Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mommy's Boo-Boo

Who on Earth runs over their child's foot and then falls out in the driveway with their own injury in less than three weeks???!!! Really, WHO?

That would me. If it is not ONE thing around here, it is another. I am sure I am the talk of the entire town by now, but for those of you, who have not heard the buzz at school, church, the rodeo, tractor pull or any other small-town event, I was basically left stranded alone...with the kids...in my drive....with a dislocated knee. Fairly traumatic, there. My poor kids.

We had the kids all excited about the truck pull...and do you know how hard THAT is since I have a hard time convincing myself to attend?...lol...no it's not my thing, but we needed to go support daddy! Cody headed to the pull early, and I was to attend just a couple of hours later. I must say that I was already having a hard time getting them ready by myself. They were particularly eager to get into things, and I was particularly unorganized that day. I was in a hurry....a little bit in a panic. When things are not going exactly the way that I plan, I tend to get that way...and my main frustration on this day was that I was beginning to make a frantic mess in the house that I had cleaned earlier (I hate leaving the house in a mess). Oh, well. We had a pull to go to, and we needed to get there for the pedal tractor race! My arms were full with children and bags, but I decided to keep the diaper bag on my shoulder...that held my cell. I placed the camera bag down. Someone was looking after me. Cameron was the first to get buckled in. The car was hot, so I decided to crank the car up to cool while he sat and I loaded the others up. Mallory was crying so I had her on my hip...I leaned to crank the car, my feet were pivoted, and out the knee came. I hit the ground...hard...with Mallory. So, I couldn't move...anyone that has had a dislocated knee can understand. Luckily, that diaper bag was nearby. I was able to get my phone and call. I finally got Cody's dad, and he was on his way. My mother, who was all the way in Athens, reached my brother, as well. Long story short, Mike had to push my knee back in...which wasn't that fun...but it beat the huge ambulance bill.   Poor kids....I think that they were a bit horrified. Mommy was on the ground...as one was strapped in the car and the others stood helplessly beside me. They were great and stayed calm. I did fairly well until help came. The girls kept asking if I needed a "ban-aid." I kept assuring them that help was on the way.

So, the orthopedic said that there was a little ligament damage but surgery was not necessary. We discussed the surgery since this is my third dislocation...it could be in the future at some point...because, I swear I would rather have kidney stones or a c-section ANY DAY (not sure about the child-birth thing) over dislocating my knee. Right now, I am at home, taking it easy...enjoying the kids...and frantically yelling, "Don't jump on my leg!"  I told Cameron that he had to teach me how to walk fast on a cast (I'm in a brace). He said, "Otay." He also told me as we walked to bed together, "Us walk slow." Love that kid.

On a funny, note...or not...three out of five of this Patrick clan has a file with Athens orthopedic. Faith and Cody are the lucky ones....let's hope that it stays that way! :)

The Playground

That is what the kids call it..."The Playground." I think that is just too cute! They are in love with it for the time being, but it's already been well worth the money, time, and effort so far!!!

So, I mentioned time and effort. I must do some bragging on the sweet hubby. All we heard were horror stories of putting a playset together. Although I did not lift a finger (except to hand over a few bolts and boards), I have to say we had a fairly easy time. It's kinda' nice to have a husband that knows what to do with some tools! We had to work on it for a few nights during the week and finished it up on a Saturday...we had some help from some lovely parents, as well.

Cam can climb in it quite well with his"tast," and I just pray that he doesn't break the other foot, leg, arm, etc.

As long as the weather is nice, the routine is that I come home from work, change into play clothes, and out we go to the "playground." I think that we will make some good memories with it. Mallory loves to slide best. Faith spends a lot of time on the swings, and Cameron just likes to climb.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Cam's Boo-Boo

I surely hope that this is not an annual thing...but appears to be so. We found ourselves asking, "Wasn't it this time LAST year that we were whisking Cameron to the orthopedic to find that his foot was BROKEN???" Yep. Little Cam has another broken foot...in two places this time. Cam-Cam has already had his share of emergencies in his short, three years: two casts and a forehead glued shut. Do I hear a call from DFACS???...I think I may. Okay. I'm teasing about it all, but if I don't laugh...I will just cry.

For all of you curious people out there, I imagine that I really should give an honest answer...because some people just wouldn't accept, "Oh, he fell out of the golf cart." They had to ask, "So, he turned his foot wrong, or what?!" Therefore, many of you, who kept prodding (and I don't mean that in an ugly way), know the whole story....and I imagine that those of you, who don't, will find out soon enough.  Sooooo....why not you just get the most accurate account from me?

By the way, don't judge :)!!! How it came to be:

So, I had gotten home from work. We went about our usual routine: I change, we put on shoes, and head outside to enjoy this beautiful weather! The kids love outside...they really would stay outside all day! I took some paintbrushes and paint out with us, and we began to paint away on the large boxes that we had gotten from the swing set. The girls love being crafty, but it wasn't long until Cam was ready to get moving and doing something different. So...I relented....the golf cart it was. We were having a blast riding around the yard and checking out the many, many mounds of ants that have invaded our yard. Like all toddlers, however, that fun soon became not so interesting as they thought of something new to do. Faith and Cam both spotted their Gator. I noticed that it was going to be a bit of an argument and a race to thing, so I began to slow down. Faith stood up, and I was busy saying, "Sit down....wait until I stop!" Cameron was on the far end, and, by this time, we were going at a snail's pace...slow enough for him to decide to step right off. Since Faith was standing as well, I must admit that I didn't even see Cameron stand. When I stopped, all I saw was Cameron on the ground...crying. In a panic, I ran to the other side of the cart, praying that he had simply fallen off...BUT...NO....there he was with his foot stuck under the tire. In a panic (and on a small hill), I was horrified to drive forward or back. I decided to try to pull it back and rock it hard enough for him to pull it out...and that's what we did. I was crying, Cam was crying, and the girls looked horrified. WHAT A TERRIBLE MOMMY I AM!!! I was the momma at the hospital admitting that I ran over my own child...OMG....how HORRIFIC.

So...there you have it...I decided that I would just respond to everyone asking how it happened as, "Well, he jumped off the golf cart." He DID, after all....BUT.....like I said....there have been countless people not satisfied with just that...so I've had to give the entire story.

On a brighter note, Cameron is a champ. He is the sweetest thing about it all. He rarely complains...and I know that it must be uncomfortable. He has learned how to walk on it quite well...and even run. He only uses, "My have a tast (cast)" when he is feeling lazy, tired, and wants to be carried!

He can get it off May 6th. Super happy for him that he has only had to wear it for three weeks!
Please keep the little man in your prayers!...and try not to think any less of me as a mother! :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Mallory Jo!

Happy birthday to my youngest. Happy birthday to my baby. Happy birthday to my Mallory Jo. Such a special little girl you are! Such a little blessing. We really didn't know how much we needed you until you came along. We really didn't know how easily you would join our little house of love and chaos! You have actually taught us quite a bit and you never cease to surprise. You are uniquely different. You are perfectly you. We couldn't begin to imagine our little world without you in it....and I know that the world is going to be a better place because you are in it...I. KNOW. THAT.

As you grow, you ever change. The quiet, laid back baby has become the quiet but demanding little girl! My girl knows what she wants and WHEN she wants it. I must say that I have never quite met someone as hard-headed as myself!!! If you grow to be as strong as independent as you are now, I can only imagine the wonderful person that you will be! You are going to do big things. BIG. :)

I am amazed each day by the new things that you are discovering and teaching ME. You may be the "baby" to Faith and Cameron, but you are learning and growing in leaps and bounds. You may soon become the big sister! You are finding ways to outwit those  two and you are as tough as they come! I love that about you...such a strong, determined, little one!

What gets me through the days are the thoughts of getting home to my sweet babies. YOUR giggle and smile are infectious. I could really look at those pretty blue eyes ALL DAY! You are beautiful inside out.You are my girl. You are my baby....and my baby FOREVER you will be!

Now...on to the birthday....

I was super excited to be on Spring Break for Mallory's birthday. Mallory was NOT as thrilled as I had hoped....lol. This is her bright and early on her birthday...she is  NOT a morning person! ;)
Birthday girl still enjoying Easter chocolate.

Birthday party time! Mallory had to have a "Doda" (Dora) party. I was determined to end the madness of "birthday party over the topness"...I made up that word. I LOVE all of this pinterest stuff...but...c'mon...who is it all for? To post on facebook? I think the kids could care less. SOOOO...we kept the decorations at a minimal, rented a jump house, and went with it....and GUESS WHAT? The kids had just as much fun!!!
One of our CUTE guests!
...and another...
It was a beautiful but BRIGHT, sunny day.
Faith entertaining as usual.
My birthday girl all pooped out=birthday party success!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Easter 2013

Easter weekend was beyond busy, but it was a lot of fun....especially knowing that I had Spring Break to recuperate. I wasn't running from place to place thinking, "How am I going to get up Monday morning?!"

Saturday, we started the morning with an Easter egg hunt at church. We had been practicing at home in the house all week, and the kids were having a BLAST with it. They would even hide their own eggs! I just knew that they would do GREAT at the egg hunts this year! WELL...they surely did better than in years past, but I must say that they were not near as eager to hunt as they were at home! Mallory got in a mood...as she usually does when around lots of people. She finally warmed up, though. Faith probably got into it the most. She filled her bucket. I was very proud of Cameron. He wandered off by his lonesome to find eggs...but he definitely was in NO HURRY. He casually walked along picking up an egg here and there. I thought it was so funny because that IS Cameron...laid back, go with the flow, never in a hurry. He reminds me a lot of his daddy! All of the kids wanted to look in the eggs as they picked them up...they were VERY eager to eat some candy!

Easter Sunday brought more egg hunts and more yummy meals...which is not good on my new lose weight, feel great kick. We made it to church, and I must say that the kiddos looked precious in their matching outfits. ADORABLE. I am very proud that Faith and Cam are beginning to understand church and what these special holidays mean. Faith can give a fairly good account of what Easter is all about....it makes me smile. Anyway, we had lunch at Pat and YaYa's with an egg hunt, and we had dinner at MeMe and Poppy's followed by ANOTHER egg hunt. By the time we got to my mom's and dad's, they were pretty much OVER the egg hunting. They were busy blowing bubbles and running around doing other things.

We were definitely blessed with a wonderful Easter!

Here are a few pics from the church Easter egg hunt and Easter morning:

Go Mallory, GO!
Cam's got one!
On a mission!
Easter morning. One of the best that I could get....but...really...it's PERFECT. :) LOVE my silly babies!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Blogging Break

I'm not going to make ANY excuses other than the fact that I didn't want to blog, I'm busy, I'm tired, I've been working late, etc, etc, etc.  Then, I realized the other day....OMIGOODNESS!!! I have not posted in MONTHS...and there have been tons of memories that I have let slip by!!! SHAME. ON. ME.

Let's see...I really don't know where to begin....or what to share...which is proof that your forget so many of life's special memories too easily....because I am sure that we have been making them! OK. Let's give it a shot....

Since my last post, we have been sick. We have gone to the circus. We have seemed to grow and mature overnight....and I'm not talking about Cody (ha. ha. ha.). These kids are becoming just that...kids...not BABIES....

The dreaded virus hit us hard...very hard. It was long and lingering. Stretched for days. You would think that it was over, and, then, someone would be running to the trashcan...or not making it to the trashcan...or out of the bed. We were very fortunate, however, that neither I nor Cody caught it. God was looking after us!!! Three sick babies was hard enough...we needed to be illness-free!

We went to the circus in early March. It was MY first big circus, too, so it was VERY exciting! The kids were just WONDERFUL. They sat there the entire time....seemingly mesmerized.  Faith liked the acrobats. Cameron said that he liked the lions. Mallory never said her favorite, but I know that she liked to dance! Here are just a couple of pics:

Those have been the two BIG events of the last couple of months, but I really should have been keeping a journal of some of the things that these kids do and say. They are growing up and changing so quickly. Their personalities are BIG. They are so funny! They are going to be quite the talkers. Faith can try to smooth talk her way out of anything. She makes up great excuses. Cam is on a kick of talking of all sorts of things that boys do...ONLY boys....because...obviously boys are better. He refuses to take a bath because BOYS take SHOWERS. Mallory is spouting out words left and right. She is also becoming so much more friendly! I am loving her sweet hugs and kisses that are now coming more frequently...they used to be few and far between....so happy for this new phase!\

I will post separate posts about Easter, Spring Break, and Mallory's birthday (I can't believe my baby is TWO!!!).