Friday, May 27, 2011

A Tornado

Well...that's how our day ended yesterday...or at least we thought a tornado might come. I think that with all of this bad weather, every time it storms we fear the worst. There were some damaging winds, however, and two of our trees were snapped in two! GREAT! I'm not complaining, though. I am very thankful that our house is still standing and all are okay. Many prayers for those around our state and nation, who have lost all that they have due to the recent tornadoes.

Anyway, it's funny (not funny ha ha...but interesting) that our day ended with a tornado because it began like one, too (figuratively speaking). Every day starts off like a whirlwind at our house let me assure you! So, let me draw you a picture. I oversleep. Everyone wakes up at the same time...babies and all. I'm getting ready, Cody's getting ready, the twins are less than happy, and Mallory Jo needs a bottle. Therefore, three out of five of us are either fussy or screaming. It was close to being four out of five because...let me honest...I wanted to scream. As I run around frantically trying to do all of the things that need doing (like loading the dishwasher for one), I let MJ scream for a bit (I swear it's good for her sometimes), and the twins are walking around...quiet. Yep, quiet...clue that they are into something. I turn around to find Cameron behind me drawing on the stove air freshener (you know, the kind that has the stick and draws the scented oil up?). OH MY GOD...those are my words. I run, snatch it from him, and speculate if he has drank any. I can't tell if he has, but his breath smells like, "fresh linen." My favorite air freshener scent. I run to take a sniff of Faith because I am sure that SHE is NOT innocent. Yep, fresh linen breath. After I inspect the air freshener, I convince myself that they have not sipped on it...just stuck it in their mouths. Regardless, I leave for work, leaving the poison control number with Cody and the sitter. Ahhhh...just how to start the day! Did I paint a good picture for you? Can you see the chaos!!! LOL!!!

When I returned home from work, things were more settled. I did snap some pics last night. So, you can see that my definition of settled might not be the same as yours. This is a typical night with us.

Top: Note that I took this picture aiming the camera in pitch black darkness. Yes, Faith likes to run and hide. She was quiet as a mouse in the laundry room...her sneaky look is priceless. That little booger!

Middle: We heard Cameron cracking up laughing in Faith's room. We found him centerstage on top of the toy box...looks like he is putting on a show!

Bottom: Not sure what they are doing, but if one does something the other one does, too. They were chatting to eachother so no telling what they were doing or saying. :)

Mallory Jo

...and Mallory Jo...our newest addition.  Mallory Jo graced us with her presence just seven weeks ago. She isn't quite the entertainer that those other two are...yet...but she sure can give a pretty smile! She is beautiful if I do say so myself. The twins LOVE her...espescially Cameron. He always gives her hugs and kisses. Faith does this also, but Cameron loves on his MJ frequently. MJ? How do you guys like the sound of that? Cody HATES when I leave off the "Jo," so I can only imagine how he will detest my using MJ. I like it, though...and it's so much easier to spout out!

Anyway, I digress....Mallory Jo has had some tummy issues since her arrival. We've done a lot of rocking and walking...not much sitting and sleeping. What can I say? I have not been blessed with sleeping, easy babies. HOWEVER...I HAVE been BLESSED. Truly blessed..with three gorgeous and healthy children. So, I'm not complaining. This week, MJ has had a great week (with the exception of first day back to work)! She has been sleeping in the day AND she has actually let us put her in her bouncy seat while we ate dinner!!! nice was that?! VERY NICE!

I can't wait to see how MJ's personality develops. We love her to pieces!

Pics are coming soon!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So...let's move on to Cameron...only two minutes younger than his big sis. He's not the little brother, though. He's my little chunky hunk. Wow, Cameron has come such a long way. He was my difficult baby. Tummy troubles made the first months of his little life very difficult. He was miserable and unhappy. POOR THING! Boy, how have things changed!

Cameron can still be very temperamental, but he is a smiley boy! His smile will melt your heart. And did I mention his giggle? He has the funniest laugh! I would say that Cameron is the more laid back one. He often lets Faith take control. However, lately, he is learning fast that he can use his size to overpower "Miss Bossy!" He is a climber! Like his sister, he is a silly one, too! I have to say that his favorite word is stop, as well. I'm not sure what that says about us as! He loves to look out the window at the cows. Unlike Faith, he doesn't keep scrapes on his knees...just bruises and knots on his head. What can I say? If one isn't in to something the other one is...we can't keep up! I LOVE ME SOME CAMERON!!!


Before I actually start what I hope to be a daily journal of the chaos of our lives, I think that it would be a good idea to introduce these kiddos. Since Faith was the firstborn, let's start with her. Faith. From very early on, I noticed that she had quite the personality. When she was crawling, she had this attitude...rocking her head back and forth as she crawled. I laughed and said, "Oh, boy...we're in for it." She started out as the quiet baby's not that way now!

She is very independent. She likes to dance and be silly. Her favorite words are sit and stop...words that we have to tell her a lot....I know...that's TERRIBLE...but the child loves to get into things that she isn't supposed to. That's probably why she keeps a scrape on her knees....the above picture you see here was at Easter...GREAT!  YOU GOTTA LOVE FAITH!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hello All!

I've been a bad blogger. My apologies. I DO have a good excuse, though. Afterall, I DO have three little ones. It's not that I don't LOVE blogging, I simply have not found the time. However, things are going to change. They HAVE to and this is why...

My kids are extremely entertaining. Each day, they are doing something new and completely HILARIOUS. Faith and Cameron are at that age...the age in which they are into anything and everything. It doesn't help that they are extremely strong-willed...and...well...I won't lie and I am NOT in denial....they are a bit...what's the word...mischeivious???...yes. That's an understatement. Mallory Jo is only seven weeks old so she's not that interesting...yet. I am sure she will be every bit as entertaining as her siblings...she will have to be. She will need to be a tough one to survive those other two!

I have promised myself that I am going to start writing some of this stuff down. So, why not blog about it? More is to come soon...with pics and all! I PROMISE!