Saturday, August 18, 2012

MaDnEsS, I Say!!!

Okay....ignore that last post. You know, the one where I said that I cry my eyeballs out each day because of leaving my kids???!!! Yeah, they have almost killed me....and narrowly escaped injuring themselves today, too. Sooo.....maybe I should reconsider that I-want-to-stay-at-home-kick that I have been on. LOL!!! No. Seriously. I will be crying again on has been less than pleasant or enjoyable. Faith, Cam, and Mallory are all out of sorts. I'm so stinkin' tired. Cody looked at me in the grocery store and said, "Your eyes are red." WELL. THANKS...and DUH....your children have about EXHAUSTED me today!!! You ask how and why??? Here goes....

Cody needed to do some work at the shop. So, it was just me and the three kiddos here. It was great at first. We ate breakfast, we read books, we played. Then, I had the bright idea of cleaning house. That's when these little boogers took FULL advantage of not having my undivided attention. These are the things that occurred:

1. All necklaces and hair bows were utilized.....all over the house and my babies. Cameron even insisted he was a girl and wore earrings.
2.I caught Mallory standing in a chair trying to plug both ends of a phone charger into the wall.
3. All three kids snuck upstairs....twice.
4. Brooms and mops were consistently taken from their appropriate placed and used everywhere but the floor.
5. Three monkeys were found climbing on the bed, jumping on the bed, and hiding under the bed.
6. If the three amigos were not plotting against me, they were plotting against each other, screaming that one or the other were, "Bad, bad, bad," or "Mean, mean, mean."
7. The child proof gate became un-child proof after it was tugged and pulled upon, which ultimately put a hole in the wall.
8. Mallory fell down at least four steps.
9. Milk was leaked on the floor....carpet.
10....and this is the best one yet....I found Faith and Cameron on top of the dining room table eating their lunch (I ran to their room for just a few to pick them out some clothes). It flipped over...yes...with food...MUSTARD onto the floor.

Needless to say. The cleaning of the house halted until Cody got home. The madness continued. At the grocery store....

1. Faith and Cameron insist that they had to potty.
2. Faith announced to the whole entire store, "I have to POOP, daddy!!!!" This was AFTER they had already went potty. OMG!!!
3. Mallory tossed every item that she could possibly outside of the cart. One man in the store was cheering her on. He said, "Do it again!!! Do it again!!!"
4. We lost the Ingles card....but they looked up our number thank goodness.
5. By the end, we had two crying before we walked out the door.

BUT....I will say that this grocery trip was better than the last....Faith busted her trip ever.

Ahhhhh. I am sure that this will be funny at some point in my life, and I am actually able to laugh about it now. It wasn't quite so funny when it was happening, though! I'm always amazed, however, how these little people can make me go mad in one moment and melt my heart in the next. Before bed, Cameron said that he wanted to thank God for "butterflies." How sweet, innocent, and angelic is that?

Hoping for a better day tomorrow! ;)

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