Saturday, February 21, 2015

My Little Teachers

I cannot believe that the school year is flying by. MARCH is almost here and it is hard to fathom that I will have two in kindergarten and one in preschool very soon!  All of my babies will be in school, and, hopefully, at LOA with me.  I remember contemplating where we would send the kids to school (only an issue here in Greene) when they were babies, and we always said, "WELL, that's a LONG time away." A long time ended very quickly! As March nears, Cody and I are also reminded that we could have had a little one turning SIX at this time, possibly sharing a birthday with YaYa. With that loss came an understanding that things and life occurs in His timing....not that of our own. We are so grateful for our sweet family, and each March I'm reminded of the trials that also brought us triumph.

The kids are doing great at school and Faith and Cameron are well adjusted to being separated. I have  been slightly alarmed by the things the kiddos have obviously been teaching their peers, however, although these things have also made me giggle....

 Cameron often chooses to go in the house keeping area during center time. Of course, he would! He has a kind heart, who loves his "baby" better than the girls like their dolls.....and don't judge, people.....I think it's great for him to show characteristics of being a good daddy. Housekeeping would be a perfect place to play mommy and daddy! HOWEVER.....when he also turns up a container and calls it a "daddy drink," that's really not a proud mommy moment. Yes, he did this at the housekeeping center.  I insist....we ARE NOT alcoholics and I do not allow drunkenness within my house!!! However, Cody does enjoy a beverage of choice in the afternoons....hence, the "Daddy drink."  Faith's extracurriculars, on the other hand, consist of teaching friends how to give "wet willies."  She vehemently denies such activity, but there are too many friends, who say otherwise.

Mallory will soon be turning four! She is my quiet one, and I don't think I will be hearing such stories about her. The challenge with little Mallory is to get her to come out of her shell (in public places, at least). She wants an "Elsa" party, and I really need to start getting on top of that! She is ready for wam weather!!! She detests winter clothing and prefers shorts and t-shirts each day after returning home from school.

How lucky are we?! Three kiddos with such different personalities!!!
Mallory after her last birthday!!! Can't believe she will be four soon!!!