Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, Here We Come!

So long 2014...hello 2015!

We celebrated the New Year quietly at home, playing with Ninja Turtles and Frozen dolls....just SOME of the treasures that the kiddos received for Christmas. Each year, Christmas stresses me OUT....what should I get the kids (and everyone else)....will they have enough....or do they each have an equal amount???...AND...THEN....we are always bombarded with the immense amount of things that we receive! How very grateful we are to be able to celebrate Christmas in a big way...and be surrounded by family. ANYWAY...the New Year's celebration was an uneventful one, but I did receive a BIG kiss at the stroke of midnight. Yep, my Cameron made it to see the ball drop....the first year ever...the girls watched via YouTube today. :)

This year was a good one. There are not TOO many events that stand out in my mind, but we are in a good place. These kids are growing and thriving. They began school!  They will ALL join me at LOA next year, and, for that, I can breathe a sigh of relief!  My transition to LOA began as a chance application, to a forced decision, and, now, a true blessing. I am so happy to be back in a regular classroom, part of an amazing staff, and able to have at least part of my family there with me.

Just as we settle down from Christmas, we are gearing up for Faith and Cameron's 5th birthday!!! I can't believe it...well...part of me can...because I would be lying if I said that those first years were anything other than LONG. ;)  These two are so very different but equally special. We have decided to have the party at Pump It Up in Athens. With cold weather, I think that this will work perfectly for a January birthday. I can't imagine what these two could possibly need or get for their birthdays...but Faith has requested a camera, Cameron wants a gun cabinet. Yes, they are turning 5....not 15....

On a side you know something that I LOVE?  Sometimes, when it's quiet and we are done with play, the kids will say out of the blue, "Momma and Daddy, you know what? I love you."  At least this way, we'll NEVER run out of things to say. Love these babies to pieces!
This is an oldie...but all that I could find on this computer! :)
My sweet ones have grown even since this picture!

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