Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Is This Normal?!

Sleepless night. Not unusual for me. It's not something that is extremely frequent but routine enough for me to know that it's coming. The days that don't go as planned are a sure trigger and a warning sign that sleep will not come quickly.

So here I am. Scrolling through Facebook looking at all of these perfect lives and perfect posts....and although I smile to see all of the positives, is it terrible to say I would love to see someone post a blatantly honest post?! I mean, the one that really tells me about your day??? Like, perhaps, how you turned the house upside down just to find your screaming child a pair of socks because your laundry is piled sky high?! Does that make me a horrible person? I just want to feel a sense of normal, people! These posts are making me feel anything but normal!!! I would post about my horrible day on fb, but, let's be honest, it's gonna take a whole lot more than a sentence or two. Enter blog that I have long forgotten...

Our day started off fairly well, although we did have a search for socks in the sky high laundry. When you have kiddos that are extremely picky about how their socks fit, it is that more difficult. We were at school on time....early even. Win!!!

The fact that my day went down the drain was basically work related. Anyone, who thinks teachers have an 8-3 day, are insane. The summers and holidays are earned and deserved. I take my job seriously....too much so. I just had a million things going through my mind today. It was making me panicked and a little "off." I found out that I have a training tomorrow so I needed to find a sub. How did I forget that one?! OMG! That meant planning for a sub was necessary, too! That's more work than if you would actually be there yourself. I also had a meeting, which is always intended for the good but ultimately makes me feel sub par.  It's Tuesday, people, and, by Wednesday, did I mention that I will have already had three meetings? By weeks end, it will be a total of 5. That's a lot of prep time and overtime. My poor kids have been getting home from school around 6pm lately. We get there at 6:50 mommy. guilt. I say all of these things to not make people pity me or realize the amount of effort and time teachers put in. I say these things to get to my point.....

So, I swing by McDs for the kids for dinner. They complain about the length of time it's taking to get there, and, who can blame them? They've only been up since 5:50 am!!!! They argue. They fight. They are all seated in the middle one wants to sit in the back!!! Close proximity means touching I mean hitting. Hitting creates screaming....all while I try to order and check in with my mom by phone. Have you ever begged your children? I mean, literally pleaded with them so sincerely that they can see desperation in your face and hear it in your voice?...and they stop doing whatever it is that you are begging them to stop if just for a moment or two? I was at that point. My voice was cracking as I pleaded. I may have had a tear or two rolling down my face. They were quiet for the rest of the ride home.

When we got home, I sent the kids to the table with their fast food and they ate alone. I folded clothes. What has happened? I once cooked dinner frequently and we ate together. I simply don't know what has happened to my time!!!  Homework time didn't start until 7pm with baths to follow.

I sat with Cam tonight doing his homework and I looked at him....just looked at him. Then, I realized, "Wow. When have I done that?! When have I had the chance or taken the time to sit and really take it all in and look at how truly special they are?" We go through the motions. Many times they talk to me and I answer, "Uh-huhhhh." I don't even look up. I'm guilty.

I know my bad day is all about me. There are no horror stories about the kids that will leave me laughing later. It. Just . Makes. Me. Sad.

So, there it is. Honesty. Please tell me I'm normal.

Monday, July 11, 2016

You are Using that Word Incorrectly

This weekend, we decided to take the kiddos bowling. We are not a family of bowlers. Seriously. The kids weren't far from winning the match (is that what it is called???) maybe that just means that Cody and I stink at bowling, and they are actually good. We had a great time. There was zero fighting, whining, OR arguing. Perhaps, we should go bowling EVERY. DAY.

We had only a few eyebrow-raising events. Mallory insisted on throwing the ball rather than rolling it, which led to the ball STOPPING in the lane. I know it must happen A LOT. The guy working was very nice on the couple of occasions that we needed assistance. Sometimes, it took a whopping twenty-five seconds (yes, we timed it) for the kids' balls to make it completely down the lane. Surrounding players thought it was pretty cute. The funniest moment for me happened in the read that right. As I took Faith to the potty, she sat and loudly proclaimed, "I have to ON-A-MOT-A-PEEEEEEEE-YAAAAAAAA!" She said this a couple of times, as I tried to quiet her. No, the restroom is never empty. Although the teacher inside of me was slightly happy that she was somewhat saying the word onomatopoeia, it was a little discouraging that it was used incorrectly....and deliberately. The teacher-me had to then speak in an equally loud voice, "Now, Faith was does that word REALLY mean? When to we use onomatopoeia?" Like the occupant in the bathroom really cared! made me feel a little better, though.  :)

We played two rounds (or is it matches???), and I hope that we will be going back soon!

To close, I have some random words of wisdom from our Mallory. This week, as we discussed who would take a bath first, Mallory announced, "Girls have to take baths so hairs don't grow from their legs. Boys need to put on deodorant so they don't smell like billy goats." SOOOOOOOO......there you have it.....Mallory is full of advice concerning good hygiene. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Charles...Gone but Not Forgotten

Sad, how easily we forget things. As I told a friend about one of our first vacations with children, I recalled that I had blogged about it. As I searched the blog for the post, I came across so many things that have been long forgotten. I came across things that brought a huge smile to my face and prompted me to turn and ask the kiddos, "Hey! Do you guys remember this?!" If they didn't, they loved to hear the story, and they have begged me to read the blog to them.

Good old Charles...I can't believe that I had forgotten him. He is the figure that could be a kid one day and a grown man the next. He was the one that influenced Cameron to do all things bad in his toddler years. If you ever asked Cameron WHY he was in to such mischief, he was proud to announce that Charles did it or told him to. The pediatrician even heard stories of Charles. I found several stories about Charles during my blog search! I giggled and asked Cameron if he remembered Charles. He smiled and said, "You mean my imaginary friend?" He wouldn't elaborate and the conversation ended there. Charles is a thing of the past, I guess. I kinda' miss the character!

As the years pass, I have slowly stopped snapping photos, printing photos, and definitely blogging. Skimming posts made me realize how easily and how much can be forgotten. I MUST do better! I have two first graders and a kindergartener! TIME SLOW DOWN!

Life is definitely just as interesting as it was when I blogged frequently....if not more. The kids have quite the personalities, which are all very different from each other. A day never goes by when I don't have to turn my back so that they don't see me laughing at a comment or action they make.

Faith is my firecracker. She runs the show and she is a natural leader. She doesn't want or need help. What drives me crazy about her will ultimately make her a very successful woman. She can manipulate to get her way, but she also has a very loving side.....she is a true friend.  She loves snap chat and has recently requested her own phone. :)

Cameron is my little boy with the kind heart. Not as confident as his sister, he isn't the bold one. Loving all things hunting, he vows to shoot his first deer this year.  He has already found his true love and tells me that he will never move far away...just across the pasture with his wife.  His giggle is infectious, and he finds the most humor in potty humor or some other form of mischief.....he no longer blames Charles!

My Mallory is the baby, indeed. She stays glued to momma, and she is my official bedtime buddy. Mallory is shy, and she often likes to play alone. She does her own thing and isn't a follower. She has such a kind and soft heart and is a bit of a worrier. Mallory can also try to manipulate me with her moody ways. Today, after I wouldn't let her have a popsicle, she threatened me with, "Well, I won't be your bedtime buddy!" My response??? "Oh REALLY?! I really love you sleeping on my head every night!" Faith rolled her eyes and said, "C'mon Mallory. Mom really doesn't like you as a bedtime buddy."

Love them.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

You're Thankful for Dating?!

Facebook has really gotten me in the mood to blog again. Each day, I see past past posts and things that I have so easily forgotten. So....I'm going to give this blogging a try once more.  That way, if I DO forget little moments, I will be able to easily retrieve them.

I will NOT try to play catch up....I will begin right in the present. We are on Thanksgiving break, and the time away from school is much needed! I'm so happy that all of my kiddos like school, but we are all exhausted. This Thanksgiving we are very thankful that we are all at Lake Oconee Academy together. Prayers were certainly answered. So, this week we are trying to relax, gear up for Christmas, and have a little fun.

Thanksgiving break is never complete without someone being sick. Today, we made a trip to Athens for Mallory....ear infection. Luckily, she doesn't feel too bad....she wanted to go see a movie this morning (along with Faith and Cam), and their wish is my command. We already have our Christmas tree up and ready. Tomorrow we are going to start cooking for Thursday (basically desserts).

They have certainly been energetic this week...and they are on a kick in which two often pair up against one. Many times, Cam and Mallory stick together. Their conversation usually goes something like, "Hey, wanna be my best buddy? Come play this with me." This really means, "Hey, Mallory. Come play this with me and don't play with Faith."
Other times, the girls team up on poor Cameron. Somehow, I never feel sorry for Faith when she is left out. That girl can take care of herself. Cameron, however, is SO KIND HEARTED. As soon as the girls start on him, he comes crying...just heartbroken...."Day hurtin' my feewings!!!"

Thanksgiving  break is not much of a break, but I am Thankful that I have this craziness in my life. I will end with some of the things that my kiddos are thankful for.  They were asked to identify what freedoms they were thankful for for Veteran's Day....but I think that it is appropriate to share right here at Thanksgiving, too. These were their responses at school:

Cameron: I am thankful for the freedom of having a place to sleep.

Faith: I am thankful for the freedom of marrying and dating.

That last sentence ensures me that I have a LONG road ahead.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

My Little Teachers

I cannot believe that the school year is flying by. MARCH is almost here and it is hard to fathom that I will have two in kindergarten and one in preschool very soon!  All of my babies will be in school, and, hopefully, at LOA with me.  I remember contemplating where we would send the kids to school (only an issue here in Greene) when they were babies, and we always said, "WELL, that's a LONG time away." A long time ended very quickly! As March nears, Cody and I are also reminded that we could have had a little one turning SIX at this time, possibly sharing a birthday with YaYa. With that loss came an understanding that things and life occurs in His timing....not that of our own. We are so grateful for our sweet family, and each March I'm reminded of the trials that also brought us triumph.

The kids are doing great at school and Faith and Cameron are well adjusted to being separated. I have  been slightly alarmed by the things the kiddos have obviously been teaching their peers, however, although these things have also made me giggle....

 Cameron often chooses to go in the house keeping area during center time. Of course, he would! He has a kind heart, who loves his "baby" better than the girls like their dolls.....and don't judge, people.....I think it's great for him to show characteristics of being a good daddy. Housekeeping would be a perfect place to play mommy and daddy! HOWEVER.....when he also turns up a container and calls it a "daddy drink," that's really not a proud mommy moment. Yes, he did this at the housekeeping center.  I insist....we ARE NOT alcoholics and I do not allow drunkenness within my house!!! However, Cody does enjoy a beverage of choice in the afternoons....hence, the "Daddy drink."  Faith's extracurriculars, on the other hand, consist of teaching friends how to give "wet willies."  She vehemently denies such activity, but there are too many friends, who say otherwise.

Mallory will soon be turning four! She is my quiet one, and I don't think I will be hearing such stories about her. The challenge with little Mallory is to get her to come out of her shell (in public places, at least). She wants an "Elsa" party, and I really need to start getting on top of that! She is ready for wam weather!!! She detests winter clothing and prefers shorts and t-shirts each day after returning home from school.

How lucky are we?! Three kiddos with such different personalities!!!
Mallory after her last birthday!!! Can't believe she will be four soon!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Would You Jump off a Bridge If.....

Faith and Cameron are now FIVE. I can't believe it! I still think of them as little babies, but I catch glimpses of the big girl and boy that they truly are.  I catch those glimpses as we have conversations, as they jump into the car and buckle themselves, and as they kiss mommy and daddy goodbye and walk into a classroom (tear).  When I have time to sit and truly watch them at play, I think, "Wow. I can't believe these babies ARE NOT babies. How can this be?!" As many, I often get caught up in the craziness of life and often find myself going through the motions of each day. There have been many days that I simply want to survive.  In doing so, these kiddos have seemed to grow overnight!  This birthday reminded me of the need to SLOW DOWN....because time certainly will not.

The birthday party was a success. We had it at Pump It Up in Athens and we had a great turnout! I am so thankful that Faith and Cam have such good little buddies.  The party was superhero themed, with the cake being a half blue and half pink Superman emblem. It was great.

These days, my kiddos are getting good at blaming things on each other....OR....they have done something because the other has told them to or done it first.  I am also getting good at becoming my own parents, which is not a BAD thing. Today, Mallory tried to get herself out of trouble by claiming that Cameron had done something FIRST. I proceeded with the famous line of, "Well, if Cam jumped off a bridge, would YOU?!" That just doesn't work on my kids...I've tried it before, and I do not know why I keep using the line. All three thought that this was funny. "YEAH," Mallory said, seemingly excited about jumping off of a bridge.  Okay.....well....I tried the line of "If Cameron picks his nose, would you?" That didn't work, either. All three immediately put their fingers up their noses and died laughing. AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't win when they are all against me.

They are not all bad, though. They have some good tendencies.  On the way to Madison tonight, Cameron wanted to spit his gum out. Cody rolled down the window and said, "Spit far, son."  Cameron was looking at Cody like he was crazy and adamantly shook his head no. We all urged him to do it. I thought he was simply scared with the window down. Cameron shouted, "I can't do dat! Dats called a litta bug." Yep, Cameron. Littering is a no no. :) 

The night ended at WalMart, tonight. The kids now HATE shopping. However, we HAD to have something for breakfast tomorrow morning, and I needed to pick up some things for LOA's spirit week.  The kids stayed in the car with Cody. I am certain that I took longer than necessary, and as I reached the parking lot, the car was empty. Where could they be? Yep. Multiple potty needs. Cody had the treat of one at the urinal and two in the stalls, shouting that "It may be a while."  He didn't think that it was as funny as I did.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Potty Humor

Within the last four weeks, we have had a virus, pink eye, the flu, and ear infections. I have to say that my children are not normally so "sickly."  However, when we DO happen to catch something, we really make a go at it. We are perfectionists in this house, and we don't do ANYTHING half way. ;)  We are now on a second round of antibiotics trying to get everyone all better before school.

It's great that kids are so resilient. They have a fever one minute and are jumping from one couch to the other the next second. In fact, only shortly ago, we administered Motrin for achy ears....I am now begging these children to stop jumping on the bed. As. I. Type. It sure is pitiful when they DO fall lifeless on the sure is hard to convince pediatricians/pharmacists that your kids have a legitimate reason to be in the office when they are all smiles and mischief.

Friday morning, I called the pediatrician upon their opening.  Only giving me one hour and ten minutes to get my three sleeping children to Athens, we were in a race to get out the door. I am proud to say that we made it.. AND...not a minute late. We also had matching socks on AND all shoes were on the correct feet (something that we have become notorious for NOT accomplishing).  Anywho, my lovely children were fairly well behaved, until the doctor happened to scoot her chair closer to them.  The scoot sounded more like a bodily function that rhymes with scoot. As the pediatrician listened to Faith's chest, Faith certainly tried her best to maintain composure. Cameron began to make his own noises, and the trio couldn't hold in their laughter. I'm glad our doctor can appreciate potty humor.  She could also see and hear A LOT of congestion so enter the antibiotics. 

While the antibiotics do their jobs, my kids are also trying to find remedies for ME. I'm not oblivious to the fact that I am seeing some definite signs of aging! These fine lines and wrinkles are NO JOKE.  The kids often see me with a mask or cleanser on my face, so THEY are not oblivious to the fact that I do not embrace the fine lines and wrinkles.  Yesterday, a skincare commercial came on. I'm sure the girl wasn't a day over twenty.  Cameron said, "Mom. You should get that stuff. Dat girl doesn't have no wrinkles like you."  Love it.  No harm, though...he made up for that remark when he told me today, "I love you. Your name is on my heart."  Watch out girls. This boy can say ALL OF THE RIGHT THINGS!