Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Carving Chaos

It is so true how your brain totally allows you to forget (or block out for that matter), experiences that are less than pleasurable. It must be kinda' like they say about childbirth (although I never got to experience that one) forget how gosh-awful it is or you would never go through it again!!!

ANYWAY...I definitely had one of those lapses of memory with the pumpkin carving experience. Not until the carving was well underway did I think, "Ah, yes. I remember this horrific experience from last year!!!" Therefore, I am blogging it. Writing it down. Keeping it here so I can always remember!!!

This is the way it went down:

1. There were two pumpkins to carve, which meant three children did not have their parents' undivided attention.
2. Cam decided to do everything BUT help carve the pumpkin:  He climbed on, jumped on, and tried to drive the golf cart. Because his Gator was not charged, he decided to push it around the garage. Mallory helped. He decided to take the carving utensils and make the most possible noise that he could. This included dropping the metal bowl to the concrete MANY times.
3. Nelson, the lovely dog, was interested in trying to sniff and eat all things. Then he went on a barking fit, which added to the noise level in the garage. My ears are still ringing.
4. Faith was the only child interested in scooping out the insides of the pumpkins, but she was not thrilled about her dirty hands. I was the lucky one that she wiped her hands on after each scoop. Yay me.
5. Mallory wanted to sit, roll, and climb in our laps while we tried to carve. Do you know what a challenge that was???!!!
6. Cam must be one of those bored eaters. When he got tired of it all, he disappeared. Out he came with the vanilla wafers and chocolate chip cookies. By the looks of it, I think he had already had a couple.
7. When nature hits, regardless of how busy we are, the kids have to go. While Cody held Mallory through her belly ache, Faith decided to drop everything to go outside....on the sidewalk....for the world to see. She wasn't very successful.
8. After the experience (carving and nature), it was definitely time for a bath. As I was frantically trying to prep the bathtub, nature hit Mallory again....without a diaper to catch it. THAT. MADE. HER . MAD....and a MESS for me to clean up!!!
9. Somehow the cat snuck in while I was filling the tub. I picked him up and somehow dropped him straight into the tub.....that didn't go well.
10. Cody was left outside to finish the pumpkins!!!....I bathed the kids....which is not that enjoyable alone.

Next year, remind me to get only one small, teeny-tiny pumpkin....or better yet....we will just get one of those you plug up!!! We plan to go to the pumpkin patch next weekend....I'm sure this will be interesting, as well!!!

Here are some pumpkin carving pics:

Mallory was very good at stopping to "cheese." Every. Single. Time.
Faith doing her own thing.
Cam decided to sit on the pumpkin.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

To the Doc we Go

Doctor's appointments....gotta laugh about the whole experience or you will cry.  This time, however, most of the lovely events of the day were all of crazy-mommy's fault.

First of all, why did I schedule an appointment on my day off???!!! Is that really something I want to do on my day off? Not really, but I did it.  It was time for Mallory's 18 month check-up, and I decided to do it on my day off....and give Lady B the day off...forcing me to take Faith and Cam along for the ride. Never fear, though. Poppy is always on stand-by and ready to give a helping hand!

I was feeling so good about myself (feeling that supermom feeling) as the morning went so smoothly. I was able to straighten the house, make the beds, throw clothes in the wash, put laundry away, and get the kids set up at the breakfast table long before time to go. YES!!! We may actually leave on time for something!!!....Yeah....WELL....note taken....don't get all big-headed because once you do, there is a tendency for all to come crashing down. My dad came on over early (thank goodness), and I began to dress the kiddos. Enter catastrophe. Syrup. All. In. Mallory's. Hair. It basically looked like a rat's nest. Great for me that I did not notice what was causing the rat's nest until AFTER I dressed her. Needless to say, off came her clothes and under the sink she went.....screaming all the while. Why did I do pancakes on an appointment morning? DUH???!!! #1 Crazy-mommy mistake for the day.  The situation put us rather behind. We walked out of the house with my hair barely brushed and my wearing wrinkled clothes. Atleast my kids looked good....except for Mallory had a wet head.  I would later towel it dry in the backseat in Watkinsville (a trip is NEVER complete unless you climb in the back for SOMETHING).

We made it there on time...EARLY, actually. Ha! That's when I hear, "Ms. Patrick???" Ummmm....Yeah, who got the appointment time wrong???? Yes. ME. For whatever reason, I was CONVINCED the dang appointment was at 10:35. SO convinced that I played back the voicemail that I received from the nurse to make certain that they did NOT tell me that my appointment was at 10:50. Well, they did. Now, 15 minutes is not THAT big of a difference....BUT....when you have three, busy little ones, it can be an eternity....AND WE WERE ALREADY EARLY!!!. We ended up having to wait about 30 or 40 minutes (just in the waiting room-not including wait time in the back). NICE. Crazy-mommy mistake #2.   I must say, however, that my kids were darlings. They always pull through when I need them to.

The rest of the visit was fairly it could be. Mallory checked-out just fine....23 lbs and 33 inches. She got the flu shot and I convinced Faith and Cam to get the Flu Mist!!! SO PROUD OF MY BABIES....but they aren't really babies anymore....Tear....sniff...sniff.

We went for lunch at Chick-fil-a and had fun on the playground. They deserved it.

I am thinking about going for taking all three by myself next time.....ha.....but I am sure that I will chicken-out!!!

Later that afternoon....

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Missing Pieces

I sometimes wonder what Faith, Cameron, and Mallory would do without eachother.  It's all they have ever really known.Faith and Cam never recall a day without Mallory, either. We were looking at pictures the other day and came across one without Mallory. Cam said, "Where Mawee?" They looked at me like I was crazy when I said, "Well, she wasn't here yet. She was in my belly."

They fight. They play. They team against eachother. They team against me. They feed off of eachother.  They are one cute, adventurous, wild trio!....and they are rarely anything less. I said before the twins were born (and LONG before I began to imagine that we would have a third) that we would make certain to get one-on-one time with the kids. I felt that it was important. I must say that I have failed miserably with that one. It just never seems to work out! When it does happen, it is often due to an event or circumstance that forces it....enter Saturday morning....

I had waited last minute to purchase anything to wear for a wedding that we were attending (since my teacher wardrobe basically consists of a pair of gray, black, brown, and khaki pants-no dresses). So, I took Faith to find a dress and Cody took Mallory and Cam to the bank. All were eager and satisfied with where they were going and who they were going with. I don't really think that they really realized that they would be SEPERATED...

It was clear shortly after going in our seperate directions that Faith and Cam were still thinking about their missing half.  Faith kept asking about her "bruder (brother)" I asked if she missed him and she said, "Yes. He my favit kid."  She also was worried that Cameron was, "lost." She wondered several times, "What Camen doin?"  Cameron wanted to "find Taif (Faith)." When at the bank, he was sure to get "Taif" a "succa."  Although they can fight and disagree, they definitely are looking after one another. Sweet. I love these babies!


Thursday, October 11, 2012


Turned 29 this week! Definitely getting close to the big 3-0!!!....and definitely feeling it. I sure am counting my many blessings for another great year, but, boy was my birthday week full of bad luck!

I had actually planned to take my birthday off from work. I was going to treat myself with a shopping trip. That went DOWN THE DRAIN a couple of weeks ago when I learned that the state would be coming back to the school to post-monitor the ESOL program on October 3rd (one day after my bday). WOW. YAY. Definitely needed to ba at shcool to make sure things ran smoothly. That's was ok, though. On my actual birthday, I was OBSERVED at work. No one HATES being observed more than me. I can not stand people watching me. VERY OCD. VERY MUCH A PERFECTIONIST. I made it through, and I think that I did ok, though. Then, I had to spend the afternoon getting my license renewed (tried to do that earlier but why in the world are they closed on SATURDAY!!!???)The day AFTER my birthday, I was left in the Publix parking lot stranded with a dead battery. Cody and Kenny came to the rescue. Last night, we found a flat tire in my brand new Michelin tires....NAIL. Ugh, really???

So, I was hit with some pretty bad luck this week, but, surprisingly, I am NOT sweating it. I am actually laughing about it. That's just how it goes, and all of these things really don't add up to much (in the big scheme of things). I am actually pretty blessed.....I am so happy and thankful for....

My beautiful, wonderful, innocent, smart, hilarious, adventurous, happy children. WOW. Who could be more blessed than me??? one.

A husband, who is beyond helpful and unlike any husband I have ever seen. TRULY. LOVES. HIS. CHILDREN. AND. ME. I can't praise him enough.

TWO great families....I mean, really? How did I get TWO wonderful families? I am so happy that I have families that are interested and involved within my children's lives. It means so much.

A job. So many people are lacking that....AND....although I complain and wish that I was here at home, I am beyond thankful that I have one (since I need it and all). It's a pretty rewarding one, too. I have about thirty or so babies at school that love me, too! ;)

An opportunity. Cody's opportunity. DSD is doing fairly well. Too busy for one person, but a little hesitant to hire someone else (and not busy enough for me to quit my job...ha). I am so happy that things have remained steady. Cody is very happy. Hoping that business will continue and steadily get even busier.

A great life. I must say that life is pretty good. We are members of great families and church. We have a beautiful little family with a home that we built.  Blessed (as copied from a friend) beyond belief.

Before one of my bday dinners!