Tuesday, November 24, 2015

You're Thankful for Dating?!

Facebook has really gotten me in the mood to blog again. Each day, I see past past posts and things that I have so easily forgotten. So....I'm going to give this blogging a try once more.  That way, if I DO forget little moments, I will be able to easily retrieve them.

I will NOT try to play catch up....I will begin right in the present. We are on Thanksgiving break, and the time away from school is much needed! I'm so happy that all of my kiddos like school, but we are all exhausted. This Thanksgiving we are very thankful that we are all at Lake Oconee Academy together. Prayers were certainly answered. So, this week we are trying to relax, gear up for Christmas, and have a little fun.

Thanksgiving break is never complete without someone being sick. Today, we made a trip to Athens for Mallory....ear infection. Luckily, she doesn't feel too bad....she wanted to go see a movie this morning (along with Faith and Cam), and their wish is my command. We already have our Christmas tree up and ready. Tomorrow we are going to start cooking for Thursday (basically desserts).

They have certainly been energetic this week...and they are on a kick in which two often pair up against one. Many times, Cam and Mallory stick together. Their conversation usually goes something like, "Hey, Mawee....you wanna be my best buddy? Come play this with me." This really means, "Hey, Mallory. Come play this with me and don't play with Faith."
Other times, the girls team up on poor Cameron. Somehow, I never feel sorry for Faith when she is left out. That girl can take care of herself. Cameron, however, is SO KIND HEARTED. As soon as the girls start on him, he comes crying...just heartbroken...."Day hurtin' my feewings!!!"

Thanksgiving  break is not much of a break, but I am Thankful that I have this craziness in my life. I will end with some of the things that my kiddos are thankful for.  They were asked to identify what freedoms they were thankful for for Veteran's Day....but I think that it is appropriate to share right here at Thanksgiving, too. These were their responses at school:

Cameron: I am thankful for the freedom of having a place to sleep.

Faith: I am thankful for the freedom of marrying and dating.

That last sentence ensures me that I have a LONG road ahead.


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