Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy "Birfday" MeMe!

As usual, weekends bring on a LOT of busy!....a good busy.

Saturday, Cody needed to work and I needed to get a LOT done! I am proud to say that I took all three kiddos with me to get a full week's worth of groceries!!! The kids did a great job and I was so proud of them. The only complaint that I had was that the grocery boy did not offer to help AND he filled my buggy with bags so that I could not put Mallory back in (she got out during the check-out process). He just said, "Here ya go." I stood there for a second like, "Are you kidding me, " but headed on out with the three-seater buggy and Mallory under my left arm. Then, it was time to get home, unload, eat lunch, and cook for MeMe's birthday dinner!

MeMe's birthday was earlier in the week, but her dinner was at Jennifer's house this weekend. It was super yummy and always a good time to be with the fam! One of the things that I am promising myself to do, is take more pics of EVERYONE. I have album after album of my kids, but I realized that I need more pics of the entire family.One day,  I will regret it if I don't! So, here is a pic of mom and all of the grands...minus Caleb.

Today, was a nice day at church and then home. We had a lot of cleaning and washing to do so we stayed around here, which Nelson loved. The weather has been great and the kids LOVE outside! The only problem is that Faith now loves to drive the Gator. Two eager drivers=a lot of screaming, "MY TURN, MY TURN!!!" An additional Gator may be in our near future.

So, tomorrow brings a brand new work week. Another Monday. Trying to keep it together....trying to keep it together! ;) Faith told me before bed, "Have a nice day at wok." ;)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Snakes, Bathroom Battles, and Naptime Nightmares

What a week it has been. Between work, my OCD tendencies, and my wonderful but crazy life at home, I've about had it.

I must say that I began the week in s SOUR mood. I mean, REALLY SOUR. Weekends usually do that to me. When Monday rolls around, I literally have to force myself out of bed and leave the house in tears. Yep. Still have the case of the I-don't-want-to-leave-my-babies-blues. Looks like I'm not gonna get over it this year, either. I think what makes it worse than ever is that I have the thought of Faith and Cameron attending school next year, which means that I have basically lost a lot of time with them. I always thought that I would get to stay at home with them a least a little bit of their toddler years. I always tell myself, maybe next year....IT NEVER HAPPENS. The whole school idea also leaves me in quite the predicament. Next year, should I drag them out of the house before day light to go with me? Should they attend a half-day program? Both options have pros and cons. I really think a full day program will be too much for them having never attended school. However, the selfish part of me likes the idea that they will be just steps away from me, I will be able to get them ready, AND bring them home....AND NOT RELY ON SOMEONE ELSE TO DO IT. I am getting really SICK AND TIRED of relying on other people to take care of my children. ......and it doesn't get better at work. I almost cry anytime people ask me about the babies. To top it off, I am a rather over-the-top OCD kinda' teacher. Having such a personality is not working out for me. I'm not on medication like most of my fellow colleagues, but perhaps I should be! ;)

OKAY. PITY POST OVER.Continuing on with the happenings at home....

On to the snake. YES. I. SAID. SNAKE. We were playing outside one evening this week. The kids were EVERYWHERE, as usual. We had been under the garage, in the grass, and the gravel. As I was watching Neslon dig up the bushes (that idiot), I hear Cameron say, "Nake, nake." Okay, it only took me a second to realize he was saying SNAKE!!! There, on the end of the concrete, right where Cam was playing, was a RATTLESNAKE. OMG!!!! Needless to say, I could not get over what COULD have happened! I am so glad Cameron knew to run!

Another thing that really got me this week, was Cam's potty issue. He had been doing great. He was never completely trained, but I thought he was doing ok. This week, his training became non-existent. I had to get down-right mean and threatening! BUT.....guess what???....only ONE accident today!!!

Mallory, on the other hand, is battling nap time with Granny B. She now screams and screams, which B can not tolerate. She almost came tumbling out of her crib while trying to climb out, so we will be lucky if B EVER puts her back into the crib. So, I guess it will soon be so long nap time for all of my kids-since Cameron has somehow convinced Granny B to not take a nap, either. Ugh.

Faith, has kept me guessing at what hilarious and absurd thing she will say next. She has told me this week that, "Deer are dangerous,"she wanted a "casserole" for dinner, and that she needed to "rest" in MY bed instead of sleeping in her own.

ANYWAY, so glad the weekend is almost here. Bitter, OCD momma is worn out! ;)

Friday, September 7, 2012

"My Not Want To"

Too funny not too share.....

When I was relentlessly quizzing Cam on his colors, he looked at me and said, "My not say it. My bad. My not want to." He later proceeded to tell me, "My not want to. It too hard."

Oh, my. It's starting early with this one! He is so irritating!!! He knows more than he will tell. He had just told me the correct colors minutes before. You can never tell with that boy! AGHHHH!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dinner in Her Birthday Suit

So, this afternoon was like any afternoon at the Patrick house....CRAZY. At dinner, we had a little incident that I claimed to be, "Blog worthy!"

Cody was running a bit late today, so I started dinner on my own. I got the kids started on a little "homework project," and I thought that they would be well entertained. For the most part, they were. Mallory, however, is a bit too young to be focused for long periods....well....periods longer than about fifteen seconds. She did her piece of painting and off she went. Boy, was she busy. She had the broom out, the swiffer out, and every item from the laundry room that she shouldn't have out. My thoughts? All of those things weren't going to kill her and she was happy....ehhhh....who cares? Faith and Cam were doing great!!!....painting away!!! SUCCESS!!! 
BUH-UUTTT....Cody was much later than I expected and dinner was taking much longer than I expected...AND Faith and Cam's little art project ended earlier than expected. ENTER TRIPLE TROUBLE. These youngins' were everywhere. Running from one end of the house to the other....and of course, Mallory was caught up in the chaos and she couldn't quite keep up. That means that Mallory was doing A LOT of falling and A LOT of crying. I must say, however, I was pretty cool....abnormally so. I finished dinner and we sat down to eat without anyone having any knots, bruises, or gashes on any part of their body....SUCCESS!!!

I have to say that I was feeling pretty darn good about myself. I came home, played with the kids, did some "homework,"  cooked dinner, AND served myself!!! Cody is always here to help me out (thank goodness), and I sometimes think that  I could not survive without him....BUT I DID! HA! Man, I was thinking I was good....UNTIL....Cody got home. Faith stood up to see him in the kitchen and that's when....I look up to see her tiny, white, behind shining back at me. No shorts. No underwear. Yep. Bare booty. She sat the ENTIRE meal without her panties on. AGHHH!

......I mean c'mon!!! Doesn't get much funnier than that. Faith thought it was pretty funny, too. I let out a shriek, which she found entertaining. She was very proud. Let's hope she outgrows wanting to go without panties. ;)

Can't you tell that this chick is a hoot???!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Things Kids Say

Nothing very interesting here, but I HAD to jot these things down before I forgot....

The kids are saying such funny things these days! I just love it! Faith has become quite the leader....quite the entertainer. Cameron remains to be my more laid back, go with the flow, cool guy....but he definitely has a silly side. Mallory...well...that child may take over as boss any day now. These are some funny things these kiddos are saying....

Faith is a smart little thing. She will be the one at school thinking of every excuse to get out of Recently, she has told me two things to get her way. First, she didn't want to brush her teeth. Her excuse? "No. My teeth hurt." Okay, dear. Your teeth WILL hurt if you don't brush your teeth! Then, she decides she wants to wear my glasses. She claims, "Need gasses....can't see." THIS. CHILD. IS. HILARIOUS.

Cameron loves his the stars (as we like to say). He wants to be just like Cody. It's so sweet. He plays with trucks. He says, "Man truck broke. My fix it." He talks on the phone. He says, "Talkin to man. His truck broke. My fix it." You ask him what color something is, he says, "Drive truck." Ha! This boy loves his trucks and tractors!!! Definitely not into academics, yet!

Mallory is spouting out words left and right! I am SO impressed. I was SUPER impressed when we walked into Kohls during our shopping trip and she spotted the Skippy Jon Jones books. We have ONE of these and we have not read it in MONTHS. She said, "Jon Jones, Jon Jones!" That's my girl!!! ;)

Lovin my babies!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Long Weekend Fun

Whew! Labor Day has definitely not been labor free! The entire weekend has been rather busy...but a good busy.

Friday. So, I have gotten on a kick of bringing home the kids "homework" from school each day. It may be a coloring page. It may be something crafty. I'm trying to gear them up for school....although that is almost a year away. I've gone back and forth of whether or not to send them somewhere this year (for just a couple of days), but it would be difficult at this point to have someone take and pick them up (not to mention a big hit in our finances). Don't get me started on my sourness of not being able to take them and pick them up from a pre-k program. Ok......getting WAY off topic. ANYWAY. The kids are loving the homework....sometimes (I HAVE had them tell me to take it back to school on occasion...ha!). Friday  afternoon was a crafty day. They LOVE the crafty days. Me? Well, Friday's craft was a bit much. Yep....GREAT way to start the weekend....I was cleaning up FOREVER after this one!!!

Saturday. Clean, clean, clean. I also started obsessing about making some extra cash. I packed up all of the kids clothing that didn't fit AND some toys that they were uninterested in. Thank you Lake Oconee Yardsale! I made over $200 this weekend. Yay me.

Sunday. Funday. Church was first followed by a day-long visit to White Plains. We had a good time.

Monday. We delivered some of the  Lake Oconee Yardsale deals and headed off to Athens! Needless to say, the kiddos got some cute new fall clothes out of my earnings! I'm POOPED! The kids were great, but simply loading and unloading them out of the car can be exhausting!

Now, I'm depressed that I have to leave the good times for work tomorrow! Long weekends are wonderful but it makes it that much harder to get back in the groove!