Sunday, March 16, 2014

Popcorn Trees and Playground Hair

I can not believe how quickly this year is moving along. We JUST celebrated Faith and Cam's birthday, and, here I am, about to plan Mallory's THIRD! I've really done a bad job keeping up with posts, but the kids loved the snow/ice. However, the warmer weather that we've been having has definitely made us ready for SPRING. Cameron could live outside!

We have had quite the busy weeks and weekends lately. Cody has been out of town twice, and I have had to take a trip for work, as well. On all occasions, we both realized how much better things flow when we are both here....and it  makes us extremely thankful for the other. :) We've had great support, of course, with family chipping in when available!

So...bringing us up to this week....

I was the first to bring home "the cold." It's a hard one to shake and it lingers. Cody soon got it....and you know how it goes. I knew that it was only a matter of time before all three kiddos would need to go to the doctor...colds around here usually develop into ear infections, but I was still hopeful. Needless to say, after a night of a screaming Mallory, we needed a trip to the pediatrician on Friday. Although Faith and Cameron were not complaining of their ears, why not let them take a look, too?
Mallory has what the doctor called, "A screaming ear infection," while Faith has fluid. Cameron thinks he is tough since he checked out ok. :)

My doctor's visits never disappoint in regards to excitement or catastrophe. Since I had to get home from Putnam and to Athens in about one hour and thirty minutes, I decided to not call on help from dad in such a short time frame...BIG. MISTAKE. As soon as we entered the office with Mallory on my shoulder, the poor baby puked all over my back and in the waiting room. Talk about Poor Mallory walked all over the pharmacy with her little puke bag. Faith and Cameron yelled at me the whole way home about how "Mommy stinks." Note to self: I need a change of clothes in the diaper bag, too. The bad news is that kiddos are STILL just as congested as ever. This cold is ROUGH!

On a cute note, Cameron has been saying some of the most hilarious things. While I was talking to them about the pretty trees that are blooming with white flowers, he tells me that they are "popcorn trees." How cute is THAT? They kinda' DO look like popcorn!!! When he came down the slide at Chick-fil-A with his hair standing straight up, he said that he had "playground hair." That kid. Love him. Finally, he told Cody that all of the girls "love" him at school. They all want to kiss him. One of the girls with "white hair," wants to marry him. This kid! Love him!

Mallory not-so happy Friday. I got a lot of looks, and she told me, "Don't bodda me." LOL.

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