Saturday, January 24, 2015

Would You Jump off a Bridge If.....

Faith and Cameron are now FIVE. I can't believe it! I still think of them as little babies, but I catch glimpses of the big girl and boy that they truly are.  I catch those glimpses as we have conversations, as they jump into the car and buckle themselves, and as they kiss mommy and daddy goodbye and walk into a classroom (tear).  When I have time to sit and truly watch them at play, I think, "Wow. I can't believe these babies ARE NOT babies. How can this be?!" As many, I often get caught up in the craziness of life and often find myself going through the motions of each day. There have been many days that I simply want to survive.  In doing so, these kiddos have seemed to grow overnight!  This birthday reminded me of the need to SLOW DOWN....because time certainly will not.

The birthday party was a success. We had it at Pump It Up in Athens and we had a great turnout! I am so thankful that Faith and Cam have such good little buddies.  The party was superhero themed, with the cake being a half blue and half pink Superman emblem. It was great.

These days, my kiddos are getting good at blaming things on each other....OR....they have done something because the other has told them to or done it first.  I am also getting good at becoming my own parents, which is not a BAD thing. Today, Mallory tried to get herself out of trouble by claiming that Cameron had done something FIRST. I proceeded with the famous line of, "Well, if Cam jumped off a bridge, would YOU?!" That just doesn't work on my kids...I've tried it before, and I do not know why I keep using the line. All three thought that this was funny. "YEAH," Mallory said, seemingly excited about jumping off of a bridge.  Okay.....well....I tried the line of "If Cameron picks his nose, would you?" That didn't work, either. All three immediately put their fingers up their noses and died laughing. AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't win when they are all against me.

They are not all bad, though. They have some good tendencies.  On the way to Madison tonight, Cameron wanted to spit his gum out. Cody rolled down the window and said, "Spit far, son."  Cameron was looking at Cody like he was crazy and adamantly shook his head no. We all urged him to do it. I thought he was simply scared with the window down. Cameron shouted, "I can't do dat! Dats called a litta bug." Yep, Cameron. Littering is a no no. :) 

The night ended at WalMart, tonight. The kids now HATE shopping. However, we HAD to have something for breakfast tomorrow morning, and I needed to pick up some things for LOA's spirit week.  The kids stayed in the car with Cody. I am certain that I took longer than necessary, and as I reached the parking lot, the car was empty. Where could they be? Yep. Multiple potty needs. Cody had the treat of one at the urinal and two in the stalls, shouting that "It may be a while."  He didn't think that it was as funny as I did.

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