Saturday, September 13, 2014

Comings and Goings

I can't believe that I have not posted since APRIL!!! That's just WRONG!!! There have been plenty of things that I have wanted to jot down so that I remember them forever, and I often find myself saying, "That's blog-worthy," but I never find myself sitting down at the computer to follow-through. A few weeks ago, I took one of those silly quizzes online about what profession you are truly made for. Guess what I got?! A writer!!! I took that as a sign that I should get back to blogging! This is sad, but it took me a couple of tries to remember my password on here, but, when I did get it right, I read some of my last posts. They made me smile about things that I had already forgotten that my sweet babies have said or done! So, back to blogging....and trying to hold on to those memories for a lifetime! ;)

SOOOO much has happened since April, so I will use this post to play catch-up (it may be a bit boring). That's your WARNING.


We had a great time this summer. We rarely stayed home. We spent much needed time with family, swam to our hearts' content, and had no regards to a schedule, diet, or bedtime! It was great!

The kids...yes, all three....were in a wedding. I stressed about this and how they would perform, but, as they always do, they pulled through! They were just gorgeous, and it left us very proud.  At weddings, love is in the air, and it hit Cam HARD! Kate Merritt was also in the wedding....and she and my boy shared a KISS. Cameron later told me, "Momma, you know when I fell in lub with Kate? When she kissed me." I am in for SO. MUCH. TROUBLE. He has also told me that when he gets scared at night, he just thinks. I asked him WHAT he thinks about. He said, "Kate." OH. MY.

We also had a great vacation. We went with YaYa, Pat, and Ray-Ray this year. The destination was Panama City Beach. The kiddos were pretty awesome...each year it gets easier....and each year I look more forward to it. Let's face years past, vacation was NOT a vacation. It was more like torture. ;)

I'm Moving On

I've had a fairly big change in my life, as well. I accepted a new job at Lake Oconee Academy. It was a hard decision, but a decision that I knew that I would make at some point. I have always wanted to be closer to home, and I want the best educational opportunities for my own babies. Very torn between what I had considered my "home," for seven years and this new opportunity, I ultimately made the decision to move on...and it was primarily because I knew that it would be the best decision for my family. It always interests me how interested OTHERS are about this change....and let's be's mainly for information about specific schools and school systems. All I can say is this....I feel very blessed that God has chosen to use me at the current school that I am at. I have always been amongst SUPERIOR teachers in the past and present....and I will continue to try my very best in the position that I am in. Right now, I am co-teaching in first grade. The kids are great, and I am adjusting and enjoying being back in a homeroom setting! I am excited to have all of my babies with me at LOA next year!


Faith and Cameron were not accepted into LOA this year. So, they are attending Lakeview Academy's Bright from the Start PreK program. At the last minute, a spot opened for Mallory, too! So, all of my babies are in one spot. We had to say goodbye to Granny B....which was hard to do. Goodbye did not last long, however. After a rough week at school, I decided that I couldn't handle it ALL. So, Granny B comes on Fridays to help at the house. She keeps the kids for a couple of hours until I can get home, as well. I think that she is SUPER excited to continue to be a part of our lives...we know that we are happy to have her!

The kids are liking school okay...I would not say that they are LOVING it. They are not excited about going, but it seems that they have a good time when they get there. They HATE homework....and I can foresee a LONG road ahead of me/them in that capacity. Mallory is having the hardest time. She cannot understand that Faith and Cam are in the same class, but she is left alone in hers. After much talking, I convinced that that her going their class would be she had finally opened up in her classroom and has began talking SOME.

Things to come

We are looking forward to our fall breaks....although our fall breaks do not align with each other. I think that we are all in need of a break. On October 7th, please be in prayer for our Ray-Ray. She will have a brain tumor removed. It will be a LONG surgery, but the doctors are very optimistic. Please be in prayer for not only Ray-Ray but her doctor's and family, as well!

I think that's it! I am sure that there will be funny stories to come SOON!

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