Sunday, October 30, 2011

Busy Sunday...Halloween Round 1

If I thought LAST weekend was busy, well, I did not know what I had in store THIS weekend. The only perk is that I have fall break. Therefore, I have an extended weekend! YAY me! Anyway, let's jump right in with the happenings for the day...

Today was Mallory's six month photo session. Mallory is actually seven months, but I wanted to make sure that she could sit up very well for her pictures. So, we scheduled for seven months. Of course, I wanted to get a few pictures of Faith and Cameron, specifically with Mallory, so they came along as well. We were to meet Heather (the photographer) on the UGA campus at 10am this morning. That seems like a good time, right? Well, that's what I thought....BUT...I often forget what it's like getting all three of these kids ready and out of here. It's kinda like childbirth...or so I've heard...since I really didn't "give birth."  You forget how terrible it is....if you didn't, you would never have any more children, or, in this case, EVER go anywhere! Ha!

So, 10am...yeah...we could do this...AND we DID this! However, we didn't do it without my having to get up at the crack of dawn, having every drawer in the house pulled out, socks and clothes thrown all about the house, sippy cups and remnants of breakfast and every other meal laying on the floor, and the list of chaos could go on. My goal was to leave the house at 9am. At 8:10am, I was yelling to Cody, "OKAY, one baby bathed, TWO to go!!!" We DID get all three bathed including ourselves, and we managed to exit the house at 9:10am although my hair had only been brushed with my fingers and I had not a speck of makeup on. Maybe Cody and I will join the pictures NEXT time. :)

Anyway, the pictures went GREAT. It WAS a bit chilly outside, but the kids did not mind. Mallory was a pro and smiled the entire time. I THINK that we achieved some pretty great pics of the twins with Mallory, as well. When I get these photos, I will be sure to post some....and there should be some funny stories to go along with them. Faith and Cameron were quite the entertainers and did the most hilarious things!!!

NOW...on to the afternoon. First, we took a nap...IMMEDIATELY after we got home. ALL OF US!!! We then decided that we would split trick-or-treating into two days. That would make it much easier for everyone. I was truly surprised by how into trick-or-treating Faith and Cameron got. They held their candy buckets and really played the part! sweet!
 Having fun with their cousins Nathan and Autumn...they really got cranked up...and, no, they had not had ANY candy (you see that we had chagned into something more comfortable).
 Mallory got a Halloween Hello Kitty instead of candy!
 Pebbles, Bam Bam, and my little Candy Corn!
 He knows how to get some candy!!!

We are ready for round two tomorrow...well...kinda!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall Fun

October has been such a CRAZY month! Last weekend, we packed many events into two days!

Let's begin with PCPS's Fall Festival. I volunteered to work that morning, but I wanted the kiddos to come and join the fun, too. Cody was not crazy about keeping up with three while I worked, so we agreed that he would bring them later. Therefore, that left him to get all three kiddos ready and to Putnam County by his lonesome...WELL...thank goodness for YaYa. She came to the rescue and helped him out! Here are some memories...

Faith was very much into playing the games. Cameron preferred to sit back and watch.

Mallory was all smiles, as usual!!!

Cam and Faith both agreed that the cotton candy was delicious! I LOVE this picture. They are both reaching out wanting MORE!!!

Later that afternoon, Cody let me go shopping on my own. My birthday had been weeks before, and I had yet to do any birthday shopping! After we got the babies down for a nap, I headed out to Athens! Cody called Pat and YaYa over and all had a blast at the tractor pull...

THEN, on Sunday, we headed out to the pumpkin patch. Call me a bad parent, but I decided to leave my sweet Mallory behind. We didn't take the twins to a pumpkin patch at that age, and I thought she would be more miserable stuck in a car seat than she would be at home rolling and crawling all over the floor! Let's not forget that I have two toddlers to chase....I wasn't sure if we could handle all three!!!

 Faith and Cameron LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the "bouncy thing."

 There was a "mini hay bale maze." Yes, my TWO were the ONLY ones standing on the bales. They crawled up and over. :) I know why we decided to leave MJ with MeMe and Poppy! These two were EVERYWHERE!!!

You have NO idea how exhausted we were at the end of that weekend! BUT...we did make some great memories ;)

Playing Catch-Up

WOW...what a very bad blogger I have been! Work has kept me busy and there was the little problem that we had NO Internet AND a crappy computer! Sooo, we are back with a brand new laptop and a new Internet service. I have been very excited to blog. I can not tell you how many times I said, "Hey! This (meaning something that the babies are doing) is SO blog worthy...I can't forget it!"
 Well, guess what? I did. Therefore, I will try my best to give some highlights of the last couple of months....oh....and check the previous posts...I added some promised pictures. :)

Let's begin with Mallory. What can I say about our Mallory? Well, she is developing quite a personality....a very endearing and sweet one! She is one of the most content babies that I have ever seen. She rarely meets a stranger and she always offers a big smile. Oh, and did I mention those BIG blue eyes. I hope that they never change. They are just beautiful (and I am sorry if I am making any of you nauseous with my boasting...but I think that I am entitled to some bragging rights, here!). She will soon be 7 months old!!! I can not believe it!

Mallory is now army crawling and sitting up...the fun is definitely beginning!

She LOVES her daddy!

Now, for the Faith and Cameron. They are busier than ever! Each day, they surprise me with something new and cute that they are doing. They are so cute and adorable, and I try not to let them get away with everything. Faith continues to be the more forward one, always leading the way with her dancing and funny little attitude. She is very bold.  Cameron would rather sit back and observe before easing his way into something! It's amazing how different they are. It's amazing how we love all three just the same but in different ways.

As you can tell, Cameron is till very much into climbing and getting into areas that he is not allowed to be in....AND...when you catch him, this is what he does....
....and with THAT face, how can you NOT smile???!!!

Faith continues to entertain and hide behind doors and anywhere else!

They DO work as a team....this is one day that they had disappeared out the back door. I found them sitting on the golf cart. We try to keep the doors locked at ALL times.

There are so many more pics that I would love to share, but that might take ALL night long. I promise to try and keep up this time. We usually average AT LEAST three funny stories a week!