget that our children are listening to every word that we say, now. Cameron smiled and said, "Pee-SHEEN!!!" Oops.

This was the only pic that I have had time to snap. As you can see, Mallory is very ineterested in the potty...I am guessing that she will be trained MUCH earlier than Faith and Cam!!!