Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mischievous Monkeys

Sorry! I am falling down on my blogging duties! Ooops...but I really have not been in the blogging mood. I really have not taken many pictures lately, either. It hasn't helped that we have gotten in the routine with laying in the bed with the kiddos until they go to sleep, and, well, that usually means I fall asleep, too! Anyway, not many funny stories from this weekend and only ONE picture!

This weekend was one of the first in many in which we had nowhere to go and NOTHING to do! It was great, but I think that the kiddos were needing and wanting a change in scenery! It seemed that they were busier and more demanding than ever. We did make our usual weekend trip to WalMart, which I dread to no extent...and why? Well, it's not the best way to spend hundreds of dollars....I mean, c'mon....who wants to spend that all the while begging children to sit down, be quiet, and stop hitting and tormenting each other!!!??? Anyway, we got home right at dinner time, which added to the torture as we unloaded and tried to prepare dinner while the kiddos impatiently awaited to be served! Faith and Cameron continued to yell, "Milk, milk, milk!!!!" I almost lost it yelling, "NO MILK UNTIL YOU SAY PLEASE!!!" Once I thought that I got my point across, I asked, "So what do you say?" Faith's response?  "Juice???" Well, at least she didn't scream milk again, and I guess that that was good enough for me! :)

After dinner, the mischief continued as it did all weekend. I am not quite sure what was up with my children. They were all out of whack! Here is just a  example of how the weekend went.

They are little monkeys!!! Cameron got on top of the trashcan with such ease and Faith was yelling, "Faith's turn!!!"

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