Tuesday, October 29, 2013

....and you said WHAT?!

"Momma, I'm gonna' call you Momma Jo."  "I pinch my teacher on the hiney." "I tee-tee. Change me."

All of these I have heard this week....all of these made me stop and say, "WHAT?! What did I just hear?!"  These children are such little entertainers...and so busy. My mother always says, "I just don't remember mine being THAT busy...but perhaps it is because you were not THAT close in age." By the way, can you guess which child said what from above?

Faith was the one that gave me the new name. It was completely out of the blue. Sometimes I wonder what she is sitting there thinking, and, at other times, I think that I would rather NOT know. Cam was the little devil, who shared that he pinches people...specifically his teacher...in inappropriate places. I was certainly hoping that I heard him wrong...and then I was just hoping that he was teasing.  He WAS teasing....not about doing it, unfortunately...but he considered the little pinch a joke of sorts. :0  As for Mallory, she is the one that demands to be changed on cue. Everyone always told me that Mallory would be easiest...Yeah. Right. Mallory is so strong willed. She is certainly ready and old enough to be potty trained. She will even take spells where she WANTS to be...it's just going to take some work...someone stern...and right now, I do not have the time nor the energy. Maybe we will tackle that task during Christmas break. If not, we will get to it this spring or summer. I am not going to push it. I'm definitely not the mom I was a year or so ago.....freaking out about training Faith and Cam.

On to the past weekend....

It was a busy one, of course. Friday night, we celebrated my birthday AGAIN (I love having a birthday MONTH) at Margaret's.  I found myself striking back off to Athens in an effort to finish up Halloween costumes Saturday morning. The kids had a sleepover with Pat and YaYa Saturday night, which allowed me to go to the tractor/truck pull. Now, this is not my kind of thing....BUT....it's Cody's type of thing, and I have not even attempted to go since that dreadful spring night that I dislocated my knee in route there. So, I felt rather obligated to go...but I am glad that I did. Cody won 1st place in some class or another. Go DADDY! Sunday, I helped give a shower for a good friend. Faith decided to hang back with the ladies, but Mallory and Cam wanted no part and went with Daddy. WHEW....so it's now almost mid-week again!!!!!!!!

Halloween is just around the corner.....I promise pics....and I am sure a funny story or two. ;)

Monday, October 21, 2013

FaLl BrEaK FuN!

Well, I hate to even call it "Fall Break" considering it was ONLY. ONE. DAY. I mean, c'mon!!! I will certainly take it, though....

Saturday was a busy, fun day. I decided to strike off to Athens...alone....to finally do some of my birthday shopping. I did find a few things, but you know how it goes. When you don't have any money, you find TONS. When you do, you can't find a thing. That's kinda' how it went for me. I was sure to make it back in time to head to NGA's fall festival, though. The kids were excited about it. I was not impressed...at all...especially since we paid $30 to get in, BUT the kids seemed to enjoy it. I am one, who thinks that the pumpkin patch is a waste of money, but I am also one, who admits when I have made a bad choice....and I think we shoulda' headed on up to the pumpkin patch. :)  Sunday was simply a lazy day, but it was nice.

I sure did have a lot of fun with the kids today, though. Well....not at this moment....they are having some "quiet time." They are super tired, and sometimes when they are super tired, they turn up the craziness to extreme, intolerable levels. So. I'm typing while they have some time to sit quietly...we will see how long this lasts....

Today...it was fun! We played. We ate junk. We played some more. We ate more junk. Don't judge. Mommy being home is like a celebration....who wants to be boring and eat boring during a celebration?! We hung out at Daddy's shop a while, and we went to the park. The kids had fun on the playground....and decided to water the grass there....yes...you read correctly. Cam was first....Faith was second....Mallory was third. While I was pulling up the pants of one...the other was stripping down...and so on. They thought it was wildly funny.  Of course, I had the camera on hand and I DID get pics...but I won't share those....although they are pretty darn funny! ;)  Here are some of the pics that I will share:

We even finished the afternoon at the Chick-fil-a playground...with an ice-cream!  I think that I wore them out! I am pretty tired, too! Any day is a good day when I hear Cam say, "I like you to stay home." Aweee.....my boy.

Gotta' go....as I type they have now let the cat in, screaming at the top of their lungs, and chasing her all around the house. The poor cat is HORRIFIED. :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Return...I'm a Happy Momma

This week has been back to normal....a little less stressful. I am so very glad to breathe a sigh of relief! Granny B is back! We are so happy that she has returned happy and healthy. The fact that I do not have to worry about finding someone to fill her shoes each day has lifted a huge weight from my shoulders. I am so thankful that she is back, but I am equally thankful that I had some wonderful "subs" during her absence. :)

The kids are out of school this week, as well. That has been nice, too! No worries about who will pick them up and I do not have to do all that school prepping at night: laying out clothes, bags, etc. Faith, Cam, and Mallory are extremely happy to see their Granny B, but I think that they are missing school a little bit. No worries....teacher mommy can fill that void!

I have tried to bring the kids "homework" routinely...something fun...and something more work related. They usually run to the door begging for what I brought, which makes me smile...but also stresses me when I forget! :)  ANYWAY. As usual, I brought some things home yesterday. I yell from the kitchen, "Who wants to do their work?!" The girls come running. Cameron hangs back and says, "I not want to. All I want is dat tandy torn." Yep. He loves candy corn as much as me, and that's about the only way that I can get him to count past two. Seriously. He is his daddy made over. Faith, on the other hand, asks me to bring MORE work home. She is more into the workbook type thing. She wants to WORK. If I had the time, I imagine that I could certainly take flight with her eagerness...we will work on that. Mallory is interested, but she is still a bit young for "homework." Her homework for now is to get potty trained...wish us luck with that one, by the way.

Two funny stories:

First, I come home to this on afternoon:

The kids were as happy as could be. There's nothing wrong with them knocking over my tree with their Gator. It was a dead tree, so I guess they thought they were doing me a favor.

Second, Cam's imaginary friend obviously has a potty mouth. We were sitting at the table talking about something...can't recall what. Cameron, disgusted about something said, "Well, damn." I continued talking and then thought about what he said..."What?" Cameron continued right on repeating the word. I looked at him. He said, Charles says "Dammit."  I had to turn away. I hate he said the bad word, but it was HILARIOUS. I sure hope he doesn't share that at school! LOL!

Now, I am ready for the weekend!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

You Will Wear Those Tap Shoes

Just as I said, this weekend is BUSY....and it's only Saturday. Tomorrow will be jam packed, as well. Today started early with cleaning and washing. I think that I have mentioned my bit of OCD before. Now, I do not keep an immaculate house. I tend to throw things in drawers and under beds. However, I DO get things on my mind. When they get there, they are there and must be handled. So, since Granny B has been out (for three weeks), I have had this obsession of washing clothes. Granny B normally washes a couple of loads per day, and I then wash the rest on the weekends or mid-week. Well, for whatever reason, I am insistent that all clothes should be washed daily...not a sock to be left dirty. I know. CRAZY...but that's how the day started. Cleaning...and most importantly...washing. ;)

We also had to run to Athens to get Faith some tap shoes. We almost NEVER found the place, and I know NOTHING about tap shoes. ZERO. So, we go in, I tell the lady I need tap shoes, and she starts asking me things that I have not a CLUE about. Like, is she supposed to wear socks or tights with her shoes???  Well, I assume tights...but IDK!!! I went with tights, so that initiated us to buy the smaller size. Faith heard this whole conversation. So, as soon as we stepped outside, she says that the shoes we purchased hurt her feet AND she wanted to wear socks with them. Of course, I got in a panic and contemplated turning right around and exchanging them. Cody looked like he wanted to kill us both.  I've noticed lately that Faith likes to be a little difficult...in that she doesn't want to agree with me and that she wants to make my life a little harder (can't wait to see what she's like as a teenager). So, I turned right around and said, "Okay, Faith. If they hurt your feet, I imagine that I need to let Mallory just wear and have them." Faith immediately says, "I wear them." End of story. Score. :)

We ran around Athens like crazy people in an effort to get back home in time for Cody to go to a tractor pull. So, I've been hanging out with three cuties all evening by my lonesome. I offered to take them to the park in Madison, but they wanted to stay here. Overall, they were really sweet. After getting in a bit of trouble, however, Faith started spouting off something about "trust and obey." Sweet. They ARE listening at school! :)

Tomorrow will be busy, as well. Church in the morning...did I mention that I am teaching Faith, Cam, and Mallory's class? I am actually enjoying it! Tomorrow afternoon, we will be celebrating my birthday at my mom and dad's.

Another fixation that I have right now, is getting all pictures uploaded and developed. I am exactly one year behind in photos. Oops. Anyway, I found this one and thought it was funny. This is what happens each time we get on the trampoline. Happened tonight. I end up yelling, "GET OFF EACH OTHER!!!" Lol.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Catchin' Up

Busy, busy, busy. That pretty much sums up the last couple of weeks here. Nothing that grand has occurred, but I have found myself working at lot at night on things that I don't get done at school, which means no blogging. Let's catch-up.

I turned the big 3-0. Woohoo.  Friends decorated my classroom door and my students were very sweet with birthday wishes. It also felt good to come home with three cuties on the steps shouting, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Other than that, it was like any other day. I didn't have an emotional breakdown by the fact that I was leaving my twenties behind or anything. :)

We went to the fair in Madison last week. The kids had a really good time. We used every ticket although we feared that we had bought too many. They rode everything that they possibly could, and, of course, they had to get some "fluffy." That is what they call cotton candy.

School is going great for the kids. They are happy to go, which makes us happy. I am so thankful that things worked out the way that they did. Choosing to send them to FUMC was a last minute decision, but it was definitely the right choice...for all of us. Three half-days seems to be the perfect fit. The kids are exhausted by the week's end, and I know that they would have not been ready for five full days. The small environment and loving teachers have also been a blessing.

See, nothing too exciting! Here are a few things that have made me smile:

After gymnastics one day, I came home to tell Cameron that there was one boy in the class. He seemed excited and interested. I asked, "Cameron, do you want to go to gymnastics?" He gave me a sideways look, and said, "No. Maybe dat boy can go huntin." He was as serious as he could be...like that boy REALLY needed to try something different. Cameron is a true country boy!

No story with Faith, but do you know what she calls one particular kind of spiders when she sees them? "Long leg daddys."  HAHAHAHA! It's so cute!!!

Mallory, is really enjoying school. She likes to show me her school calendar and say, "Pete da Cat is comin to my stool momma!" The kids love Pete the Cat. Mallory was super pumped about his visit to the school. I am so happy that we made the decision to put her in school, as well.

BUSY weekend ahead. Will post at some point! :)