Thursday, February 23, 2012

Boys CAN Wear Pink, Too!

Once upon a time, it concerned me that Cameron went for Faith's dolls. I was so paranoid that he would ONLY like dolls and have some sort of identity crisis! Silly, I know! However, I quickly got over it. The child clearly loves tools, trucks, tractors, and the outdoors just as well as any boy....who cares if he likes dolls, too?

Now, I find it amusing that Cameron finds Faith's kitchen just as entertaining as his tool bench. He can iron like a pro and sweep a floor as well as any maid (well...maybe I am exaggerating, here...but he DOES love a broom). I am convinced that this child will grow into a "well-rounded" little man! Seriously, what woman wouldn't want a guy, who is compassionate, domesticated, AND into all of the "guy things." I think that he will follow in the footsteps of his daddy, who is an excellent husband and father!

So, okay. I do draw the line when Cameron wants to wear a bow, because he is convinced that it will make him look "pretty." I explain that "little girls wear bows and boys wear hats."  However, I couldn't resist picking up the cutest collared shirt for him the other day...and...don't was pink with broad, blue stripes. Personally, I like men in pink....especially my little Cameron. He looks adorable, don't you think?

I showed Cameron his shirt before putting it on, and he was eager to wear kids LOVE new clothes. However, I almost fell on the floor laughing, when (after I put it on him) he claimed looking down at it so innocently, "Taifs (Faith's) shirt." Faith made it even more funny. She pointed at him and said, "Cameron....pinkt (pink)!"

Cameron wore the shirt all day and not another word was said about it....AND...I mean....C'MON....
only a real and true guy can wear pink AND.......

drive a John Deere Gator!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cookie Snatcher!

Uh-oh. Miss Mallory is learning fast! We always laugh about how tough she has become...she can't help but be. To keep up with her siblings, she has developed a rather tough skin. She will fight off Faith and Cameron when she does not want something to be taken from her, and, now, she is doing some taking of her own!

Mallory is NOT a little girl. I recently pulled out all of Faith's summer clothes from last year....and guess what?! I don't think that Mallory will be fitting into any of those clothing items. She's tall and just a bigger build. That's why I found it even more humorous when this silly girl snatched a cookie from Cameron's plate. She was SO proud, too! Can't you tell? Cameron was crying, "Tookie, tookie!" I couldn't help but laugh!

Mallory's little personality is coming out more and more each and every day. She still remains less active than Faith and Cameron were at this age (not in the developmental sense...but just in the sense of being busy), but she DOES like to entertain. I am trying very hard to capture this cute little thing she does with her nose. When she thinks that something is funny, she wrinkles her nose, and it is perhaps one of the cutest things that I have ever seen. She likes to clap for herself, too....especially after she has done something that she is very proud of.

Mallory has a lot to be proud of, too. In addition to saying dog and duck. She came out with, "Hey," and "cat" this week! She is giving fives and loves to say, "uh-oh!"  Go, Mallory, Go!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mischievous Monkeys

Sorry! I am falling down on my blogging duties! Ooops...but I really have not been in the blogging mood. I really have not taken many pictures lately, either. It hasn't helped that we have gotten in the routine with laying in the bed with the kiddos until they go to sleep, and, well, that usually means I fall asleep, too! Anyway, not many funny stories from this weekend and only ONE picture!

This weekend was one of the first in many in which we had nowhere to go and NOTHING to do! It was great, but I think that the kiddos were needing and wanting a change in scenery! It seemed that they were busier and more demanding than ever. We did make our usual weekend trip to WalMart, which I dread to no extent...and why? Well, it's not the best way to spend hundreds of dollars....I mean, c'mon....who wants to spend that all the while begging children to sit down, be quiet, and stop hitting and tormenting each other!!!??? Anyway, we got home right at dinner time, which added to the torture as we unloaded and tried to prepare dinner while the kiddos impatiently awaited to be served! Faith and Cameron continued to yell, "Milk, milk, milk!!!!" I almost lost it yelling, "NO MILK UNTIL YOU SAY PLEASE!!!" Once I thought that I got my point across, I asked, "So what do you say?" Faith's response?  "Juice???" Well, at least she didn't scream milk again, and I guess that that was good enough for me! :)

After dinner, the mischief continued as it did all weekend. I am not quite sure what was up with my children. They were all out of whack! Here is just a  example of how the weekend went.

They are little monkeys!!! Cameron got on top of the trashcan with such ease and Faith was yelling, "Faith's turn!!!"

Saturday, February 4, 2012

LOOK! They're BIG Kids Now!...or so they think!

Just some updates and a few funny stories/pics....

Little Miss Mallory is becoming quite the entertainer!  I have already blogged about her ability to say,"duck." Well, she continues to do that MORE, and, if that isn't enough, she has decided to say "dog"....and even make the dog noise. WOOHOO...GO MALLORY! She also LOVE, LOVES, LOVES Faith and Cam's new chairs....she will most definitely be getting one of these for HER birthday. She discovered that she can climb right on up in them herself. We feared that she might topple out and hit her head, so we placed pillows all seems that she does take something after her brother and sister....she is as rough as they come. The pillows became a game, and she dived out onto them time and time again!!!  Here is my little princess all dressed up in Cam's chair!

Oh! Mallory is also working on tooth three and four!

Last weekend, I had quite the event with Faith. Faith has been rather clear about her feelings concerning potty training. My feelings are, "Why push her? Pick your battles." I've come to the realization that it just isn't happening. I am hoping that this summer will be perfect timing. I will be home, we won't have to strip off all of the winter clothing, and I will be able to let the roam "freely." So, I was rather surprised when Faith showed some interest in potty-training Sunday afternoon. She was determined that she was not taking a surprise there. She got up and down....up and down. She told me once that she had to "stink." She's pulled this trick on me once before, so I brushed her off. However, when she got up for the millionth time and had actually done her business, I set in on, "Faith, if you can tell me that you need to go potty, I think that it is time for you to wear big girl panties." She just gave me that look, and I sent her back to bed.  Next thing I know, Faith is in the kitchen looking at me like this....

That's right...that little stinker went into her bedroom and put on every pair of panties that she has! Again, we had a little "big girl panties talk," and I asked her if she wanted to wear them. She shook her head yes!!! I explained the routine of how we were going to have to sit on the potty and so on, and she continued to shake her head yes over and over! I was super proud and excited....she obviously saw the glimmer in my eyes and knew that she was getting somewhere with not having to take a nap. Needless to say, her desire to wear big girl panties dwindled as soon as Cameron got up. That little trickster! Grrrrrr.........

Cameron loves to be like his daddy. He wants to wear a hat like daddy, cologne like daddy, a belt like daddy, AND.....

...obviously deodorant like his daddy. He pulled this stunt one night last week. He disappeared for two second while I was cleaning up and thought it was hilarious.

My babies...they're growing up! We have Mallory reaching milestone after milestone, Faith wanting...or at least tricking me into thinking that she wants to wear panties, and Cameron wearing deodorant!!!