Friday, June 24, 2011

Good News for Cameron!

Cameron was born with a heart murmur. It was never anything of GREAT concern, but we routinely see a pediatric cardiologist just to keep an eye on it.

We went for a follow-up appointment on Thursday and we got WONDERFUL news! The hole in Cam's heart is completely gone!!! The doctor, who I LOVE, was very funny in saying, "I'm sorry to say, that there's nothing that's going to slowem' down!!!" He went on to say that Cameron is perfectly fine to play any sport that he would like when he gets older and that if we were to look at his heart we would NEVER detect where the hole had been.

Although, I really love that doctor, I sure am glad that we will never have to see him again!!!

Smiley Jo

Our Mallory Jo is becoming such a FANTASTIC baby!!! Her tummy issues seem to be a thing of the past, and she is so much more content. She is a bit spoiled, however, and likes to be held a lot during the day (which is why I am SUPER glad that my sitter is here with me during the day), but she is doing spectacular during the night. She is now OUT of our bed (after two nights of crying it out), and usually sleeps from 8:30 until 5:00ish. This is a dream come true!

MJ is developing such a sweet personality. She can give the sweetest looks with her eyes and you know she is ready to "talk." She smiles, coos, and laughs. Ahhh....those are the sweetest sounds EVER!!! She has been laughing for quite some time now (which surprises me since the twins didn't laugh SO soon), but today she laughed a good portion of the day! It was great! My mom has nicknamed her Smiley Jo.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

An A+ in Economics

My children will most certainly make an A+ in economics.  They know all about trading, and it is HILARIOUS to watch!  Often, one of the twins will have a toy that is appealing to the other. You can see the other watching carefully in hopes that the toy will soon lose it's appeal, be tossed aside, and be ready to be quickly snatched up. When that doesn't happen, you can see the wheels begin to turn and the plot developing in the little minds of these 17 month olds! This is usually how it works...

For example (and I wished that I had a picture of this...I'm working on it!), the cell phone is of great interest to these kiddos. We often let Faith and Cameron play with them while we are getting ready for the day. Cameron usually wakes first, so he naturally gets the cell first. Then, Faith wakes from her beauty sleep and the plotting begins. She spots Cameron with the cell phone. She watches for a short time and then begins to search....for something that she thinks may be more appealing to Cameron than....say...a cell phone!!! Yep, she is in for a trade. Usually she will try to find another electronic, because my kids are obsessed with electronics! More often than not, she grabs the remote and offers it to Cameron. No words are exchanged....just their jibber jabber of twin talk. Sometimes Cameron is very receptive, handing the phone over as he grabs the remote at the same time. At others, Faith may receive a slap across the head with the phone, indicating...."I'M NOT INTERESTED!!!"

This kind of trading goes on ALL DAY LONG!!! They trade books, toys, chairs, and even their food and forks and mealtime. I never quite understand WHY they would trade their food and forks. They have EXACTLY the same food on their plates AND their forks are identical. Who knows!

I'm posting two pictures that don't show a trade in action. However, you can see that even as they clean they make trades...they can't decide who will sweep and who will swiffer!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

To Love or Hate the Summer?

WARNING: This is a post to vent. Further reading may include more information that you want to know. It does not include cute, adorable pics of my babies....just my rambling thoughts of the summer. Therefore, it may be uninteresting. Yet, it could be entertaining to find how my thoughts of summer have completely changed over the years. Read if you wish. :)

Ahhh...summer. Summer and I have a love-hate relationship. In past years, it was just a loving relationship. Summer was a time to kick back and let go of my worries for a few months. It was a time for soaking up the sun at the pool and cute little bikinis. Man, how things have changed...

Reasons Why I HATE the Summer:

1. It's swimsuit season. I used to enjoy purchasing a swimsuit. I would even by three of them each year. Now, I've never been one to buy the really skimpy ones...but never did I think of purchasing anything but a two piece...NEVER. So, why do I HATE buying a swimsuit now? Uhhhh...could it be that my belly looks like a flabby, shriveled-up prune ( I kid you NOT)? Or could it be that my legs are full of dimples...yes...the dreaded cottage cheese thighs. I call them craters. Finally, comes the chest area... let's just say that it is NOT cool to need underwire in a swimsuit.
One plus about having a horrific figure, however, is that it doesn't take long to find a swimsuit. There are not as many one pieces, so that cuts back on some time. They all look terrible, so why not just go with the first one that looks decent? I settled on a black one piece that has is supposed to slim the waist and hide the belly. The ruffles hide the rear and hips and the halter keeps things from falling. 
Yep, I used to be the one on the beach watching people as they pass, thinking, Lord, I'll never wear that! In the end, I'm the big momma that sits back wearing that and wishing that gravity and motherhood were not so cruel. LOL!!!
2. It's Tanning Season. Now, I LOVE to get a tan. It's just that I don't have the time. I am finally making some time to hit the tanning bed, but even THAT doesn't work out like it used to! Ladies, you know those white areas that NEVER get tan right under your rear...only visible when you bend over? It's always a clear sign that you've been in the tanning bed. Well, yes, I still get those....but they seem...LARGER. Like, they extend further down my legs. I guess a larger rear calls for larger white spots. :)
3. It's so DANG hot. This reason has always bothered me...nothing new.
4.High temps call for less clothing. Let's just face it. I need all the clothing I can get to cover things up!

Reasons...well... One Reason Why I Love the Summer.

1. I get to spend all day, every day with my beautiful kids. This one reason far outweighs the numerous reasons above. Therefore, summer remains  to be my favorite season of all. :)

Just Give Them Boxes and Baskets

It's SO true. I've always heard parents say that their kids would rather play with a box than their actual toys. They were right. Faith and Cameron learned to walk pushing a wicker basket...NOT the little contraption that I rushed out to buy. Their fascination with boxes and baskets has continued as the months have gone by. They still jump at the chance to climb into a Pampers box (...and BOY do we have A LOT of those around. We go through approximately 120 diapers a week). Laundry baskets? Even better...they are bigger and both can fit. They actually dumped this laundry basket out, brought it into the living room, and climbed in.

Whatever keeps them occupied!!! :)

Ball Pits ARE the Pits!!!

It was something that they HAD to have. "Ohhhhh, they will LOVE that!!!," I said when I purchased an inflatable elephant filled with plastic balls for the twins for Christmas. I could just SEE them diving into the balls and having a grand time....AND I was right. They DID love it. It was the first thing that they went to on Christmas morning. I was very proud of my purchase. HOWEVER....

Six months have gone by since Christmas and Faith and Cameron are six months older....more creative....more mischievous....more BORED with the standard method of playing with a ball pit. AND...well...I'm just tired of the thing all together. Here's why...

Faith and Cameron still like to occasionally take a nose dive into the balls (and that is so hilarious to see), but their new favorite pastime is to turn the elephant over...completely over...and empty out ALL of the balls. It's LOVELY. The first time they did it, I just laughed it off. The second time that they did it, I was a bit irritated to pick up the balls once again.  The third time, I was threatening to throw it out the window or into the attic (where all things go that I don't wish to see...out of sight...out of mind, right?). Well, the ball pit is still in the play/dining room, and the kids continue to turn the thing over. What to do???!!!

I've tried everything. The nice approach..."Guys, that's a no-no. Please don't do that."  The threatening approach..."If you guys do that ONE more time..." ( 17 month olds understand THAT). The not so nice approach..."I TOLD you that's a NO-NO!!!"...and, yes, I have popped some little legs. :(  NOTHING works. They are smart little things. They play so innocently until I leave the room. Then, instantly I here giggles. These two work together when they have a common goal of making a mess! That's when I hear the balls come tumbling out. When I enter the room, they squeal with excitement. Think I'm making this stuff up? I SWEAR it's true. They are lucky that they are so darn cute! least I get my exercise picking them up.

Monday, June 13, 2011

My Bumbo Baby!

I can not believe how big Mallory Jo is getting! I suspect that she KNOWS that she has to grow up fast to run with those other two! I am not nearly as obsessed with her reaching milestones as I was with the twins, so I am enjoying her accomplishments more so than I did with Faith and Cameron. With them, it was almost as if I had a checklist..."Ohhhh, you need to do this, that, and this before this time! did on to the next!" I am much more laid back and it is SO much more enjoyable!

Here is my big girl sitting in her Bumbo! She actually likes the thing. I find that surprising since her siblings did not like ANY seat of ANY kind. So, I am proud of her for being such a big girl AND glad that we are getting some use out of all these contraptions that we have! YAY MALLORY JO!

A Softer Side

Seems like I am always blogging about something that the twins are getting into. They DO have a calmer side, too!...a rather sweet side might I add. Therefore, this post is to illustrate that calmer, sweet side.

The twins just LOVE Mallory Jo. I must say that I am very proud of how well they handle her and how much they seem to care for her! Whenever she cries, they rush to find a bottle or pacifier. It's just so darn cute. We got very tickled  when Cameron woke up this morning and came running to the living room, seeming to be excited to see his daddy. However, as Cody reached his arms out for his little man, Cameron ran straight by him in pursuit of finding Mallory Jo! SO SWEET! Below are pictures of Cameron and Faith loving their little sis!

If there is anyone that Faith and Cameron love as much as Mallory Jo, it would have to be their daddy! Oh, how they love Cody....I must say that I am a little jealous! ;)  Below is one of my favorite moments of each day. One, because I am glad to see some help so I can cook dinner (and I AM still trying to win that battle!), and two, because it's just the sweetest thing to see. Each day, the kids wait for their daddy to pull into the drive. Cody has now even started coming through the front door so he can see their excited faces through the window!!! Makes my heart smile!!!

Finally, I have to be honest and say that Cameron and Faith do more fighting (espescially these last few days) than playing together. However, there are those moments that they give eachother a helping hand....I think that they thought they were being funny here! LOL! THOSE two!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A New Name

So...Cameron has a new name. It's Camer. The kids are just so proud that they can climb up onto the bed. I would love this accomplishment if it meant that they would climb in, lay down, and sleep! However, that is not the case. They like to jump, throw pillows, wrestle, and tear things up...or down should I say. Yep...down. Notice that Cameron's name is missing some letters. They are determined to get all of them. I must say that they are hard working and determined little boogers. See how proud Faith is? That goofy grin gets her out of all kinds of trouble! I LOVE these kids!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sweet Mallory Jo

I can not believe that Mallory Jo is nine weeks old! Time sure does fly by...well...some days around here seem to drag seems like yesterday that we were heading to the hospital so excited to meet MJ!

I took Mallory Jo to the doctor today. She is now twelve pounds and thirteen ounces...WHOA!!! She is in the 90th percentile in weight. She is 22 1/2 inches long. She sure was a trooper today. She got three shots and didn't cry much at all! The doctor changed her formula once again. MJ stays constipated and this was the reason for the change. I am hoping that this one will work for us and we will soon be sleeping through the night without any tummy troubles!

After the appointment, Mallory Jo let me get some shopping done (I went to do that dreaded swimsuit shopping since I don't fit into any of mine...and...well...that's a whole 'nother blog. Let's just say that Mama got a Mama swimsuit. You know, the kind with the skirt and all???)! She slept the entire time for the most part. I was SOOOOO proud!

I am posting a picture that was taken a couple of days ago. She sure can give a pretty smile can't she?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Weighing In

So, I didn't take any pictures this weekend. Nothing too exciting  occurred. I had a yard sale, which brought in only enough money to pay for the gas that I burned travelling to the yard sale's location (BIG BUMMER). The kids enjoyed a pool party and they ate homemade ice-cream for the first time at YaYa's.

Therefore, I'll post a goal of mine. I figure that if I post it for the whole wide world to view, then I might just stick to it....

I'm on a mission. I desperately want to lose weight....or really just regain some sort of a figure. Having three children in the matter of fifteen months, has taken a toll on the body. You know, I had a wake-up call...actually several. When your child lifts up your shirt to play with your belly button that is still all out of whack, it's a wake-up call. When someone tells you that your older sister is the "little one," it's a wake-up call. When someone tells you, "Ooohhhh...look at those hips,!!!" I consider that a wake-up call. Finally, when you clean your closet and you have nothing but a couple of shirts and pants that fit, that's definitely a wake-up call. Oh, my size is in the double digits, by the way.

Therefore, I have begun a couch to 5K plan. It starts off very slow, which is what I need. I have not exercised since before the dreaded bed rest with the twins. I must admit that I did not do much exercising then. I HATE EXERCISE. I LOVE TO EAT. I don't mind admitting that. So, I am run/walking now. I am only consuming 1500 calories a day. Do you know how much you can eat with 1500 calories? NOTHING. I like to eat that in one sitting. So, it's been very, very, VERY hard.

I am an overachiever. I expect positive results shortly after I set my mind to do something...BIG...POSITIVE...results. Do you know how much weight I lost this week..two pounds...THAT'S IT!!! Realistically, I know that that's good, but I'm STARVING!!! I also realize I shouldn't expect to look like Barbie right after having a herd of children...but c'mon!!!

I came across this picture the other day while I was deleting photos from my camera. It reminds me to not be so hard on myself while also motivating me. It's me at my heaviest when I was expecting the twins....I think that I weighed in at 180??? YEP!  I would love to say, "Hey, look how huge I was...and I got back to looking like THIS!" Of course, I would never say that, but I sure would like to think it! Very few have seen this photo, so I'm cringing as I post it...BUT...I figured if anything that it would get a good laugh since my posts are usually light with funny pictures of the twins. it goes!!! :O

My goal: twenty pounds by September 1st.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Do I Cook?

...well... I would not say that I ever LOVED to cook. I'm more into the eating part. However, I DID cook a whole lot more before the twins. Well, actually before the bedrest before the twins. Someone asked me the other day WHEN I had time to cook. I thought about it and realized, "Hey...I really don't anymore."

So, I decided to cook today. Cody wanted one of those vidalia onion casseroles. So, I thought that I could atleast do that...along with some other things. Shortly into the process of the cooking (I was by myself with all three might I add), it hit me WHY I don't cook. Mallory was screaming in the swing. I moved her to the bouncy seat but that didn't work. Faith and Cameron were actually playing sweetly in the dining/playroom...or so I thought. When I rounded the corner, this is what I saw. After I flipped out, I snapped some pictures.

Yep, the table was push across the room. My rugs were pulled up and tossed aside. The vent was pulled out of the floor. I love how Faith is pointing to it all the while jabbering. I can imagine that she was saying, "I didn't do it!!!" do I cook? Not likely for a long time.

Did I mention that the casserole was TERRIBLE???

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day Fun

Wouldn't you know it? As soon as I decide to blog, I start having computer trouble!!! This dumb computer WILL NOT stay connected to the Internet, so I am having a hard time here! Let's catch up...

Memorial Day was not very eventful. We did the normal routine at the house...the babies HAD to have a nap before we attempted ANY events! Around 4ish, we went to YaYa's (Cody's mom) to take our first dip of the summer in a "big" pool. At first, Faith did NOT like it, which was strange since she is out little dare devil. She eventually LOVED it, though. Cameron LOVED it from the beginning. Both of them wanted to be dipped, thrown, spun...the wilder the better. They even tried to float! It was just too hot for Mallory so we were in and out of the house. She was a sweet girl while we were there. We finished the afternoon with hamburgers off the grill.