Monday, August 12, 2013

Going out on a Limb

It was back to school week! AHHHH! I am definitely getting used to getting up at the crack of dawn every morning! Overall, I think that I have done very well with the leaving the kids part. I have had a couple of good private....but I am holding it together fairly well. There have been certain times during my first days back that I have had to just walk away. All of these little bitty babies keep reminding me of my own! I was trying so hard to comfort a preschooler the other day that I had to finally rub his little face, pat his little head, say that it would be ok, and walk away. I almost lost it. Really. No kidding. Ahhh...but I battled with that ALL YEAR last year. So, I am not so sure I will overcome that one. 

The kids are adjusting VERY well to my being gone. It's like there's no change at all. Cameron has said that he doesn't want me to go to work, and Faith usually asks each night who will be there in the morning (which breaks my heart). Other than that, though, they are doing GREAT....and loving having their way with the!

 I know that most mothers work these days, and I am extremely blessed to have a summer and holidays with my children. So, I am going to hold on to those positives for now. However, I am also convinced that God doesn't intend for us to feel "stuck" or accepting of an existence full of what ifs and regrets...and I think that as a society that's what we do. We go to jobs that we are unhappy in. We sit back and think that's the way that it should be. We convince ourselves that there's nothing else that we can do, and we worry about what people may think or say if we go out on a limb. I believe that I think with my head a little too much....and with my heart not enough. After all of this rambling, I must clarify that I don't HATE my job...or the profession. There are some changes that I would like to make, however. I am vowing to follow my heart these days and see just where that takes me. Praying for blessings and a peace like no other.

Speaking of going out on a limb, and taking chances, our family is about to do just that. As most know, we did so about a year ago. Cody partnered with a friend and opened up a business, Down South Diesel. We could only hope and pray. Opening a business these days is scarier than ever...A BIG RISK. So, I am so happy and proud to announce that we are expanding!!! WOOHOO!!! Cody has outgrown his current building and is moving right up the road to a bigger shop (as long as all details work out). I say "we" are I have something to do with! Through much stress and hard work, Cody is making it happen. Can we say very proud?!  I do believe that I typed this last year, and, so, I will say it again. Things may get harder before they get better. We know that there is a risk. We are asking for continued prayers and support. We are following our hearts...enough said!

Now to the funny part of my blog (sorry this is SO long, but I have not written in a while)! I think that Cameron and Faith are ready for their school to start. As I go to and from school, I think that they are a little confused. They asked, "When are we going to school?"  I am working hard on getting them "school ready." I don't mean teaching them their ABCs and 123s or anything of that nature. I am talking about coaching them on "how not to embarrass me." As I have mentioned, they love words such as, "poop," "poop head," "booger," etc. We constantly talk about how those words are inappropriate and not what we say anywhere......ESPECIALLY SCHOOL....ESPECIALLY A CHURCH PRESCHOOL. So, during one of these conversations, Faith says, "...but that's how we talk, Momma." Bless her heart. She was SO serious.  Cameron was quietly listening in on this conversation, and says, "Well, can my shake my booty?"  I can see him breaking it down right in the sanctuary.  Cameron is also more interested in DOING bodily functions at school. He is SO proud of his poop in the potty. He told me that he was gonna' "drop a big bolda (boulder)" at school. OMG...thanks for the terminology, CODY PATRICK!!! 

I love my kids...I really, really do. I act like they embarrass me, but their funny little personalities keep me going. I'm so glad that they are not! Who wants a kid that never says or does anything completely off the wall?

Ran across this on my computer. It's an old one but good one (I've probably posted it before).

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