Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Charles...Gone but Not Forgotten

Sad, how easily we forget things. As I told a friend about one of our first vacations with children, I recalled that I had blogged about it. As I searched the blog for the post, I came across so many things that have been long forgotten. I came across things that brought a huge smile to my face and prompted me to turn and ask the kiddos, "Hey! Do you guys remember this?!" If they didn't, they loved to hear the story, and they have begged me to read the blog to them.

Good old Charles...I can't believe that I had forgotten him. He is the figure that could be a kid one day and a grown man the next. He was the one that influenced Cameron to do all things bad in his toddler years. If you ever asked Cameron WHY he was in to such mischief, he was proud to announce that Charles did it or told him to. The pediatrician even heard stories of Charles. I found several stories about Charles during my blog search! I giggled and asked Cameron if he remembered Charles. He smiled and said, "You mean my imaginary friend?" He wouldn't elaborate and the conversation ended there. Charles is a thing of the past, I guess. I kinda' miss the character!

As the years pass, I have slowly stopped snapping photos, printing photos, and definitely blogging. Skimming posts made me realize how easily and how much can be forgotten. I MUST do better! I have two first graders and a kindergartener! TIME SLOW DOWN!

Life is definitely just as interesting as it was when I blogged frequently....if not more. The kids have quite the personalities, which are all very different from each other. A day never goes by when I don't have to turn my back so that they don't see me laughing at a comment or action they make.

Faith is my firecracker. She runs the show and she is a natural leader. She doesn't want or need help. What drives me crazy about her will ultimately make her a very successful woman. She can manipulate to get her way, but she also has a very loving side.....she is a true friend.  She loves snap chat and has recently requested her own phone. :)

Cameron is my little boy with the kind heart. Not as confident as his sister, he isn't the bold one. Loving all things hunting, he vows to shoot his first deer this year.  He has already found his true love and tells me that he will never move far away...just across the pasture with his wife.  His giggle is infectious, and he finds the most humor in potty humor or some other form of mischief.....he no longer blames Charles!

My Mallory is the baby, indeed. She stays glued to momma, and she is my official bedtime buddy. Mallory is shy, and she often likes to play alone. She does her own thing and isn't a follower. She has such a kind and soft heart and is a bit of a worrier. Mallory can also try to manipulate me with her moody ways. Today, after I wouldn't let her have a popsicle, she threatened me with, "Well, I won't be your bedtime buddy!" My response??? "Oh REALLY?! I really love you sleeping on my head every night!" Faith rolled her eyes and said, "C'mon Mallory. Mom really doesn't like you as a bedtime buddy."

Love them.

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