Monday, November 11, 2013

Imaginary BFFs

I must do a little bragging on my children. We decided not to go to the truck pull over the weekend. It was cold and the kids had coughs and runny noses. So, it was just us for most of the weekend. They were wonderful. Little angels. We stayed overnight with my mom and dad on Friday. They thought that was a treat! Saturday, we (just me and the kids) headed to WalMart to fill their shoe boxes that they are doing for school (you know the boxes that are sent to underprivileged children for Christmas).  I thought that it would be a good idea to let them help with it, but I was also hesitant and fearful that they would pitch a tantrum when they realized that they wouldn't be getting ANYTHING! I had no reason to worry, however...these kids were awesome. They walked the entire time and were great at picking things out. They never once asked to keep the stuff that we purchased. SO. VERY. SWEET.

Now, on to the funny story...

I do believe that I have mentioned my children's imaginary friends before. I think that it is so cute...and interesting. Having constant playmates with each other, I really wouldn't have dreamed that they would need imaginary ones. Nonetheless, they do....and their names are HILARIOUS. I was reminded to write about this because they were talking about their little friends tonight. Cody asked Cameron if he had spoken to Charles today. Just a week or so ago, Cameron had revealed that Charles had quite the potty mouth. Since then, if he says something that he should not, Cam continues to blame it on Charles. "Well, Charles say it." It is too funny. Since Charles seems to be a bad influence, I was relieved to hear that Cameron had not spoken to 'ole Charles today. Mallory, on the other hand, shouts, "I talk to Puddintain Daddy!" Yes...Puddintain.  She goes on to say,"Puddintain say bad word at school, Daddy." The kids didn't even go to school today. She was very convincing, though. Mallory kept saying it over and over.  Faith later said that her friend, AK, was badly hurt in an accident and she was teaching her how to write again. I think that this comes from our nightly prayers for Tripp Halstead, the little boy who suffered brain injuries from a falling tree.

My, love, love!

Monday, November 4, 2013


No, I'm not talking about my job...hehe....although how I would LOVE to come home!....

ANYWAY, I don't want to be one of THOSE know the kind of parent, who lives their dreams out through their own children MAKING them do things that they do not want to do. My parents NEVER did that, and I do not plan on it, either. If I wanted to do an extra curricular activity, GREAT. If not, that was my choice.  Now, I know that my children are only three and two, but I have already had my first experience with this type of situation....

My strong-willed Faith.....she decided last week that she simply did not want to do gymnastics. She actually decided to pitch a little fit once we arrived. She was glued to my leg and acted what I would call ridiculous. It just didn't make sense to me...she had been liking it!  I thought it was just some whim.  Mallory had fallen asleep on the way, so after whispering every threat that I could think of to Faith, I relented and out we marched with Mallory on my hip and Faith sniffling all the way.  Oh, I was fuming. I was not so much irritated because she had decided not to do gymnastics, but by the way she acted and how she had changed her mind so quickly. She thought of every excuse as to why she behaved the way she did, and I am still uncertain as to the REAL reason. However, it is clear that she doesn't want to go back...and I'm not going to push her.

So, for now, Mallory thinks that she is super special. She will go by herself this week! Faith is excited to go hunting with Cody and Cam (not sure if Cody is so much!). She may change her mind....she may not. We shall see. :) fickle! Who knows, I may have a TRUE country girl on my hands, here.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Cutest Trick-or-Treaters EVER!!!

I have wanted to blog since Halloween night, but I have not found the time!

Halloween was a success! The kids did great in their costumes, they were not EXTREMELY shy, and they seemed to have a great time. There were no that always equals success.

Halloween morning, the kids had something special at their school. They were allowed to dress up, but I really didn't want them to go in their costumes that I had planned for the night. I was afraid that they may get torn...or worse than that...they may grow tired of them and refuse to wear them that night. Cam had said that his was itchy when it arrived in the mail, so I was sure that he would not tolerate it in the morning AND evening. So, these rotten little children had TWO costumes. Cameron already had a fireman costume from Christmas and I simply bought the girls some bunny ears and a tail to wear with their pink leotards. Cody was the fortunate soul, who had to dress them for this event. :)  I must say, that he did very well! YaYa was kind enough to attend the children's this was event number two that I have had to miss in the last two weeks...grrrrr. Here is the pic Cody sent me that morning:


That evening, MeMe and Poppy came to us. I can not braid hair, so I needed my mother's assistance! The kids were so happy and excited about their costumes! THEY. LOVED. THEM. You could tell that they thought they were SO cute....and they were, of course! ;)  We only went to a couple of houses that were family. They were NOT the most excited trick-or-treaters once we started going to houses, but they weren't around my legs, either. I find that to be an accomplishment. :)  Unfortunately, we did not get to everyone in the family that we wanted because the kids really wanted to go to the church trunk-or-treat. Although I am so happy that the church does this, I just can't understand why it is done on Halloween night! For those of us, who like to keep with the tradition of Halloween of going door-to-door, there is no way that it can all be done!

The cast of The Wizard of Oz...they LOVE that book/movie!
They were doing "We're off to see the wizard" in this picture!

There were all treats this Halloween and zero tricks....well...unless you consider the lovely mural that Faith colored on my wall that day a trick. Poor Mallory....she was blamed by Faith and Cameron until we found out the truth the next day. Looks like painting walls will be in my near future.

I also wanted to post a picture from a couple of years ago. This little trick happened after we got home from trick-or-treating. Faith and Cam ran to the front of the car and locked us out. I look at pictures like this and can't believe that they were up to such mischief so young...and then I remember who their daddy is! ;)