Monday, July 11, 2016

You are Using that Word Incorrectly

This weekend, we decided to take the kiddos bowling. We are not a family of bowlers. Seriously. The kids weren't far from winning the match (is that what it is called???) maybe that just means that Cody and I stink at bowling, and they are actually good. We had a great time. There was zero fighting, whining, OR arguing. Perhaps, we should go bowling EVERY. DAY.

We had only a few eyebrow-raising events. Mallory insisted on throwing the ball rather than rolling it, which led to the ball STOPPING in the lane. I know it must happen A LOT. The guy working was very nice on the couple of occasions that we needed assistance. Sometimes, it took a whopping twenty-five seconds (yes, we timed it) for the kids' balls to make it completely down the lane. Surrounding players thought it was pretty cute. The funniest moment for me happened in the read that right. As I took Faith to the potty, she sat and loudly proclaimed, "I have to ON-A-MOT-A-PEEEEEEEE-YAAAAAAAA!" She said this a couple of times, as I tried to quiet her. No, the restroom is never empty. Although the teacher inside of me was slightly happy that she was somewhat saying the word onomatopoeia, it was a little discouraging that it was used incorrectly....and deliberately. The teacher-me had to then speak in an equally loud voice, "Now, Faith was does that word REALLY mean? When to we use onomatopoeia?" Like the occupant in the bathroom really cared! made me feel a little better, though.  :)

We played two rounds (or is it matches???), and I hope that we will be going back soon!

To close, I have some random words of wisdom from our Mallory. This week, as we discussed who would take a bath first, Mallory announced, "Girls have to take baths so hairs don't grow from their legs. Boys need to put on deodorant so they don't smell like billy goats." SOOOOOOOO......there you have it.....Mallory is full of advice concerning good hygiene. 

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